云南民族民间艺术 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:云南省群众艺术馆主编
- 出 版 社:昆明:云南人民出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7222014594
- 页数:254 页
The Distribution of the nationality minorities in Yunnan Province 2
The Heavenly Interests by Deng Qiyao 3
Costume 7
the Yis'costume 9
the Bais'costume 23
the Tibetan costume 27
the Naxis'costume 31
the Dulongs'Costume 33
the lus'costume 34
the Lisus'Costume 35
the Pumis'Costume 38
the Lahus'Costume 39
the Achangs'costume 40
the Jinuos'costume 42
the jinpos'costume 43
the Bulangs'costume 44
the De'ang's costume 46
the Mongolian costume 47
the Buyis'cos-tume 48
the Suis'costume 49
the Han's costume 49
the Huis'costume 51
the Dais'cos-tume 52
the Yaos'Costume 55
the Hanis'costume 57
the Zhuangs'costume 62
the Miaos'costume 64
the Was'costume 66
the sacrificial rites garment 68
Ornamenfal Articles 75
Embroideries and Cross-stitches 93
the Yis'embroideries 95
the Bais'embroideries 99
the Zhuangs'embroideries 100
the Dais'embroideries 105
the Miaos'Cross-stitches 107
the Yis'cross-stitches 109
the Bais'Cross-stitches 110
the Yaos'cross-stitches 113
Brocade 119
the Dais's brocade 125
the Bulangs'brocade 133
the Suis'brocade 134
The Was'brocade 135
the Achangs'brocade 136
the Jinuo's brocade 137
the Dulongs'brocade 137
the Jinpo's brocade 138
the Naxis'brocade 138
Bags 139
the Was'bags 141
the Hanis'bags 143
The Lahus'bags 144
the Jinuos'bags 145
the Jinpos'bags 146
The Yaos'bags 147
the Buyis'bags 147
the Dais'bags 148
the Kemu Peo-ple's bags 149
the Bais'bags 150
the Miaos'bags 151
the De'ang's bags 151
the Lisus'bags 152
the Zhuangs'bags 154
the Yis'bags 156
the Naxis'bags 158
Batiks and Tie-dyings 159
batiks 161
tie-dyings 164
Head-wears,Shoes Toys 167
Children's head-wears 169
the embroided shoes 177
toys 181
Untenciles 189
the Yis'liquar 191
Tibetan wooden bowls 194
the Dais'liquar and bamboo wears 195
earth-enwares 199
metal articles 201
bornitic wares 205
the Dais'black pot 207
The tin-ware in Gejiu County 208
the pottery in Jiansui County 209
the jade Jadeite articles in Tengchong 211
others 212
Eearthenware and Tiles 215
the ornamental tiles 217
the pottery figurines in Dali County 223
Others 225
The Cai-za(Jie-and-kniting)Arts 227
the Dais'Cai-za 229
the Naxis'Cai-za 235
the Lisus'Cai-za 239
the Hans'Cai-za 241
The Colourful Ethnical Arts in Yunnan by Ma Shaoyun 243
Index of Pictures 245
Index of Articles 252
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