翻译与语言:语言学理论解读=translation and languagelinguistic theories explainedPDF电子书下载
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1.Introduction 1
A troubled relationship 1
Langue/parole 3
Signifier/signified 5
Paradigmatic and syntagmatic:word sets and collocations 6
Sociolinguistics and pragmatics 9
2.Sub-Word Components 11
Sound 11
Morphemes 14
Componential analysis 17
3.Semantics 19
Semanticfields 19
Word relations 21
Connotation 23
Word meaning and translation 25
4.Translation Techniques 27
Russian approaches(Shveitser and Retsker) 27
Translation as'analogy' 27
Translation as'adequacy' 28
Concretization 29
Logical derivation 30
Antonymic translation 31
Compensation 31
The view from Canada(Vinay and Darbelnet) 34
Borrowing 34
Calque 35
Literal translation 36
Transposition 37
Modulation 37
Equivalence 38
Adaptation 39
An American model(Malone) 41
Matching:Substitution and Equation 41
Zigzagging:Divergence and Convergence 43
Recrescence:Amplification and Reduction 45
Repackaging:Diffusion and Condensation 47
Reordering 49
Critique 50
5.Equivalence 53
Catford and textual equivalence 54
Nida and dynamic equivalence 56
Komissarov's sharp and fuzzy equivalence 60
6.Beyond the Word 64
Generative grammar 65
Shveitser:translation and rewriting rules 67
Malone and bridge building 69
7.Beyond the Sentence:Context and Register 72
Context 72
Communicative event and register 74
Register 75
Register and language user 75
Register and language use 77
Register in practice 80
8.Text Structure 85
Theme/rheme and functional sentence perspective 85
Cohesion 90
Cohesion through repetition 91
Cohesion through ellipsis 92
Cohesion through reference 94
Parataxis and hypotaxis 96
Coherence 98
Translation as text 100
9.Text Functions 101
Language functions 101
Textfunctions and types 104
Reiss and the monofunctional approach 104
The multifunctional approach 108
Function-altering translation 112
Overt and covert translation 113
10.Sociolinguistics 116
11.Pragmatics 123
Presupposition 123
Speech acts 126
Implicature 130
12.Psycholinguistics 135
Relevance theory 135
Translation strategies 139
Conclusion and Perspectives 144
Glossary 146
Bibliography 153
- 《SQL与关系数据库理论》(美)戴特(C.J.Date) 2019
- 《联吡啶基钌光敏染料的结构与性能的理论研究》李明霞 2019
- 《情报学 服务国家安全与发展的现代情报理论》赵冰峰著 2018
- 《英汉翻译理论的多维阐释及应用剖析》常瑞娟著 2019
- 《新课标背景下英语教学理论与教学活动研究》应丽君 2018
- 《党员干部理论学习培训教材 理论热点问题党员干部学习辅导》(中国)胡磊 2018
- 《虚拟流域环境理论技术研究与应用》冶运涛蒋云钟梁犁丽曹引等编著 2019
- 《当代翻译美学的理论诠释与应用解读》宁建庚著 2019
- 《程序逻辑及C语言编程》卢卫中,杨丽芳主编 2019
- 《白纻舞及其歌辞的文化解读》王俊,曹化根著 2019