- 电子书积分:27 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:魏福利编著
- 出 版 社:石家庄:河北科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7537523800
- 页数:1091 页
Unit One English on Campus(校园英语) 1
Unit Two Sport English(运动英语) 56
§1.Basketball(蓝球) 56
§2.Bowling(保龄球) 60
§3.Table Tennis(乒乓球) 63
§4.Tennis(网球) 68
§5.Badminton(羽毛球) 72
§6.Volleyball(排球) 77
§7.Baseball(棒球) 81
§8.Swimming(游泳) 85
Unit Three English For Travel(旅游英语) 90
§1.Asking About Customs Formalities(了解海关手续) 90
§2.Receiving Passport and Visa Check(接受护照和签证检查) 92
§3.Declaring Things(申报物品) 93
§4.On Dutiable Articles(上税物品) 97
§5.Receiving Luggage Check(行李检查) 99
§6.Stating Your Purpose(陈述旅行目的) 101
§7.Asking About Flight(了解航班情况) 102
§8.Booking a Ticket(订机票) 104
§9.Going Through Check-in Formalities(办理登机手续) 108
§10.Checking Luggage(行李检查) 110
§11.Getting Aboard a Flight(登机) 113
§12.Asking About Flying Time(询问飞行时间) 114
§13.Having Meals on the Plane(机上用餐) 116
§14.At the Transit(中转候机) 119
§15.Asking for Information(了解情况) 121
Unit Four Hotel Service in English(宾馆服务英语) 124
§1.Reserving a Room(订房间) 124
§2.Stating What You Want(说明要求) 127
§3.Asking About Services (询问服务内容) 130
§4.Asking About Prices(询问价格) 133
§5.Registering(办理住宿手续) 136
§6.Changing a Reservation(更改预订) 139
§7.In the Room(在房间内) 142
§8.Checking Out(办理离店手续) 144
§9.Changing Money at the Front Desk(在前台换钱) 147
§10.At the Front Desk(在前台) 150
§11.Depositing Valuables(存放贵重物品) 153
§12.Asking for Help(旅馆求助) 155
§13.A Morning Call(唤醒电话) 158
§14.Laundry Service(洗衣服务) 160
§15.Complaining of Service(抱怨服务不好) 163
Unit Five Restaurant English(餐馆用餐英语) 166
§1.Booking a Table(订餐桌) 166
§2.Finding a Table(找座位) 168
§3.Finding Out What the Restaurant Has Today(了解餐馆的当日菜谱) 171
§4.Ordering a Meal(点菜) 174
§5.Responding to Hospitality(对殷勤服务的答应) 179
§6.Asking Someone to Get You Something (请人递东西) 182
§7.Complaining About Food(给饭菜提意见) 184
§8.Paying the Bill(付账单) 187
§9.Enjoying the Local Food(品尝本地菜) 190
§10.Breakfast(早餐) 193
§11.Lunch(午餐) 195
§12.Dinner(晚餐) 197
§13.Buying a Takeout(买外带食品) 199
Unit Six Shopping English(商店购物英语) 201
§1.About Shopping(购物) 201
§2.Shopping List(购物单) 203
§3.At the Information Desk(在问询处) 206
§4.About Service(服务) 209
§5.Approaching the Customer(招呼顾客) 212
§6.Determining What the Customer Wants to Buy(确定顾客想买什么) 215
§7.Showing the Sample(出示样品) 217
§8.Recommending the Merchandise and Persuading the Customer(推荐商品与劝购) 220
§9.About Price(价格) 223
§10.About Color(颜色) 230
§11.About Size(尺寸) 236
§12.About Variety(种类) 243
§13.Offering Service(提供服务) 246
§14.Telling About Design(说明式样) 249
§15.Telling About Quality(说明质量) 253
§16.Introducing a Speciality(介绍土特产) 257
§17.Trying on(out)the Goods(试穿、试用商品) 262
