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最新美语流行语手册  时尚生活篇
最新美语流行语手册  时尚生活篇

最新美语流行语手册 时尚生活篇PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:乔秀全,黄嵘婷编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:新世界出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7800056716
  • 页数:343 页
《最新美语流行语手册 时尚生活篇》目录

2 a backseat driver 爱指手画脚的人 1

1 a baby-boomer 生育高峰期出生的人 1

3 a bad apple 坏蛋,坏胚子 3

4 a black sheep 败家子,害群之马 3

5 a blessing in disguise 因祸得福 4

6 a blue chipper 出类拔萃的人,拔尖的人 5

7 a bone of contention 争端的原因,争议点 6

8 a breath of fresh air 一股清风,使人耳目一新的人 7

9 a case of life and death 性命攸关的事情或问题 7

10 a chapter of accidents 接踵而来的灾祸;一连串未曾预料的事情 8

11 a chicken guy 胆小鬼 9

12 a dead beat 经常借钱赖账的人;寄生虫 10

14 a fair-weather friend 不能共患难的朋友 11

13 a fag end 一事无成 11

15 a hard nut 冥顽不化的人,无知无觉的人 12

16 a hen-pecked husband 妻管严,怕老婆的人 13

17 a loan shark 放高利贷的人 13

18 a man/woman of means 富人 14

19 a nine days wonder 一闪即逝的人或物 15

20 a plain Jane 不起眼的女人 16

21 a private eye 私人侦探 16

22 a red letter day 大喜日子 17

23 a sad dog 粗野的人 18

24 a straw in the wind 迹象,预兆,苗头 18

25 a thorn in one s flesh 眼中钉,棘手的事 19

26 a wet blanket 使人扫兴的人 20

27 ace up one s sleeve 秘藏的优势,尤指花招 21

28 act of God 天灾,不可抗力;天意 22

29 Adam s apple 喉结,咽喉 23

30 after one s own heart 合某人的心愿 24

31 air one s dirty linen in public 当众谈论某人的家丑 25

32 all but 几乎,差不多;除了……都……;几乎完全的 26

33 an open book 昭然若揭的事 27

34 argue sb. down 驳倒 28

35 argue the toss 事已至此,争也无用 28

36 armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿,全副武装 29

37 as dry as a bone 十分干燥 30

39 at heart 本质上的,非表面的 31

38 as lean/thin as a rake 骨瘦如柴,瘦骨嶙峋 31

40 at loose ends 没事可做;心里没有着落 32

41 at one s bidding 遵……之命,照……的旨意 33

42 atomic cocktail 原子鸡尾酒 34

43 bag and baggage 全部所有物,总的,整个的 35

44 bat around 到处游荡,反复考虑,推敲 36

45 be at one s wits end 不知如何是好 37

46 be down one s alley 最擅长的 38

47 be expecting 怀孕 39

48 be hard up 一贫如洗 40

49 be in the seventh heaven 高兴极了 40

50 be more nice than wise 死要面子活受罪 41

51 be off one s head 变疯狂 42

52 be taken aback 大吃一惊 43

52 be on edge 坐卧不安 43

54 be up in arms 满腔怒火 44

55 beat about the bush 说话兜圈子 45

56 beat around the bush 说话拐弯抹角 46

57 beat the drum(s) 竭力鼓吹;热烈支持 47

58 beef 发牢骚 48

59 bellyache 满腹牢骚 49

60 bend one s ears 对某人喋喋不休,唠叨个没完没了 50

61 between you and me 你知我知,不可让第三者知道 51

62 big house 监狱 51

63 bind someone hand and foot 使动弹不得 52

64 bite the bullet 咬紧牙关挺住,克服眼前的困难 53

65 blow hot and cold 喜怒无常,出尔反尔 54

66 blue in the face 面红耳赤,很生气 55

67 blunder upon 偶然碰上,无意中发现 56

68 brazen it out 厚颜无耻 57

69 break out(occur,happen suddenly) 突然发生,出现 57

70 break ranks with somebody 与……分道扬镳 58

71 break up 分手,分开(尤指夫妻之间的离婚) 59

72 build a fire under somebody 催促某人 60

73 built on the sand 基础不牢固,不切实际 61

74 bum the candle at both ends 过分消耗精力或钱财 61

