前言页 1
上册 3
序 3
导言 3
方法及一般趋势之探讨 3
Numbers and Units in Chinese Economic History[Lien-sheng Yang] 3
社会经济史的分段及其缺点[傅筑夫] 17
从西周到隋初之一千七百余年的经济转移[马乘风] 29
Economic Change in Early Modern China:An Analytic Framework[John K.Fairbank,A.Eckstein and L.S.Yang] 47
From “Feudalism”to“Capitalism”in Recent Historcal Writing From Mainland China[Albert Feuerwerker] 113
清代经济刍论[王业键] 137
Economic Dualism:The Case of China,1840-1937[Chi-ming Hou] 153
井田制度有无问题之经济史上的观察[朱契] 191
制度之演变 191
汉代的雇佣制度[劳干] 205
秦汉隋唐间之田制[谷霁光] 219
中唐以后税制与南朝税制之关系[杨联升] 255
The Controversy over Grain Conveyance during the Reign of Qubilai Qaqan,1260-94[Jung-pang Lo] 261
明代之漕运[清水泰次]著[王崇武]译 309
The Last Thousand Years of Chinese Hiatory:Changing Patterns in Land Tenure[Mark Elvin] 329
A Documentary Study of Chinese Landlordism in the Late Ch ing and Early Republic Kiangan[Muramatsu Yuji] 363
An Analysis of the Land Tax Burden in China,1650-1865[Ts ui-jung Liu and John C.H.Fei] 427
太平天国前后长江各省之田赋问题[夏鼐] 469
厘金制度之起源及其理论[罗玉东] 531
民国以前的赔款是如何偿付的?[汤象龙] 569
Economic Aspects of Public Works in Imperial China[Lien-sheng Yang] 603
The Population Statistics of China,A.D.2-1953[John D.Durand] 701
下册 801
农业部门 801
中国古代北方农作物考[钱穆] 801
古代灌溉工程原起考[徐中舒] 825
Early Ripening Rice in Chinese History[Ping-ti Ho] 843
北宋的土地分配与社会骚动[张荫麟] 893
北宋农村户多口少问题之探讨[孙国栋] 923
明代户口田地及田赋统计[梁方仲] 941
工商业部门 999
战国秦汉间重农轻商之理论与实际[谷霁光] 999
传统中国政府对城市商人的统制[杨联升]著[段昌国]译 1027
周代都市的发展与商业的发达[许倬云] 1053
东晋南朝的钱币使用与钱币问题[何兹全] 1081
The T′ang Market System [Denis C.Twitchett] 1125
Marketing and Social Structure in Rural China,Part I[G.William Skinner] 1207
A Revolution in the Chinese Iron and Coal Industries during the Northern Sung,960-1126[Robert Hartwell] 1273
Markets,Technology,and the Struture of Enterprise in the Development of the Eleventh-Century Chinese Iron and Steel Industry[Robert Hartwell] 1297
宋元时代造船事业之进展[谷霁光] 1351
Ch′ing Government and the Mineral Industries Before 1800[E-tu Zen Sun] 1361
The Salt Merchant of Yang-chou:A Study of Commercial Capitalism in Eighteenth-century China[Ping-ti Ho] 1389
五口通商以前我国国际贸易之概况[侯厚培] 1451
明代国际贸易与银的输出入[梁方仲] 1495
The Secular Trend of Prices During The Ch ing Period,1644-1911[Yeh-chien Wang] 1541
晚清沿海的新货币及其影响[郝延平] 1579
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