中国与葡语国家关系 中国与巴西 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋雅南,(美)里奇(DavidRitchie)主编
- 出 版 社:北京:社会科学文献出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787509771310
- 页数:275 页
Panel Ⅰ Evolving Roles of Brazil and China in Global Governance 3
China,Brazil and Global Governance&Pang Zhongying 3
Diversifying Channels in China-Brazil Relations:The Multilateralization of the Bilateral Relationship&Carmen Amado Mendes and Daniel Cardoso 13
Sino-Brazil Relations in the Context of China's Policy towards Latin America&Wang Jianwei and Zou Jing 34
Pand Ⅱ Lessons of Chinese-Brazilian Cooperation and Competition in Trade and Economy 55
Brazil-China Economic Relations:Trade Pattern and China Investment Profile in Brazil&Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa et al 55
Economic Relationship Brazil-China:Cooperation and Competition&Zhou Zhiwei 83
Comparative Advantages and Trade Complementarity between China and Brazil&Song Yanan 104
Dynamics of FDI Flows of Emerging and Developing Economies:Investment Relation between China and Brazil in Focus&TangXiaolei 120
Panel Ⅲ Compare and Contrast the Rises of China and Brazil 147
Constitutions,Economics,and the Creation of Social Realities in Brazil and China&David T.Ritchie 147
Brazil's Specialization in Natural Resources:The Role Played by China&Carlos Frederico Rocha 166
Demystifying the China-Brazil Relations&Jiang Shixue 186
Chinese Lyre:Reception of Classical Chinese Poetry in Brazil&Kenneth David Jackson 208
Panel Ⅳ China-Brazil Relations and Macau 221
A Political and Economic Analysis on the Service Platform for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Lusophone Countries&IP Kuai Peng 221
How do Brazil and Macau Use"Electronic Payment"to Improve Chinese-Lusophone Business Relations?&Claudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes 241
Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan's Roles in Sino-Brazilian Relations&Wu Shianghau,Yang Chongwei and Kok Kin Leong 260
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