75 butt into 插嘴于,插手,干涉 62

76 butter both sides of one s bread 左右逢源 63

77 can t hold a candle to someone 不能跟某人比 64

78 carrot and stick 胡萝卜加大棒,软硬两手 65

79 carry a torch for somebody 单相思 66

80 chill out 罢手 67

81 chuckhole 路上的坑 68

82 clamp down on 严格限制,取缔 68

83 cliff-hanger 惊险的情况,扣人心弦的故事 69

84 come and go 转瞬即逝 70

85 come to a sticky end 下场(结局)难以收拾 70

86 cook up 编造,捏造 71

87 cool someone out 抚慰某人;使某人消气 72

88 cop out 逮住某人,避重就轻地认罪 73

89 count on 指靠,指望 74

90 cover up 掩饰 74

91 crocodile tears 猫哭耗子假慈悲,鳄鱼的眼泪 75

92 cronyism 任人唯亲,偏爱,袒护(而给予职务) 76

93 crop up 突然发生或出现 77

94 cross one s heart 我保证 78

95 cut it up 仔细分析某事 79

96 cut off one s nose to spite one s face 生气反害自己,拿自己出气 79

97 cut out 戒掉 80

98 cut up 心情沮丧 81

99 cut-and-dried 枯燥乏味的;刻板陈腐的 82

100 dead beat 筋疲力尽 82

101 dig dirt about sb 讲某人的坏话 83

102 ditch(let go,leave,not go to)抛弃,遗弃 84

103 do away with 废除,破除 85

104 drive sb up a wall 把某人逼上绝路 86

105 drop into somebody s lap 容易获得;毫不费力地得到 87

106 duck soup 轻而易举的小事 88

107 dump on 对……吹毛求疵 89

108 Dutch courage 酒后之勇 89

109 eat one s words 收回自己的话 90

110 escape 逃避,逃避的方法(工具) 91

111 escape by the skin of one s teeth 死里逃生 92

112 fair play 公正无私 93

113 fall back on 别无选择,只得使用 94

114 fall flat 摔得结结实实;落得无趣 94

115 fall from grace 失宠 95

116 fall off one s chair 很吃惊 96

117 fall on one s feet 安然摆脱困境 97

118 fall out with 争吵 98

119 far and wide 到处,各处;广泛的 98

120 fat city 舒适成功的条件 99

121 feed one s face 吃饭 100

122 feel a lump in one s throat 心里感到很难受 101

123 feel small 自觉渺小,自卑 102

124 fill a prescription 照药方配药 102

125 fill somebody in on the details 给某人提供详细情况 103

126 find one s tongue 终能开口讲话,终于说得出话来 104

127 finger-pointing(blarning) 责怪 105

128 flat broke 破产,一文不名 106

129 flesh and blood 血肉之躯 106

130 flick through 漫不经心地翻阅 107

132 follow suit 学样,照别人的样做 108

131 fly in the face of 向……挑战 108

133 force one s hand 强人所难,逼人就范 109

134 foul one s own nest 说自家人的坏话,家丑外扬 110

135 frame of mind 心情,心思,情绪 111

136 get a kick in the teeth 受到重大挫折或责备 112

137 get along in years 年纪老起来了 112

138 get caught 被抓住,被逮捕 113

139 get one s back up 生气,使发怒 114

140 get out of 逃避责任 115

141 get someone s goat 使人恼怒,惹人生气 116

142 get something right 使某事恢复正常;正确理解某事 117

144 get the air (尤指被女子)抛弃 118

143 get somewhere/anywhere 达到某种程度的成就 118

145 get the goods on 抓到某人的把柄 119

146 get under one s skin 使烦躁,(因为爱)使不安 120

147 get/rise above oneself 目中无人 121

148 give a bad/poor account of oneself 表现不佳 122

149 give as good as one gets 不服输,不示弱 123

150 give rise to 导致(某事) 124

151 give sb./sth..the works折磨某人;使某物大为改观 125

152 give sb.a hand 给予某人帮助 126

153 give somebody the shirt off one s back 为了某人慷慨解囊,毫不吝啬地接济某人 126

154 give someone a back talk 和某人顶嘴 127

155 give the credit for 应该给予……应有的承认 128

156 give the works 好好治理一下,修理一番 129

