![亚洲艺术遗珍 亚洲协会洛克菲勒藏品精选](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/16/s66512d4.jpg)
![亚洲艺术遗珍 亚洲协会洛克菲勒藏品精选](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/16/s66512d4.jpg)
亚洲艺术遗珍 亚洲协会洛克菲勒藏品精选PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈燮君,汪庆正主编;黄海译
- 出 版 社:上海:上海书画出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7806355316
- 页数:125 页
波曲纹青铜方座簋Food Vessel:Gui 10
鎏金铜樽Wine-Warming Vessel:Wenjiuzun 11
鎏金铜博山炉Censer in the Shape of Mount Bo(Boshαnlu) 12
珍珠地錾花鎏金银碗Bowl 13
金银平脱鸾凤纹铜镜Mirror 14
彩色釉陶侍女俑Court Lady 15
定窑白釉刻花碗Ding Ware Bowl 16
钧窑天青釉单把杯Jun Ware Brush Washer 17
耀州窑青釉刻花牡丹纹盘Yaozhou Ware Dish 18
耀州窑青釉刻花曲腹碗Yaozhou Ware Cusped Bowl 19
磁州窑黑釉凸线纹瓶Cizhou Ware Bottle 20
磁州窑白地黑花牡丹纹瓶Cizhou Ware Bottle 21
黑釉油滴洗Brush Washer 22
哥窑鱼耳炉Ge Ware Censer 23
景德镇窑青花瑞兽纹盘Jingdezhen Ware Platter 24
景德镇窑釉里红松竹梅纹罐Jingdezhen Ware Jar 25
景德镇窑白釉暗花双耳扁壶Jingdezhen Ware Bottle 26
景德镇窑白釉暗花执壶Jingdezhen Ware Ewer 27
景德镇窑折枝花卉纹碗Jingdezhen Ware Bowl 28
景德镇窑青花龙纹扁壶Jingdezhen Ware Flask 29
景德镇窑青花折枝花卉纹碗Jingdezhen Ware Bowl 30
景德镇窑蓝地白花折枝花卉纹盘Jingdezhen Ware Dish 31
景德镇窑青花松竹梅纹碗Jingdezhen Ware Bowl 32
轩辕皇帝问道图剔红漆盘Lobed Dish 33
景德镇窑青花缠枝番莲纹碗Jingdezhen Ware Bowl 34
景德镇窑斗彩团龙纹杯Jingdezhen Ware Wine Cup 35
景德镇窑青花海水龙纹盘Jingdezhen Ware Dish 36
景德镇窑五彩鱼藻纹盖罐Jingdezhen Ware Dish 37
景德镇窑粉彩鹌鹑图碗Jingdezhen Ware Bowl 38
景德镇窑粉彩花果纹瓶Jingdezhen Ware Bottle 39
菩萨嵌银铜像Bodhisattva 40
释迦牟尼佛嵌银铜像Buddha Shakyamuni 41
描金彩绘绿度母画像Green Tara 42
白度母嵌宝银像White Tara泰国THAILAND 43
佛鎏金石像Buddha 46
弥勒菩萨镶银嵌石铜像Bodhisattva Maitreya 47
佛石像Crowned Buddha Seated in Meditationand Sheltered by Muchilinda 48
青釉贴画花纹罐Jar柬埔寨CAMBODIA 49
难近母石像Durga as the Slayer of the BuffaloDemon(Durgα Mαhisαsurαmαrdini) 52
女石像Female Figure 53
男石像Male Figure 54
跪姿妇女铜像Kneeling Woman 55
佛铜像Crowned Buddha Seated in Meditationand Sheltered by Muchilinda 56
金刚萨埵铜像Vajrasattva 57
肩与铜部件Palanquin Fittings印度INDIA 58
佛石像Buddha 62
陶神像Two Figures,Probably Rama andLakshmana 63
佛铜像Buddha 64
佛铜像Buddha 65
释迦牟尼佛石像Crowned Buddha Shakyamuni 66
观世音菩萨石像Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara in theForm of Khasarpana Lokeshvara 67
湿婆和雪山神女铜像Shiva and Parvati(Umα-Mαheshvαrα) 68
伎乐天石像Celestial Entertainer 69
伎乐天石像Celestial Entertainer 70
湿婆舞王铜像Shiva as Lord of the Dance(ShivαNαtαrαjα) 71
黑天舞踏蛇神卡利亚铜像Krishna Dancing on Kaliya(Kαliyαhimαrddαkα Krishnα) 72
雪山神女铜像Parvati 73
象头神铜像Ganesha 74
罗摩铜像Rama 75
圣者铜像Saint Mannikkavachaka 76
湿婆和雪山神女铜像Shiva and Parvati(Somαskαndα) 77
八千颂般若经(写本五页)Five of the Leaves froman Ashtasahasrika PrajnaparamitaManuscript缅甸MYANMAR 78
佛传故事贴金石雕Scenes of the Buddha s Life 82
释迦牟尼佛及其供养人鎏金铜像Buddha Shakyamuni with KneelingWorshippers尼泊尔NAPAL 83
观世音菩萨鎏金嵌宝铜像Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara 86
菩萨鎏金嵌宝铜像Bodhisattva 87
弥勒佛彩绘铜像Ketumati Maitreya 88
释迦牟尼佛铜像Crowned Buddha Shakyamuni印度尼西亚INDONESIA 89
佛母铜像Buddhist Goddess朝鲜KOREA 92
青釉梅瓶Bottle 96
青釉花瓣形盏和盏托Two Foliate Bowl and Saucer Sets 97
青花月夜松鹤纹罐Storage Jar斯里兰卡SRI LANKA 98
菩萨铜像Bodhisattva日本JAPAN 102
善丹:地藏菩萨描金木雕像Zen en:Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha(Jizo Bosαtsu) 106
阿弥陀佛来迎图轴Descent of Buddha Amitabha(Amidα Rαigo) 108
不动明王与两胁侍像轴Achala Vidyaraja(Fudo Myo-o)With Two Attendants 109
美浓窑色釉提梁方盘(织部样式)Mino Ware(Oribe Type)SquareServing Dish with Ball Handle 110
有田窑彩绘花卉纹瓶Arita Ware Bottle 111
有田窑彩绘花蝶纹盖碗(柿右卫门样式)Arita Ware(Kakiemon Style)Covered Bowl 112
有田窑彩绘釉上彩叶纹高足盘(古九谷样式)Arita Ware(Kutani Style)Footed Dish 114
有田窑彩绘花卉纹盘(锅岛样式)Arita Ware(Nabeshima Type)Dish 115
野野村仁清:京都窑黑彩鸟纹茶叶罐Nonomura Ninsei:Kyoto Ware TeaLeaf Jar 116
尾形乾山:京都窑彩绘镂孔碗Ogata Kenzan:Kyoto Ware Bowlwith Reticulated Rim 117
四季图屏风(狩野派)Attributed to Odawara Kano Schoolthe Four Seasons 118
酒井抱一:松树紫藤图屏风Sakai Hoitsu:Pine and Wisteria 122
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