§18.Explaining and Offering Cautions(解释性能并提醒注意事项) 266
§19.Suggesting Additional Purchase(建议另买商品) 270
§20.About Supply(供应) 274
§22.Handing the Customer s Complaints(应付顾客的抱怨) 280
§23.About Haggling(讨价还价) 287
§24.About Thanks(感谢) 294
§25.About Settlement(结账) 296
§26.Exchange Money(兑换货币) 299
§27.About Wrapping(包装) 302
§28.About Payment(付款) 308
§29.Paying in Different Ways(不同的付款方式) 311
§30.About Change(找零钱) 315
§31.About Delivery(送货) 318
§32.After Sale(售后服务) 322
§33.Having Something Made to Measure(定做) 325
§34.Ordering by Telephone(电话订购) 330
§35.Returning Lost Property and Claiming Damages(归还失物与索赔) 334
§36.Business Time(营业时间) 339
§1.Meeting(会面) 342
Unit Seven Social Etiquette English(礼仪英语) 342
§2.Visiting(拜访) 345
§3.Commencing a Conversation(开场) 348
§4.Addressing(称谓) 351
§5.Greeting(问候) 354
§6.Introducing People(介绍) 356
§7.Finding Conversation Topics(寻找话题) 359
§8.Interrupting People(搭话) 363
§9.Listening and Cutting In(听话与插话) 365
§10.Making Negative Response(否定性回答) 369
§11.Making Skeptical Response(怀疑性回答) 372
§12.Making Appointments(约会) 375
§13.Canceling or Changing Appointments(取消或改变约会) 378
§14.Concluding a Conversation(结束谈话) 382
§15.Leaving-taking(道别) 384
§16.Apologizing(道歉) 387
§17.Arguing(争辩) 390
§18.Asking About and Expressing Intention(询问表达意图) 393
§19.Asking and Offering Permission(请求允许) 396
§20.Complaining(抱怨) 401
§21.Complimenting(称赞) 404
§22.Compromising(妥协) 407
§23.Congratulating(祝贺) 409
§24.Consoling(安慰) 412
§25.Contradicting(反驳) 415
§26.Correcting(纠正) 418
§27.Criticizing(批评) 421
§28.Disbelieving(怀疑) 424
§29.Expressing Boredom(表达无聊) 427
§30.Expressing Curiosity(表达好奇) 429
§31.Expressing Disagreement(表达不同意) 432
§32.Expressing Disappointment(表达失望) 435
§33.Expressing Irritation(表达恼怒) 437
§34.Expressing Preference(表达偏爱) 439
§35.Expressing Sympathy(表达同情) 442
§36.Getting and Expressing Opinions(征求意见) 445
§37.Giving Advice and Suggestions(提供意见和建议) 450
§38.Inviting(邀请) 455
§39.Offering Help(提出帮助) 458
§40.Persuading(劝说) 461
§41.Pointing Out Misunderstanding(指出误解) 464
§42.Requesting Help(请求帮助) 467
§43.Thanking(致谢) 470
§44.Threatening(威胁) 472
§45.Urging(催促) 474
§46.Using Euphemism(使用委婉语) 477
§48.Worrying(担心) 482
§49.Birthday Party(生日晚会) 485
§50.Dance(跳舞) 488
§51.Wedding(婚礼) 491
§52.Cocktail Party(鸡尾酒会) 493
§53.Banquet(大型宴会) 497
§54.Funeral(葬礼) 498
§55.Present-giving(馈赠礼物) 501
§56.Christmas(圣诞节) 502
§57.New Year(新年) 505
§58.Making a Phone Call(打电话) 507
§59.Answering a Business Phone Call(回工作电话) 511
§60.Getting the Caller to Leave Some Message(请通话人留言) 513
§61.Talking to a Caller Who Refuses to Leave a Message(与拒绝留言的通话人讲话) 517
§62.Talking to an Answering Machine(打录音电话) 520