157 go / be hand in hand 密切相关 130

158 go ape 神魂颠倒,发疯 131

159 go bail for 为……做保;解救 132

160 go easy on 小心对待,节约使用 133

161 go from bad to worse 每况愈下,越来越糟 133

162 go hand in hand 一齐,相伴而来 134

163 go the extra mile 做额外的工作;主动承担工作;想尽办法完成 135

164 go through with something 不顾艰难完成 136

165 go west 不再存在,完蛋 137

166 go/be hand in hand 密切相关 138

167 good ear 敏锐的听觉 139

169 grab(hold) 掌握,支配、控制 140

168 good for nothing 一无是处 140

170 graveyard shift 夜班 141

171 grease the palm of 贿赂 142

172 hair stand on end 极度恐惧 143

173 hand down 代代相传;移交 143

174 hand in hand 携手;密切关联的 144

175 hand over fist 稳步地,快速地 145

176 hands are full 很忙 146

177 hand-me-down 别人用过的东西 146

178 hang by a thread/hair 危在旦夕 147

179 haul someone up 逮捕某人,把某人抓起来 148

180 have(or keep)one s eyes peeled 提高警觉 149

181 have a bee in one s bonnet 对某事想得入迷;有点神经失常 150

183 have a bone to pick with 对……有意见 151

182 have a big nose 爱打听 151

184 have a finger in the pie 通晓一切 152

185 have a hand in 参与 153

186 have a heart of gold 慷慨,好心 154

187 have a heart 要求别人对说话的人表示同情,或者是要求别人帮助他 154

188 have a leg to stand on 有证据 155

189 have a level head(or be level headed) 冷静的,公正的,合理的 156

190 have a long head(or be long-headed) 精明的,聪明的 156

191 have an axe to grind 心怀叵测 157

192 have an easy time 闲散度日,生活安逸 158

193 have an eye to 把……作为目的 159

194 have done with 结束了 160

195 have faith in 信任,相信 160

196 have it both ways 两面讨好,脚踏两只船 161

197 have it out with sb 公开摊牌,解决争执 162

198 have no back bone 性情懦弱 163

199 have one s heart in one s boots 心惊胆战,没有勇气 164

200 have one s heart in one s mouth 提心吊胆 165

201 have one s back to the wall 陷入绝境 165

202 have one s moments 春风得意之时,某人最辉煌的时候 166

203 have the ball at one s feet 有机会获得成功 167

204 have the ear of 获得某人的好感,跟某人说得上话 168

205 have the hots for someone 迷恋上某人 168

206 heart to heart 推心置腹地,坦率地 169

207 high and dry 孤独无助 170

209 high and mighty 傲慢 171

208 high and low 到处 171

210 hit the nail on the head 正中要害,说话到点子上 172

211 hit the roof 勃然大怒,发火 173

212 hog heaven 乐园,天堂 174

213 hold one s head high 处逆境而怡然自得 175

214 hold someone s hand 伸出援手 176

215 hole and corner 偷偷摸摸,鬼鬼祟祟 176

216 hope against hope 抱一线希望,明知无用仍妄想 177

217 horse of a different color 完全另外一回事,风牛马不相及的事 178

218 hot potato 棘手的事或问题 179

219 hot-wire 热线启动 180

220 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 181

221 in bad shape 很糟 182

222 in cold blood 冷血 183

223 in good / bad mood 情绪好/坏 184

224 in hand 得以控制 184

225 in memory of sb 为了纪念某人 185

226 in one s heart of hearts 心底里 186

227 in somebody s black/bad books 记过册,失宠于某人 187

228 in the nick of time 在事情正好发生的时候,在关键时刻 188

229 into the blue 无影无踪 189

230 itch for 非常想 190

231 keep a check on 控制,抑制,监视 191

232 keep a poker face 面无表情 191

233 keep an eye on 照看,照管 193

234 keep bach 过单身生活 193

