- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)菲利浦(Philip,D.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:756006647X
- 页数:631 页
Introduction 1
1.Rural to Urban 1830-1850 13
Ⅰ.A New World 13
Ⅱ.The Challenge to Thinking 38
2.Nature 55
Ⅰ.Darwin and the Impact of Science 55
Ⅱ.Cosmologies and Anthropomorphisms:Darwin,Spencer,and Ruskin 70
Ⅲ.Beyond Nature and After Religion:The Future in J.S.Mill and T.H.Huxley 87
3.Religion 98
Ⅰ.1830-1850:Evangelicalism,the Broad Church,and Tractarianism 103
Ⅱ.The Mid-Victorian Change 125
4.Mind 158
Ⅰ.'The New Psychology':Psychology as a Branch of Science 163
Ⅱ.'Psychology is pre-eminently a philosophical science' 173
Ⅲ.Psychology,the Unconscious,and Literature 185
5.Conditions of Literary Production 197
Ⅰ.The Literary Profession,the Book Trade and Culture 201
Ⅱ.The Rise of Prose 222
Ⅲ.New Voices 234
6.The Drama 257
7.Debatable Lands:Variety of Form and Genre in the Early Victorian Novel 272
Ⅰ.Post-Aristocratic:Bulwer-Lytton,Disraeli, and Kingsley 272
Ⅱ.Post-Aristocratic:Thackeray versus Dickens 296
8.Alternative Fictions 318
Ⅰ.The Sensation Novel 321
Ⅱ.Fairy Tales and Fantasies 335
9.High Realism 358
Ⅰ.Two Novels of the 1830s and their Legacy 360
Ⅱ.Trollope and George Eliot 372
10.Lives and Thoughts 404
Ⅰ.Life-Writing 407
Ⅱ.Writings about Life 435
11.Poetry 456
Ⅰ.The Form in Difficulties 456
Ⅱ.Long Poems and Sequence Poems 482
Ⅲ.From May to September:Poetry and Belief 512
Conclusion 534
Author Bibliographies 555
Suggestions for Further Reading 610
Index 617
1.Francis Galton,Composites of Members of a Family 8
2.Gustave Dor?,Under the Viaduct,London,1872 16
3.Waterhouse Hawkins,Skeletons,1863 64
4.J.M.W.Turner,Rouen from St.Catherine's Hill,c.1832 82
5.J.Buckley,Revd C.H.Spurgeon,1858 106
6.F.Bridges,'Symbolical Chart of Phrenology',c.1848 164
7.Frontispiece for The Penny Magazine,1832 207
8.Pencil portrait of Christina Rossetti by D.G.Rossetti 244
9.(a)Daniel Maclise,Dickens as a young man,1839;(b)R.H.Mason,Charles Dickens,1864-5 308
10.John Tenniel,'Alice',1871 347
11.Frederic Burton,George Eliot,1865 388
12.(a)Elliott and Fry,Carlyle,c.1865;(b)Ruskin,Self-Portrait,1874 445
13.Tennyson,In Memoriam 123,Trinity manuscript 479
14.W.Holman Hunt,The Lady of Shalott,1857 523
15.A.W.N.Pugin,'Contrasted Crosses',1841 551
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