- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:论坛秘书处编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国农业出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787109149144
- 页数:323 页
关于中国农村经济论坛成果概述的报告&万宝瑞 1
中国农村经济论坛专家建议&农业部、重庆市政府、中国农业科学院政策顾问团 8
加快推进中国特色城乡一体化发展&尹成杰 13
壮大县域经济是贯彻统筹城乡发展方针的关键之举&刘志澄 23
推进统筹城乡发展的几个问题&唐仁健 28
加快水利建设为统筹城乡改革发展提供基础保障&鄂竟平 36
加快推进农业经营体制机制创新&陈晓华 41
城乡统筹与人口发展&赵白鸽 52
破解三大突出矛盾 推进“三化”协调发展&郭庚茂 57
重庆市统筹城乡发展的探索与实践&黄奇帆 67
重庆市“两翼”农户万元增收的思路与举措&马正其 75
三亚市统筹城乡发展评价指标体系研究&江泽林 82
大力发展农产品加工业加快推进城乡统筹发展&杨庆才 95
在工业化城镇化进程中加快推进农业现代化&贾万志 104
规范推进农村土地管理制度改革&刘随臣 111
城乡统筹要高度关注农民收入问题&张红宇 115
充分发挥农产品价格政策在统筹城乡发展中的调节作用&钱克明 138
统筹城乡发展 推进城镇化建设&连启华 144
建立新型农村社会养老保险制度 促进统筹城乡经济社会发展&刘从龙 148
改革创新破解农村金融服务难题&黄延信等 151
深化财税体制改革、推进城乡统筹发展的探讨&贾康等 163
当前我国产业结构调整难题与产业发展思路&马晓河 177
甘肃省统筹城乡发展与评价考核体系建设&夏红民 188
全面深入推进城乡一体化促进城乡同发展共繁荣&刘家强 206
建立统筹城乡就业的新机制&张玉龙 217
经济发展、城市化与民生社会事业建设的理论分析&王东阳等 236
统筹城乡经济发展、缩小城乡居民收入差距的理论分析&李宁辉等 246
北京市城乡统筹发展的探索及借鉴的启示&蒋和平等 268
城乡统筹下农村社会保障的资金需求分析&李先德等 288
城乡统筹发展的耕地保护对策研究&梁书民等 303
附: 319
中国农村经济论坛组委会 319
中国农业科学院农业经济与政策顾问团简介 321
Report on the outlined achievement of China rural economy Forum&Wan Baorui 1
Experts suggestions in China Rural Economic Forum&Expert advisory group of Ministry of Agriculture,Chongqing Municipal,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 8
Accelerate the development of urban—rural integration with Chinese characteristics&Yin Chengjie 13
Boost the county economy is the key to the implementation of integrated urban and rural development policy&Liu Zhicheng 23
Issues on Promoting integrated Urban and Rural Development&Tang Renjian 28
Speed up the water conservancy construction and provide the basis and guarantee for the integrated urban and rural development and reform&E Jingping 36
Accelerate the promotion of mechanism innovation on agricultural management system&Chen Xiaohua 41
Urban and Rural integration and Population Development&Zhao Baige 52
Break the three prominent contradictions to promote the coordinated development of"Three modernizations"&Guo Gengmao 57
Chongqing Municipal's Probe and practice on integrated urban and Rural Development&Huang Qifan 67
Ideas and measures on rural household's 10000 Yuan income increase in Chongqing Municipal's "Two wings"&Ma Zhengqi 75
Study on the evaluation index system for integrated urban and rural development in Sanya&Jiang Zelin 82
Greatly accelerate the development of agricultural product processing industry and promote the integrated Urban and Rural Development&Yang Qingcai 95
Accelerate agricultural modernization in the process of industrialization and urbanization&Jia Wanzhi 104
Standardizing the promotion of rural land management system reform&Liu Suichen 111
Farmers Income growth:stage objectives and long-term mechanism&Zhang Hongyu 115
Give full play to the regulation function of agricultural pricing policies in the integrated urban and rural development&Qian Keming 138
Integrate Urban and Rural Development and promote urbanization development&Lian Qihua 144
Establish new rural social pension insurance system and promote integrated urban and rural economic and social development&Liu Conglong 148
Resolve the rural financial services problem through reform and innovation&Huangyan Xin,et al. 151
Deepen the financial and tax system reform to promote the integrated urban and rural development&Jia Kang,et al. 163
Current industry restructuring problems in China and integrated urban and rural industrial development&Ma Xiaohe 177
Integrated rural and urban development and evaluation and examination system construction in Gansu province&Xia Hongmin 188
Further carry forward the integration of urban and rural regions to promote the development and prosperity of urban and rural together&Liu Jiaqiang 206
The establishment of new mechanisms for integrated urban and rural employment&Zhang Yulong 217
Theoretical analysis on the economic development,urbanization and the construction of livelihood and social undertakings&Wang Dongyang,et al. 236
Theoretical analysis on the integrated urban and rural economic development and the narrowing of income gap between urban and rural areas&Li Ninghui,et al. 246
Probe on the integrated urban and rural development in Beijing Municipal and inspiration of using it for reference&Jiang Heping,et al. 268
Analysis on the Rural Social Security fund Needs under the Urban and Rural the integration&Li Xiande,et al. 288
Study on the farmland protection countermeasures for the integrated urban and rural development&Liang Shumin,et al. 303
Attachment: 319
Organizing Committee of China Rural Economic Forum 319
Introduction on Agricultural Economics and Policy Advisory Group,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 321
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