1.活跃股票概念(Active Stock Concept) 1
2.亚当理论(Adam s Theory) 3
3.升降指数(Advance-Decline Line) 7
4.巴氏投资格言(Barlett s Maxims) 11
5.班氏短线入货讯号(Bemstein s Buying Signals) 15
6.大手成交原理(Big Block Activity Principle) 21
7.斗傻理论(Bigger Fool Theory) 23
8.债券周期投资策略(Bond Cycling Strategy) 25
9.债券股票比率(Bond/Stock Ratio) 29
10.长期持有股票策略(Buy and Hold Policy) 33
11.谣言入货战略(Buy on Rumours,Sell on News) 35
12.现金是皇帝概念(Cash is!King Concept) 37
13.顶峰谷底指标(Climax Indicator) 41
14.升跌确认原则(Confirmation Pnnciple) 45
15.定值投资计划(Constant Dollar Plan) 47
16.固定比率投资计划(Constant Ratio Plan) 51
17.反自我投资政策(Contra-Ego Buying Policy) 53
18.相反理论(Contrary Opinion Theory) 55
19.葛拿市价实值模式(Cootner s Price-Value Interaction Model) 61
20.危机投资原则(Crisis Oriented Investment Principle) 65
21.现时平均股息指标(Current Stock Yield Indicator) 67
22.创新高新低指标(Daily High/Low Indicator) 69
23.银行存款借贷比率(Debit/Loan Ratio) 73
24.发现周期概念(Discovery Cycle Concept) 75
25.背驰指标(Disparity Index) 79
26.分散投资原则(Diversification Principle) 83
27.股息股价相关模式(Dividend Relevance Model) 87
28.均价买入法(Dollar Cost Averaging) 89
29.优势原则(Dominance Principle) 95
30.四星期法则(Donchian s 4·week Rule) 97
31.杜氏理论(Dow Theory) 99
32.哑铃原理(Dumbell Principle) 105
33.推力方法与单向程式(Dunnigan s Thrust Method and One Way Formula) 107
34.动态分析(Dynamic Analysis) 113
35.十八年周期理论(18-year Cycle Theory) 117
36.艾略波浪理论(Elliot s Wave Principle) 121
37.神秘数字,黄金分割率(Fibonacci Summation Series) 125
38.百份之五十原则(50% Principle) 131
39.过渡器法则(Filter Rules) 133
40.理财金字塔模式(Financial Pyramid Model) 137
41.程式买卖计划(Formula Plan) 141
42.免费午餐理论(Free Luncheon Theorem) 145
43.江恩投资四方型(Gann s Square) 147
44.裂口理论(Gap Theory) 151
45.快买快卖炒股概念(Go-Go Investment Concept) 155
46.金银价格比率(Gold/Silver Ratio) 157
47.黄金定律指针系统(Golden Section Compass System) 159
48.格伦维尔买卖法则(Granville s Buying/Selling Rules) 161
49.股市换马测市概念(Group Rotation Concept) 163
50.哈奇投资计划(Hatch Plan) 167
51.数人头理论(Head Count Theory) 169
52.基本分析指标(Indicators,Fundamental) 171
53.辅助指标(Indicators,Secondary) 177
54.疑惑中投资法(Investment Rule in Doubt) 181
55.卡索夫认股证模式(Kassouf Model of Warrants) 183
56.小趋势法则(Ketlner s Minor Trend Rule) 185
57.凯恩斯长期好友理论(Keynesian Theory of Backwardation) 187
58.四十一月周期理论(Kitchin s 41-monthl Cycle Theory) 189
59.康克狄夫大波浪理论(Kondratieff s Long Wave Theory) 191
60.平均定律(Law of Averages) 197
61.重力定律(Law of Gravity) 199
62.李本博士群众论(Dr LeBon s Crowd) 203
63.生命周期投资概念(Life Cycle Investment Concept) 205
64.细价股原理(Low Priced Stock Principle) 211
65.总数回笼投资法(Lump Sum Investing Concept) 213
66.尾市理论(Market Close Theory) 217
67.领袖股原则(Market Leadership Principle) 221
68.马高域氏分散投资理论(Markowitz Diversification) 223
69.马丁基系统及反系统(Martingale Antimartingale System) 225
70.最大利润、最少损失法则(Maximin and Minimax Rules) 229
71.最大利润股票概念(Maximum Profit Stock Concept) 233
72.专业人士沽空指标(Member s Short Index) 237
73.新组合投资理论(Modem Portfolio Theory) 239
74.月亮效应(Moon s Effect) 245
75.移动平均线理论(Moving Averages) 247
76.梅菲法则(Murphy Rule) 259
77.基金现金资产比率(Mutual Funds Cash Assets Ratio) 261
78.N日法则(N-Day Rule) 263
79.成份股变量趋势指标(Net Field Trend) 265
80.新上市公司指标(New Offering Indicator) 269
