- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)John Lyons著;汪榕培导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560019706
- 页数:381 页
Part 1 Setting the scene 1
1 Metalinguistic preliminaries 1
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 The meaning of'meaning' 3
1.2 The metalanguage of semantics 6
1.3 Linguistic and non-linguistic semantics 11
1.4 Language,speech and utterance;'langue'and'parole';'competence'and'performance' 16
1.5 Words:forms and meanings 22
1.6 Sentences and utterances;text,conversation and discourse 32
1.7 Theories of meaning and kinds of meaning 40
Part 2 Lexical meaning 46
2 Words as meaningful units 46
2.0 Introduction 46
2.1 Forms and expressions 48
2.2 Homonymy and polysemy;lexical and grammatical ambiguity 54
2.3 Synonymy 60
2.4 Full and empty word-forms 65
2.5 Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning 71
3 Defining the meaning of words 75
3.0 Introduction 75
3.1 Denotation and sense 77
3.2 Basic and non-basic expressions 83
3.3 Natural(and cultural)kinds 89
3.4 Semantic prototypes 96
4 The structural approach 102
4.0 Introduction 102
4.1 Structural semantics 103
4.2 Componential analysis 107
4.3 The empirical basis for componential analysis 114
4.4 Entailment and possible worlds 117
4.5 Sense-relations and meaning-postulates 124
5.0 Introduction 131
Part 3 Sentence-meaning 131
5 Meaningful and meaningless sentences 131
5.1 Grammaticality,acceptability and meaningfulness 132
5.2 The meaningfulness of sentences 134
5.3 Corrigibility and translatability 138
5.4 Verifiability and verificationisrn 140
5.5 Propositions and propositional content 141
5.6 Non-factual significance and emotivism 144
5.7 Truth-conditions 146
5.8 Tautologies and contradictions 149
6.0 Introduction 153
6 Sentence-meaning and propositional content 153
6.1 Thematic meaning 154
6.2 Simple and composite sentences 157
6.3 Truth-functionality(1):conjunction and disjunction 162
6.4 Truth-functionality(2):implication 167
6.5 Truth-functionality(3):negation 169
6.6 Sentence-type,clause-type and mood 176
6.7 The meaning of interrogative and declarative sentences 182
6.8 Other kinds of non-declaratives:imperatives,exclamatives,volitives,etc. 193
7.0 Introduction 199
7 The formalization of sentence-meaning 199
7.1 Formal semantics and linguistic semantics 200
7.2 Compositionality,grammatical and semantic isomorphism,and saving the appearances 204
7.3 Deep structure and semantic representations 209
7.4 Projection-rules and selection-restrictions 215
7.5 Montague grammar 221
7.6 Possible worlds 226
Part 4 Utterance-meaning 234
8 Speech acts and illocutionary force 234
8.0 Introduction 234
8.1 Utterances 235
8.2 Locutionary acts 240
8.3 Illocutionary force 247
8.4 Statements,questions and directives 253
9 Text and discourse;context and co-text 258
9.0 Introduction 258
9.1 Text-sentences 259
9.2 What is a text?And what is text? 262
9.3 Utterance-meaning and context 265
9.4 Implication and conventional implicatures 271
9.5 Conversational implicatures 277
9.6 What is context? 290
10.0 Introduction 293
10 The subjectivity of utterance 293
10.1 Reference 294
10.2 Indexicality and deixis 302
10.3 The grammatical category of tense 312
10.4 The grammatical category of aspect 320
10.5 Modality,modal expressions and mood 327
10.6 Subjectivity and locutionary agency 336
Suggestions for further reading 343
Bibliography 347
Index 360
文库索引 377
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