235 keep company with 与……结伴;和……在一起 194

236 keep house 持家 195

237 keep one s hands off 不要碰 196

238 keep one s eyes skinned 密切监视 196

239 kick the bucket 翘辫子,死 197

240 kick up a row 大吵大闹 198

241 knack 要领,窃门,特殊的技艺 199

242 knock someone cold / out 出其不意,常令人目瞪口呆,极为震惊 200

243 land on one s feet 幸免于难,化险为夷 201

244 laugh up one s sleeves 偷偷地笑 202

245 lay a finger on 加害 202

246 lay to rest 淡忘,搁置 203

247 lead someone by the nose 完全控制 204

248 leave a nasty(or bad)taste in one s mouth 给一个坏印象,给一种坏感觉 205

249 leave somebody/ something alone 不去管 206

250 let in 允许进入;漏水;使陷入 206

251 let someone down 使某人失望 207

252 like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁 208

253 live beyond one s means 寅吃卯粮,入不敖出 209

254 live by/on one s wits 靠耍小聪明而非正常地工作、混日子 210

255 live from hand to mouth 刚好糊口 211

256 loaded(intoxicated,having much money,equipped)喝醉了,很有钱的,满载 212

257 look for a needle in a bundle of hay 大海捞针 213

258 look for 自找(麻烦等) 213

259 look high and low 到处都找遍 214

260 look someone in the face 坦然面对 215

262 make a face 做鬼脸 216

261 lose face 丢脸,受侮辱 216

263 make a fuss of /over 疼爱有加,呵护入微 217

264 make a mountain out of molehill 小题大做 218

265 make it成功 219

266 make light of 轻描淡写,不足为道;轻视 219

267 make no bones about doing something 毫不迟疑 220

268 make old bones 活到老 221

269 make one s heart bleed 使某人难过,使某人心碎 222

270 make out(kissing,necking)亲热 223

271 make someone s blood run cold 胆战心惊 224

272 make the ends meet 收支平衡 224

273 marry 使……结合,使……在一起 225

274 marry a fortune 嫁给有钱人 226

275 meet trouble halfway 杞人忧天,自寻烦恼 227

276 murder will out 纸包不住火 228

277 near in blood 近亲 229

278 neck and neck 并驾齐驱,旗鼓相当 230

279 new broom 刚上任的新官 230

280 no fool 决不是傻瓜,聪明人 231

281 not born yesterday 可不傻,不易上当的 232

282 not have the heart to do something 不忍心去做 233

283 nurse a viper in one s bosom 姑息养奸 234

284 on hand 手头,在手边 235

285 on one s last legs 即将失败(或崩溃、破产、损坏等) 236

286 on one s uppers 处于困境,穷到极点 236

287 on the heels of 接踵而来 237

288 on the side 另外,作为兼职 238

289 on the whole 大体上差不多;总的看来 239

290 once in a blue moon 极为罕见,千载难逢 239

291 one s heart in one s mouth 吓得要命 240

292 one s own flesh and blood 骨肉至亲 241

293 open someone s eye to 使某人意识到 242

294 osmosis 埋头,专心致志,废寝忘食 243

295 out of a clear blue sky 意想不到,出乎意料 243

296 out of breath 上气不接下气 245

297 out of one s wits 不知所措,精神错乱 246

298 out of one s hair 使某人不受打扰 246

299 out of sight,out of mind 眼不见,心不烦 247

300 over a barrel 受制于人,处于不利地位,一筹莫展 248

301 over the edge 疯了 249

302 pale as death 面无血色 250

303 parade one s knowledge 卖弄学问 250

304 pass over 忽视 251

305 pat on the back 鼓励一番 252

306 peace and quiet 安宁 253

307 pennies from heaven 意外的收获,天上掉馅饼 253

308 penny wise and pound-foolish 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜 254

