intelligent instrumentation microprocessor applications in measurement and controlPDF电子书下载
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1.Introduction and History 1
1.1 Intel ligentvs Dumb Instrumentation 1
1.2 Information and Signal Processing 3
1.3 Systems Engineering 3
1.4 A Historical Perspective of Measurement 4
1.5 Types of Measurement and Instrument Specification 9
1.6 Intelligent Instrumentation 9
Interlude 1 13
2.Temperature Measurement 14
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 Expansion Thermometers 17
2.3 Thermoelectric Thermometers 21
2.4 Resistance Thermometers 25
2.5 Radiation Thermometers (Optical Pyrometry) 29
2.6 Practical Considerations in Thermometry 32
Exercises 2 34
Bibliography 2 35
3.Force and Weight Measurement 36
3.1 Some Definitions 36
3.2 Weight Measurement 38
3.3 Force Measurement by Elastic Transducers 40
3.4 Types of Elastic Element 42
3.5 Methods of Force Measurement 42
3.6 Strain Gauges 43
3.7 Piezoelectric Transducers 48
3.8 Linear Differential Transformers 48
3.9 Force Balance Transducers 49
3.10 Other Force Transducers 50
3.11 Torque Measurement 50
3.12 Conclusion 52
Exercises 3 52
Bibliography 3 53
4.Pressure Measurement 54
4.1 Introduction 54
4.2 Direct Pressure Measurement 60
4.3 Indirect Pressure Measurement 61
4.4 Electrical Pressure Transducers 64
4.5 Other Pressure Transducers 68
4.6 Conclusions 71
Exercises 4 71
Bibliography4 72
5.Flow Measurement 73
5.1 Introduction 73
5.2 Historical Background 74
5.3 Technical Background to Flow Measurement 74
5.4 PointVelocity Measurements 76
5.5 Gross Volume Flow Measurement 82
5.6 Gross Mass Flow Measurement 88
5.7 Open Duct or Channel Flows 93
5.8 Conclusions 95
Exercises 5 95
Bibliography 5 95
6.Selected Other Measurements 97
6.1 Introduction 97
6.2 Humidity 98
6.3 Acidity/Alkalinity(pH) 99
6.4 Density 101
6.5 Sound 102
6.6 Level 103
6.7 Motion 105
6.8 Chemical Analysis 109
6.9 Conclusions 110
Exercises 6 111
Bibliography 6 111
7.Digital Transducers 112
7.1 Introduction 112
7.2 What Is Digital Transduction? 112
7.3 Digital Encoders 115
7.4 A Selection of Digital Transducers 118
7.5 Conclusions 128
Exercises 7 128
Bibliography 7 129
8.Units,Standards and Errors 130
8.1 Units and Standards 130
8.2 Errors 137
8.3 Conclusions 150
Exercises 8 150
Bibliography 8 151
Tutorial 1(chaps 2-8) 153
Revision 1(chaps 2-8) 154
Interlude 2 161
9.Number Systems,Logic and Logic Elements 162
9.1 Number Systems 162
9.2 Logic 170
9.3 Logic Elements 173
Exercises 9 178
Bibliography 9 179
10.The Digital Computer 180
10.1 Introduction 180
10.2 Types of Digital Computer 181
10.3 Components of a Digital Computer System 182
10.4 Structure of a Central Processing Unit 182
10.5 The Power of a Digital Computer 184
10.6 Microprocessors,Microcomputers and Microprocessing Systems 193
Exercises 10 193
Bibliography 10 194
11.Input-Output Structures 195
11.1 Introduction 195
11.2 Basic I-O Activity 196
11.3 Information Transfers 196
11.4 Input-Output Structures 200
11.5 Signalling of External Events 205
11.6 Microcomputer I-O Structures 209
Exercises 11 211
Bibliography 11 211
12.Measurement of Digital Computer Power and Performance 212
12.1 Power and Performance 212
12.2 Benchmarks and Performance Measurement 212
12.3 Benchmarks 213
12.4 Performance Measurement 220
12.5 Example of Performance Measurement andTuning 226
12.6 Conclusions 229
Exercises 12 230
Bibliography 12 230
13.Analogue Signal Conversion 233
13.1 Introduction 233
13.2 Digital to Analogue Conversion 234
13.3 Analogue to Digital Conversion 242
13.4 Convertor Characteristics 250
Exercises 13 255
Bibliography 13 256
14.Interface Components and Techniques 257
14.1 Introduction 257
14.2 Analogue Components 257
14.3 LogicComponents 263
14.4 Good Interface Practice 269
Exercises 14 273
Bibliography 14 274
15.Signal Processing 275
15.1 Continuous and Discrete-Signals and Systems 275
15.2 Mathematical Matters 276
15.3 Errors in Signal Processing 277
15.4 Data Input 277
15.5 Output Data 284
15.6 Time Delays 288
15.7 Other Processing Considerations 290
Exercises 15 292
Bibliography 15 293
16.Interface Systems and Standards 294
16.1 Introduction 294
16.2 Input Signal Flow 295
16.3 Output Signal Flow 300
16.4 Standard Interface Systems 301
16.5 Proprietary Interface Systems 306
Exercises 16 309
Bibliography 16 310
17.Communications 311
17.1 Distributed Control Systems 311
17.2 Interconnecting Devices 314
17.3 Serial Computer and Equipment Connections 315
17.4 Communication Standards 319
17.5 Local Area Networks 321
17.6 LAN’s in a Control Environment 325
Exercises 17 327
Bibliography 17 327
Tutorial 2(chaps 9-17) 328
Revision 2(chaps 9-17) 329
Interlude 3 337
18.Real Time Languages 338
18.1 Historical Aspects 338
18.2 Programming Languages and Support Utilities 339
18.3 Choice of Language Level 343
18.4 Choice of a Real Time Language 345
18.5 User Requirements for a Real Time Language 346
18.6 Language Requirements for a Real Time Language 348
18.7 Real Time Languages 352
18.8 Language Comparisons 364
Exercises 18 365
Bibliography 18 365
19.Programming Real Time Systems 366
19.1 Introduction 366
19.2 Program Structure 367
19.3 Program Decomposition 368
19.4 Program Composition 374
19.5 Data Structures 378
19.6 Conclusions 383
Exercises 19 383
Bibliography 19 384
20.Real Time Operating Systems 385
20.1 Introduction 385
20.2 Tasks,Priorities and Interrupts 386
20.3 Design of Real Time Operating Systems 397
20.4 Some Considerations of Real Time Operating Systems 403
Exercises 20 406
Bibliography 20 406
Tutorial 3 (chaps 18-20) 407
Revision 3 (chaps 18-20) 408
Interlude 4 413
21.Case Studies in Instrumentation 414
Case Study 11 A Lift-in-Service Indicator 415
12 Measurement of Magnetic Field Density 419
13 (Thermistor) Temperature Measurement:Digital Transmission 423
14 (Semiconductor) Temperature Measurement:Analogue Transmission 427
15 Boiler House Status Monitoring 430
16 Load Weighing in a Lift System 434
17 Detection of the Resonant Frequency of a Vibrating Beam 439
18 Platelet Counting in Blood Samples 443
22.Case Studies in Control and Computing 447
Case Study CC1 A Hardware Interface for a Hybrid Computer 448
CC2 A Lift System Data Logger 455
CC3 Remote Monitoring of Building Services 460
CC4 A Distributed Data Acquisition and Control System 464
CC5 Evaluation by Simulation of the Effects of Time Delay,Sample Rate and Quantisation 469
CC6 Account Processing of Remotely Monitored Information 475
CC7 Flow Control 479