§63.Terminating a Lenthy Phone Call(终止冗长的交谈) 522
§64.Talking to a Disorganized Person(与说话缺乏条理的人谈话) 525
§65.Calling a Hospitalized supervisor or Co-worker(与住院的上司或同事通话) 527
§66.Reminding a Co-worker of Embarrassing Things(提醒同事尴尬之事) 529
§67.Talking to a Forgetful Boss(与健忘的老板交谈) 532
§68.Responding to Your Personal Things(对有关自己私事的反应) 534
§69.Talking to a Co-worker Who Has Prejudice(与有偏见的同事交谈) 537
§70.Talking to a Disorganized Co-worker(与做事凌乱的同事交谈) 539
§71.Refusing to Share Personal Romance with Others(不想与别人谈自己的浪漫史) 542
§72.Talking to a Person About to Receive a Call(与要接电话的人交谈) 544
§73.Talking to a Fired Co-Worker(与被解雇的同事交谈) 546
§74.Handling Vulgar Language(对付说脏话的人) 549
§75.Stopping Gossiping(制止流言蜚语) 551
§76.Stopping Harassment(制止骚扰) 554
§77.Refusing to Run Errands(拒绝跑腿) 556
§78.Offering Service to Customers(为顾客服务) 558
§79.Announcing a Meeting Open(宣布会议开始) 561
§80.Introducing a Speaker(介绍发言人) 563
§81.Calling on the Participants to Speak(号召与会者发言) 565
§82.Reminding the Speaker(提醒发言人) 567
§83.Moderating the Dispute(缓和争执) 569
§84.Generalizing the Points(归纳重点) 571
§85.Keeping the Allotted Time(维持规定时间) 573
§86.Thanking the Speaker(感谢发言人) 575
§87.Adjourning or Closing a Meeting(宣布休会或会议结束) 577
§88.Beginning a Speech(开始发言) 579
§89.Turning to a New Topic(启转话题) 581
§90.Highlighting Ideas(强调重点) 583
§91.Amending a Slip of the Tongue(修正口误) 584
§92.Ending a Speech(结束发言) 585
Unit Eight Job Seeking English(求职英语) 588
§1.Opening Remarks(开场白) 588
§2.Name and Age(姓名和年龄) 591
§3.Address and Native Place(地址和籍贯) 593
§4.Dependents(家眷) 595
§5.Educational Background(Ⅰ)(关于教育背景(Ⅰ)) 597
§6.Educational Background(Ⅱ)(关于教育背景(Ⅱ)) 601
§7.Educational Background(Ⅲ)(关于教育背景(Ⅲ)) 604
§8.Work Experience(工作经验) 607
§9.About Achievements(关于工作成就) 610
§10.About Language Abilities(关于语言能力) 613
§11.Part-time Job(业作工作) 616
§12.Reassons for Leaving(辞职原因) 618
§13.Reasons for Application(应聘原因) 622
§14.About the Post(关于所谋之职) 627
§15.About Your Ability(关于个人能力) 631
§16.About Your Skills(关于个人技能) 634
§17.About Your Personality(个性、性格) 637
§18.About Hobbies(关于业余爱好) 640
§19.About Your Family(Ⅰ)(关于家庭(Ⅰ)) 643
§20.About Your Family(Ⅱ)(关于家庭(Ⅱ)) 645
§21.Common Sense(一般常识) 648
§22.Questions to Ask(申请人问问题) 651
§23.About Your Remuneration(Ⅰ)(关于薪金(Ⅰ)) 654
§24.About Your Remuneration(Ⅱ)(关于薪金(Ⅱ)) 656
§25.Vacations and Benefits(假日和福利) 659
§26.The Final Decision(应聘结果) 662
§27.The Job of an Accountant(会计工作) 666
§28.The Job of Secretary(秘书工作) 671
§29.The Job of Salesperson(销售员工作) 676
Unit Nine Computer English(电脑英语) 681
§1.A Computer Is More Than a Calculator(电脑不止是一台计算器) 681
§2.Kinds of Computer(电脑种类) 682
§3.Which One to Buy?(买哪一种电脑好呢?) 683
§4.CPU,the Core of a Computer(中央处理器,电脑的核心) 687
