三夷教研究 林悟殊先生古稀纪念论文集PDF电子书下载
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- 出版年份:2222
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林悟殊先生与中古三夷教研究&张小贵 李清波 1
1《注疏集》摩尼教章节译释&芮传明 24
2“吃菜事魔”名实再探&杨富学 史亚军 35
3 Manichaeism meets Chinese Buddhism:Some comments on the‘sutrafication’of the Sermon on the Light-Nous&Gunner Mikkelsen 50
4 A Manichaean Sogdian hymn in two scripts&Nicholas Sims-Williams 64
5 The Iconographical Affiliation and the Re- ligious Message of the Judgment Scene in the Chinese Manichaean Cosmology Painting&Gabor Kosa 77
6 The Passion of Jesus in Manichaean Painting&Zsuzsanna Gulacsi 162
7 Charisma of Mildness: Goddess Artistic Images and the Female Followers of Chotcho Manichaean Church&Wang Yuanyuan 179
8 Letters from Sir Aurel Stein to Gustaf Raquette A lois van Tongerloo&&Michael Knuppel 222
9 Some Remarks on the Old Uigur Report on the Destruction of a Manichaean Monastery&Peter Zieme 244
10景教与明教的七时礼忏&马小鹤 254
11敦煌景教文献写本的真与伪&荣新江 268
12从两件德藏吐鲁番文书看景教与道教之联系&陈怀宇 290
13唐代基督宗教的宗教多元化策略&Matteo Nicolini-Zani 312
14 Commemorating the Martyrs and Saints at Turfan&Erica CD&Hunter 324
15 A Note on the Place Name “City of Royal Residence”(Wangshe-zhi-cheng王舍之城)in the Xi’an Stele&Max Deeg 338
16 Epigraphica Nestoriana Seriea (Ⅱ)&Samuel N.C.Lieu 360
17 Chonggu Si and Zhanhjiao Si: On the Christian Administration in Yuan China&Yin Xiaoping 381
18 A Study of Zurvanite Zoroastrianism:an Edition of‘Ulama-ye Islam of Another Version (UI-2) and its Long Quotation in a Book of Azar Kayvan School&Takeshi AOKI 405
19吉美博物馆所藏石重床的几点思考&沈睿文 426
20中古袄教华化概说&张小贵 曾超颖 484
附:林悟殊先生论著目录 504
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