309 pick someone s brains 剽窃 255

310 pick up and leave 卷铺盖走了 256

311 play dumb 装聋作哑 256

312 play hob with 给……捣乱;任意歪曲 257

313 play one s cards close to the chest 竭力不动声色 258

314 play sth. close to one s chest 把某事藏在心间;对某事小心谨慎 259

315 play the fox 行为狡猾 260

316 poke one s nose into someone s business 多管闲事 261

317 pop into one s head 突然产生念头 261

318 pour oil on the flame 火上浇油 262

319 put a crimp in / into 阻止,妨碍 263

320 put one s hand in one s pocket 慷慨解囊,花费金钱 264

321 put one s foot in to it 说/做错事 265

322 put words into someone s mouth 发表见解 265

323 put/get one s back up 惹……生气/发怒 266

324 queer in the head 疯疯癫癫的 267

326 rate with someone 受人重视,信赖 268

325 raise Cain 大吵大闹 268

327 relate to 感情良好 269

328 respond to 有反应,有响应 270

329 ride the tiger 玩火自焚 271

330 ring the curtain down on 落幕,结束 271

331 risk one s neck 找死,冒着极大的危险 272

332 root and branch 完全地 273

333 rub salt into one s wounds 火上浇油 274

334 run a temperature 发烧 275

335 run out of 用完,用光 275

336 run over 满溢;辗过 276

337 scrape the bottom of the barrel 讨些剩饭吃 277

338 see eye to eye 意见相同 278

340 see the red light 亮起红灯 279

339 see something with half an eye 不费力气看出 279

341 see which way the cat jumps 观望形势后再作决策,看看再说 280

342 serve sb. right 罪有应得 281

343 set by the ears 一鸣惊人 282

344 set one s teeth on edge 让某人觉得难受 282

345 set something aside 储蓄 283

346 shake in one s shoes 吓得发抖;两腿战抖 284

347 shoot the cat 呕吐 284

348 shoulder to shoulder 同心协力的,并肩一致的 285

349 skate on thin ice 如履薄冰,情况危急 286

350 soft/weak in the head 头脑不清楚,颠三倒四 287

352 splash one s money about 大肆挥霍钱 288

351 someone s heart sinks 非常失望 288

353 split hairs 过于计较 289

354 spread one s wings 试图独立 290

355 stab in the back 暗箭袭人 291

356 stand on one s own feet/leg 自主,自食其力 292

357 stand rooted to the spot 站在原地不动 293

358 steal a march on sb 抢在某人前面 293

359 stick together 彼此忠诚 294

360 stretch one s legs 锻炼,活动 295

361 sweep one off one s feet 征服 296

362 sweetness and light 温柔可人 296

363 take a back seat 次要地位 297

364 take it on the chin 忍辱负重 298

365 take it out of someone 筋疲力尽 299

366 take its toll(of/on) 造成损伤 300

367 take offence 生气 301

368 take one s hat off to 向(某人)脱帽致敬 301

369 take sides 支持一方而与另一方壁垒分明 302

370 take someone over one s knee 打某人的屁股 303

371 take sth. hard 受到极大的打击 304

372 take the low road 走斜路 304

373 tear one s heart out 为之心碎 305

374 tell that/it to the marines 胡说;谁信你的鬼话! 306

375 terrify someone out of wits 把某人吓死了 308

376 the boot is on the other foot 事实恰恰相反 308

377 (the)fair sex(总称)妇女 309

379 the shot in the arm 激励,鼓舞 310

378 the ins and outs 详细情况,来龙去脉 310

380 their name is legion 一大群人;不可胜数 311

381 through thick and thin 顽强地;在任何情况下 312

382 tickle somebody s funny bone 逗某人笑 313

383 to and fro 往复的;零量分散的 314

384 to get back on one s feet 失败后重新站起来 315

385 touch and go 情况不稳,相当危险 316

386 try out 试用;考验以检验其成效或性能 317

387 turn a deaf ear 不加理睬 318

388 turn one s back on/upon 轻视:背弃;拒绝接受 319

389 turn out 结果,变成,出产 320

390 turn thumbs down on 不赞成,反对 320

391 turn/set/put one s hand to 着手做;从事;试图 321

392 twist and turn 辗转反侧 322

393 twist one s arm 采取强制手段 323

394 under one s very eyes 亲眼所见 323

395 under the rose 私下地,秘密地,暗地里 324

396 under warranty 质量保证书,担保书,在保修期内 325

397 up a tree 在困难中 326

398 up and about 病后康复,离床下地 327

399 up to the eyes 非常忙 328

400 up to the hilt 彻底,到极点 329

401 up to 从事于,表示一个人最近的工作情况,或是从事的工作 329

402 upset someone s apple-cart 破坏某人的计划 330

403 wait on sb,hand and foot 照顾入微,服务周到 331

405 water over the darn 不可改变的既成事实,无法挽回的过去 332

404 water off a duck s back 全然不起作用 332

406 weigh on one s mind 压在心头 333

407 weigh on someone s mind 为之心情沉重 334

408 what with 因为,由于,考虑到 335

409 whirligig of time 时代的变迁,命运的改变 336

410 white about/in the gills 有病容的;受惊的样子 337

411 white lie 善意的欺骗 338

412 wimp out(of) 知难而退,贪安逸 339

413 wishful thinking 打如意算盘 340

414 work wonders 效果奇佳 341

415 would have none of 拒绝考虑,拒绝同意 342

416 wring one s neck 气得欲扭某人的脖子 342