81.新闻效应(1)(News Effect-1) 271
82.新闻效应(2)(News Effect-2) 273
83.九年周期理论(9-Year Cycle Theory) 275
84.密集区域买卖系统(Nofri s Congestion-phase System) 277
85.碎股理论(Odd Lot Theory) 279
86.未平仓合约(Open Interest) 281
87.机会成本概念(Opportunity Cost Concept) 283
88.用他人钱理论(Other People s Money) 285
89.永久投资组合理论(Permanent Portfolio Theory) 289
90.彼得原理(Peter s Principle) 293
91.大市到顶研究(Piccini s Study of Market Peak) 295
92.圈叉图(Point and Figure Charts) 297
93.美国政治周期股市理论(Political Stock Market Cycle Theory) 303
94.现值估价模式(Present Value Model) 307
95.资金分割原理(Principles of Segmentation) 311
96.心理线原理(Psychological Line Principle) 313
97.金字塔买卖法(Pyramiding) 317
98.韦利研究(RJS Studies) 323
99.随机漫步理论(Random Walk Hypothesis) 325
100.排次序原则(Ranking Principle) 331
101.投资比率概念(Rate of Investing Concept) 333
102.利润风险比率(Reward Risk Ratio) 335
103.风险溢价概念(Risk Premium Concept) 339
104.十八法则(Rule of 18) 341
105.增长股法则(Rule of Growth) 345
106.九比一法则(Rule of 9) 347
107.72法则,116法则(Rule of 72 and 116) 349
108.35%利率法则(Rule of 35) 353
109.20%短期利率法则(Rule of 20) 355
110.两次减息法则(Rule of 2) 357
111.月份性股票战略(Seasonal Stocks Strategy) 359
112.沽货策略(Selling Strategies) 363
113.沽空仓比率理论(Short Interest Ratio) 367
114.短期利率指标(Short Term Rates Indicator) 369
115.沽空手中持货策略(Shorting Against the Box) 371
116.醒目资金概念(Smart Money Concept) 373
117.滚雪球理论(Snow Ball Theory) 377
118.残像分析(Spectral Analysis) 379
119.投机指标(Speculative Indicator) 383
120.伸展、横跨、对冲买卖系统(Spread Straddle Hedge) 387
121.股票成交周转率原理(Spring Principle) 393
122.平方根理论(Square Root Rule) 395
123.股票拆细原理(Stock Split Principle) 399
124.史托根市场时间系统(Stoken Market Timing System) 401
125.晏宁的随意买卖研究(Study by Aimling-Ramdom Study) 403
126.晏宁股票回报研究(Study by Aimling,Stock Retum) 405
127.史钊域研究(Study by Blair Stewart) 407
128.费沙罗利研远(Study by Fisher Lorie) 409
129.艾氏期货市场研究(Study by Hieronymus) 411
130.荷氏期货市场大户研究(Study by Houtharkker Rockwell) 413
131.艾弼臣研究(Study by Ibbotson Singuefield) 415
132.华盛顿大学研究(Study by Washington University) 417
133.多馀分散投资法(Supperflous Diversification) 419
134.十年周期投资理论(Ten-year Cycle Theory) 421
135.三日法则(Three-Day Rule) 425
136.柴氏期货买卖系统(Trident Commodity Trading System) 427
137.比例定律(Tuob s Law of Proportion) 431
138.明日之星股票概念(Undiscovered Stock Concept) 433
139.摇摆指数(Wilder s Swing Index) 437
140.耶鲁大学投资计划(Yale Plan) 439
结语 443
参考书籍 445
- 《SQL与关系数据库理论》(美)戴特(C.J.Date) 2019
- 《联吡啶基钌光敏染料的结构与性能的理论研究》李明霞 2019
- 《情报学 服务国家安全与发展的现代情报理论》赵冰峰著 2018
- 《英汉翻译理论的多维阐释及应用剖析》常瑞娟著 2019
- 《新课标背景下英语教学理论与教学活动研究》应丽君 2018
- 《党员干部理论学习培训教材 理论热点问题党员干部学习辅导》(中国)胡磊 2018
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- 《当代翻译美学的理论诠释与应用解读》宁建庚著 2019
- 《环境影响评价公众参与理论与实践研究》樊春燕主编 2019
- 《口译理论研究》王斌华著 2019
- 《中国文学在法国》北京语言大学语言资源高精尖创新中心组编;钱林森著 2019
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- 《有声音乐系列图书 钢琴天天练练 5》伯纳姆(Burnam.E.M)著;钱泥译 2018
- 《小学生英语词汇学习手册》钱厚生,张勇 2018
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- 《初中生英语词汇学习手册》钱厚生 2019
- 《管理沟通 知识与技能》程艳霞编著;钱小军主审 2018
- 《多高层钢筋混凝土房屋工程设计实践》钱志浩,浙江华恒建筑设计有限公司编著 2019
- 《教育部经济管理类核心课程教材 财务报表分析案例》(中国)张新民,钱爱民 2019