外研社·朗文中学英语辅助系列 阅读 初三PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Chris Jacques,王薇编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7560026125
- 页数:225 页
Unit 1 Ⅰ (Units 1-14) 1
Unit 1 The English language 英语 3
1.Where did English come from? 英语的起源 3
2.Secret writing codes 密写与密码 5
3.What do English family names mean? 英语姓氏的含义 7
Unit 2 Sports and training 体育和训练 9
1.Young people and their training programmes 年轻人和他们的训练计划 9
2.Swimming across the Atlantic 游泳横渡大西洋 11
Unit 3 Young learners 青年学生 14
1.School uniforms aren t cool in the USA. 校服在美国不受欢迎。 14
2.An English camp in Hong Kong 香港的英语夏令营 15
3.Justin Surprises his professors. Justin 令教授们感到意外。 17
Unit 4 Earthquake 地震 19
1.Radio news report of an earthquake 有关地震的电台新闻报导 19
2.Dialogue: After the earthquake(1)对话:地震后(1) 20
3.Emergency vehicles 紧急救援车辆 21
4.Story: After the earthquake(2)故事:地震后(2) 23
Unit 5 Motorbikes and karts 摩托车和微型赛车 25
1.A jump across the Grand Canyon 飞跃大峡谷 25
2.Karting: A Formula of its own 微型塞车:自成一级 27
3.Last kart race of the season 本赛季的最后一场微型赛车比赛 29
Unit 6 Records and schools 纪录与学校 32
1.Unusual records 不寻常的纪录 32
2.Story: Camping in the classroom 故事:在教室里扎营 33
Unit 7 Practice Tests 模拟测验 37
A.A trip to Britain 37
B.The fittest man in the world 38
C.Working days 40
D.Problem letters 42
1.Back to the land 回到农村种田去 44
Unit 8 Farm life 农村生活 44
2.Story: Hungry sheep 故事:饥饿的羊群 47
3.Factfile: Wild birds 真相录:野鸟 48
Unit 9 In business 经商 50
1.Questionnaire 问卷 50
2.Keeping the customers happy 永远让顾客高兴 51
3.Setting up a website 设立网页 54
Unit 10 Dangerous sports 危险体育项目 56
1.Falling 10 kilometres without a parachute! 无伞降落1万公尺! 56
2.Mountain climbing in the Eastern Pamir mountains 攀登东帕米尔高原 58
Unit 11 Flying 飞行 61
1.Planes of the future 未来的飞机 61
2.Story: A flying Start 故事:飞速的开始 64
Unit 12 Looking for beasts 寻找巨兽 67
1.Nessie and Yeti 水怪和雪人 67
2.Factfile: The beast of Baluchistan 真相录:俾路支巨兽 70
3.Filming dinosaurs 拍摄恐龙 71
Unit 13 Daily life 日常生活 73
1.Where can you eat in Hong Kong? 香港餐馆简介 73
2.Interview: Working under the golden arches 访问记:在金色棋顶下干活儿 76
3.Story: Can somebody help me? 故事:有人能帮帮我吗? 77
Unit 14 Practice Tests 模拟测验 79
A.Christmas all over the world 79
B.Round the world in less than 80 days 80
C.Food for free 82
D.Making wishes at the magical tree 84
Part Ⅱ Practice Tests模拟测验(Units 15-26) 87
Unit 15 Practice Tests 89
A.Untitled 89
B.A shopping trip 91
Cloze: A new friend 93
C.Twins 95
D.Twin stories 97
Unit 16 Practice Tests 99
A.The most important in ventions in the years 1-2000 A.D 99
B.Robots 101
Cloze: A visit to a robot factory 103
C.untitled 105
D.The field of gold 107
Unit 17 Practice Tests 109
A.Fires uncover Pueblo Indian houses 109
B.The Millennium Dome 111
C.Circle in the sea 113
D.Story: Are the jewels safe? 115
Cloze: A visit to a castle 117
Unit 18 Practice Tests 119
A.Rush hour in Tokyo 119
Cloze: Caught in the rush bour 121
B.Untitled 123
C.Going without water for a day 125
D.Story: Journey across the sea 127
Unit 19 Practice Tests 129
A.Save the tiger 129
B.Saving the earth 131
C.Unknown animals in the forest 133
D.A bear hunt 135
Cloze: The tiger trap 137
Unit 20 Practice Tests 139
A.Untitled 139
B.Journey into space 141
C.What will the weather be like? 143
D.Living through a hurricane 145
Cloze: Desert storm 147
A.Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 149
Unit 21 Practice Tests 149
B.Top of the class 151
Cloze: History test 153
Unit 22 Practice Test 155
A.Mooncakes 155
B.Toys for all ages 157
C.Security in a department store 159
D.The best things in life are free 161
Cloze: A shopping trip 163
Unit 23 Practice Tests 165
A.Is there a doctor on the plane? 165
B.Look after your skin 167
C.Laughter the best medicine 169
Cloze: Grandpa goes to the doctor 171
D.Giving blood 173
A.Tourist gets lost in the outback for 40 days 175
Unit 24 Practice Tests 175
Cloze: Sunrise in the Australian outback 177
B.How to stay alive in the desert 179
C.A day trip to Rottnest Island 181
Unit 25 Practice Tests 183
A.Ice hockey champion 183
B.Downhill racer 185
Cloze: A downhill race 187
Unit 26 Practice Tests 189
A.British teenager s novel is a winner 189
B.Photographing nature 191
C.How to write a short story: some dos and don ts 193
D.The hare and the tortoise 195
Cloze: The ant and the cricket 197
Answer Key 参考答案 199
List of New Words 生词表(按字母顺序) 204
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