§5.PC’s Memory(PC机的存储器) 688
§6.How Much Room Do You Have on Your Hard Disk?(你的硬盘有多少存储容量?) 689
§7.I Always Prefer the Best(我总是喜欢最好的) 694
§8.How Do I Know Which Key Does What When?(我怎么知道哪个键什么时候干什么呢?) 695
§9.Some Keys Work Like Toggle Switches(有些键的作用就像乒乓开关) 696
§10.Just Like a TV(就像一台电视机) 700
§11.Black and White Is Not Popular on Computer Displays(电脑显示器一般不用黑白显像) 701
§12.Almost the Same Size(大小几乎都一样) 702
§13.Oftentimes You ve Got to Have a Hard Copy(你常常得要有一份硬拷贝) 706
§14.Which Printer for Me?(我买哪种打印机呢?) 707
§15.Taking Care Of Your Printer(照看好你的打印机) 708
§16.Why Are They Called Floppies?(为什么要称之为软盘呢?) 712
§17.Some DON Ts About Diskettes(使用软盘的一些禁忌) 714
§18.Some Dos About Diskettes(使用软盘的一些应做事项) 715
§19.Having Trouble Starting It Up(启动电脑有麻烦) 718
§20.Do I Have to Sit in a Cave to Work on the PC?(难道我得坐在山洞里才能用电脑工作吗?) 720
§21.You ll Have to Reboot It(你只好重新启动了) 721
§22.Don t Let Your System Get Too Complicated(别把你的文件系统搞得太复杂了) 725
§23.You Can t Just Name Your Files At Random(你不能随便给文件取名) 726
§24.Using Path Names for Files(给文件加个路径名) 727
§25.Word Processing Functions(字处理功能) 731
§26.More Word Processing Functions(另一些字处理功能) 733
§27.Using the Mouse(使用鼠标器) 734
§28.It s a Helpful File-management Program(这是很有用的文件管理程序) 738
§29.Dialogue and Alert Boxes(对话框和警示框) 739
§30.It Takes a Little Practice(需要练习练习) 740
§31.A Spreadsheet Does Most of the Accounting Automatically(电子表格能自动进行大部分结算工作) 745
§32.Creating an Excel Report(Ⅰ)(建立一份Excel电子报表(Ⅰ)) 746
§33.Creating an Excel Report(Ⅱ)(建立一份Excel电子报表(Ⅱ)) 747
§34.Tools You Use to Greate Images(用来创作图像的工具) 752
§35.Making a Chart Our of the Spreadsheet Data(把电子表格的数据做成图表) 753
§36.Playing Around with Kid Pix(用Kid Pix画画消遣) 754
§37.What Is a Network?(什么是网络?) 759
§38.I Prefer Ethernet(我比较喜欢以太网) 761
§39.E-mail,the Easiest Way to Communicate Over a Network(电子邮件,网上交流的最简便方式) 762
Unit Ten Corporation English(公司英语) 768
§1.Hosting(公司招待) 768
§2.Job Interviews(求职面试) 772
§3.Signing a Contract(签订合同) 776
§4.Bargaining(讨价还价) 782
§5.Advertising(广告) 786
§6.Marketing(营销) 790
§7.Market Research(市场研究) 794
§8.Company Bonus(公司奖金) 799
§9.Company Competition(公司竞争) 803
§10.Financial Affairs(公司财务) 807
§11.Business Trip(出差) 811
§12.Insurance(保险) 816
§13.Negotiations(业务谈判) 820
§14.A Trade Fair(交易会) 826
§15.Arranging Business Visits(安排参观) 831
Unit Eleven English Used in Hospital(医护英语) 836
§1.Making an Appointment Face to Face(当面预约) 836
§2.Making an Appointment on the Phone(电话预约) 839
§3.Taking the Patient s Symptoms and History(Ⅰ)(收集看病人的症状和病史(Ⅰ)) 843
§4.Taking the Patient s Symptoms and History(Ⅱ)(收集看病人的症状和病史(Ⅱ)) 850
§5.Transferring Consultation and Consultation(转诊和会诊) 854
§6.Physical Examination,Laboratory Test and Diagnosis(体格检查、化验和诊断) 860
