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高级法律英语选读  刑法学
高级法律英语选读  刑法学

高级法律英语选读 刑法学PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:党建军编注
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7119027018
  • 页数:223 页
《高级法律英语选读 刑法学》目录

UNIT1 The Morality of the Criminal Law 刑法的道德性 1

UNIT2 The Twilight of Welfare Criminology:a Reply to Judge Bazelon 福利刑法学的衰落--答Bazelon法官 19

UNIT3 Making Sense of the Criminal Law 感悟刑法 36

UNIT4 Decision Rules and Conduct Rules:On Acoustic Separation in Criminal Law 裁判规则与行为规则:“声音隔离”原理在刑法中的运用 49

UNIT5 An Economic Theory of the Criminal Law 刑法的经济分析 64

UNIT6 Criminal Justice Discretion as a Regulatory System 刑事司法裁量权的经济分析 80

UNIT7 Critical Criminal Law 批判的刑法学 93

UNIT8 Forgiveness,Mercy,and the Retributive Emotions 宽容、仁慈和报复情感 108

UNIT9 Murphy on Forgiveness Murphy 教授的宽容观 121

UNIT10 A Rejoinder to Morris 答Morris先生 130

UNIT11 Emotional Justice:Moralizing the Passions of Criminal Punishment 刑事惩罚与道德情感 138

UNIT12 Offences and Defenses 犯罪与辩护 150

UNIT13 The Individualization of Excusing Conditions 论宽恕事由 162

UNIT14 The Perplexing Borders of Justification and Excuse 正当理由与宽恕事由的界限 175

UNIT15 Respect for Life and Regard for Rights in the Criminal Law 刑法对生命和权利的尊重 185

UNIT16 A Duty to Rescue:Some Thoughts on Criminal Liability 救助义务研究:刑事责任之思考 196

UNIT17 The Problem of Capital Punishment:The Cost of Capital Punishment 死刑问题研究:死刑的成本 208

后记 223