§7.Being on Medication(药物治疗) 867
§8.Having an Operation(手术治疗) 872
§9.Nursing(Ⅰ)(护理(Ⅰ)) 877
§10.Nursing(Ⅱ)(护理(Ⅱ)) 883
§11.Discharging from the Hospital(出院) 888
§12.Following up(随访) 893
§1.Greeting and Reception(招呼与接待) 899
Unit Twelve Finance English(金融英语) 899
§2.Making Suggestions to a Customer(向客户提建议) 901
§3.Making Inquires of a Customer(询问客户问题) 903
§4.Giving Answers to a Customer(回答客户问题) 905
§5.Making Requests to a Customer(向客户提请求) 907
§6.Offering Apologies to a Customer(向客户道歉) 910
§7.Saying Thank-you and Good-bye(致谢与道别) 912
§8.At the Inquiry Desk(在问询处) 914
§9.Opening a Current Account(开立活期账户) 917
§10.Opening a Personal Cheque Account(Ⅰ)(新开个人支票账户(Ⅰ)) 920
§11.Opening a Personal Chepue Account(Ⅱ)(新开个人支票账户(Ⅱ)) 926
§12.About a Current Accout(关于往来账户) 930
§13.How to Write out a Cheque(如何开支票) 933
§14.Opening a Savings Account(新开储蓄账户) 938
§15.Handing Time Deposits(Ⅰ)(办理定期存款(Ⅰ)) 944
§16.Handling Time Deposits(Ⅱ)(办理定期存款(Ⅱ)) 948
§17.Depositing Money in One s Account(在户头上存款) 954
§18.Making Foreign Currency Deposits(办理外币存款) 960
§19.About Interest-bearing Accounts(关于有息账户) 963
§20.About“Deposited at Notice”(关于“事先通知存款”) 965
§21.Handling Special Savings Plans(办理特种储蓄) 969
§22.Computing Daily Interest(计算日息) 972
§23.Handling a Special Account for Tax Payments(办理纳税特别账户) 975
§24.Handling Withdrawls(Ⅰ)(办理取款(Ⅰ)) 977
§25.Handling Withdrawls(Ⅱ)(办理取款(Ⅱ)) 982
§26.Telling the Balance (告诉存款余额) 987
§27.Closing an Account(结清账户) 988
§28.Reporting a Lost Passbook(存折挂失) 990
§29.Using an Automated Teller Machine(Ⅰ)(使用自动出纳机(Ⅰ)) 994
§30.Using an Automated Teller Machine(Ⅱ)(使用自动出纳机(Ⅱ)) 999
§31.Overdrafts(透支) 1003
§32.Buying Traveller s Cheques(购买旅行支票) 1007
§33.About Interest Rates(利率) 1011
§34.Transferring Between Different Accounts(转账) 1014
§35.Using Credit Cards(使用信用卡) 1017
§36.Renting a Safe Deposit Box(出租银行的保险箱) 1020
§37.Outgoing Remittance(I)(汇出汇款(Ⅰ)) 1025
§38.Outgoing Remittance(Ⅱ)(汇出汇款(Ⅱ)) 1028
§39.Telegraphic Transfers(电汇) 1033
§40.Money Exchange(外币兑换) 1037
§41.Handling Reconversion(办理退汇) 1040
§42.Explaining Rates of Exchange(Ⅰ)(解释汇率(Ⅰ)) 1043
§43.Explaining Rates of Exchange(Ⅱ)(解释汇率(Ⅱ)) 1048
§44.Making a Collection(办理托收) 1052
§45.Cashing a Personal Check(兑现个人支票) 1056
§46.Cashing a Traveller s Check(兑换旅行支票) 1059
§47.Discounting a Bill of Exchange(贴现票据) 1062
§48.Opening a Letter of Credit(开立信用证) 1065
§49.Offering a Housing Loan(提供房屋贷款) 1069
§50.Offering Loans for Working Capital(提供流动资金贷款) 1074
§51.Making a Credit Inquiry(进行资信调查) 1077
§52.Talking about Banks in China(谈论中国的银行) 1082
§53.Talking about Computerized Banking(讨论电脑化银行业务) 1085
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