- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨霞华编著
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽教育出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7533607155
- 页数:472 页
Table of Contents 1
Introduction 1
Exercises 5
Chapter 1 The Paragraph 9
Fundamental Functions of the Paragraph 9
Unity and Controlling Idea 11
The Topic Sentence 13
Paragraph Development 16
Coherence 18
A.Coherene Thrrugh Logical Arrangement 20
B.Coherenee Through Cohesive Devices 21
Transition 23
A.Opening Paragraphs 27
Three Special Paragraphs 27
B.Closing Paragraphs 32
C.Dialogue Paragraphs 35
Exercises 36
Chapter 2 Narration 43
What Is Narration 43
Model Essay 44
Langston Hughes:Saved from Sin 44
How to Write a Narrative 48
A.Decide upon a Theme 48
B.Organize the Narrative in Temporal Order 50
C.Build Conflict in the Plot 52
D.Focus on the Character 53
E.Select and Pace the Details 54
F.Use Consistent Point of View 55
Exercises 57
Further Readings 61
E.R. Braithwaite:Thc Interview 61
Nikos Kazantzakis:A Night in a Galabrian Village 66
Chapter 3 Description 70
What Is Description 70
Model Essay 71
George Orwell:A Hanging 71
How to Write a Description 78
A.Establish a Dominant Impression 78
B.Arrange the Description in Spatial Order 80
C.Point of View 81
1.Describing a person 83
D.Four Sub-types of Description 83
2.Describing a place 85
3.Describing a scene 86
4.Describing an object 87
E.Use speclfic and viyie language 87
Exercises 88
Further Readings 94
Henry David Thoreau:The Battle 94
Deems Taylor:The Monster 99
Chapter 4 Exposition:Illustration 106
What Is Illustration 106
Model Essay 107
Joanna Mermey:A Victim of the Consumer Crusaders 107
How to Write an Illustration 111
A.Select Good Examples 111
B.Types of Examples 113
C.Order Examples 114
D.Balance the General with the Specific 115
Exercises 117
Further Readings 121
Marya Mannes:Packaged Deception 121
J.B. Priestley:Two Personal Essays 126
Chapter 5 Exposition:Divisition and Classification 130
What Is Division and Classification 130
Model Essay 131
Bertrand Russell:What I Have Lived For 131
How to Write a Division/Classification 133
A.Overall Structure of the Model Essay 133
B.The Introductory Paragraph 133
C.Provocation and Response 135
D.Overall Plan and Variation 136
E.Rules of Division and Classification 137
Exercises 139
Further Readings 142
C.L. Wrenn:The Characteristics of English 142
Aaron Copland:Different Types of Composers 146
Chapter 6 Exposition:Comparison and Contrast 150
What is Comparison and Contrast 150
Model Essay 151
Bruce Catton:Grant and Lee:A Study in Contrasts 151
How to Write a Comparison/Contrast 158
A.Overall Structure of the Model Essay 158
B.Subject-by-Subject and Point-by-Point Comparisons 159
C.Selection of Material and Thesis Statement 160
D.Balance and Emphasis 162
E.Transitions 164
Analogy 165
Exercises 166
Further Readings 171
David Skwire:Sentence Fragment and Speeding 171
Brander Mathews:Franklin and Emerson 173
Eugene Raskin:Walls and Barriers 174
Chapter 7 Exposition:Causal Analysis 180
What Is Causal Analysis 180
Model Essay 181
Robert Jastrow:Man of Wisdom 181
A.Overall Structure of the Model Essay 188
How to Write a Causal Analysis 188
B.Distinguish Necessary,Sufficient and Contributory Causes 189
C.Consider Both Immediate and Remote Causes 191
D.Patterns of Causal Analysis 192
E.Avoid Post Hoc Fallacy 195
F.Avoid Circular Reasoning 195
G.Explain Cause and Effect Explicitly 196
Exercises 197
Further Readings 200
Edwin Newman:Language on the Skids 200
John Brooks:The Telephone 205
Chapter 8 Exposition:Definition 208
What Is Definition 208
Model Essay 208
Desmond Morris:Barrier Signals 208
A.Overall Structure of the Model Essay 215
How to Write a Definition 215
B.Formal Definition 216
C.Personal Definition 218
D.Extended Definition 219
1.Definition by origin 219
2.Definition by example 221
3.Definition by comparison 221
4.Definition by contrast 222
5.Definition by description 223
6.Definition by classification 223
Exercises 225
Further Readings 229
Ellen Goodman:The Workaholic 229
Mark Van Doren:What Is a Poet? 232
Chapter 9 Exposition:Process Analysis 241
What Is Process Analysis 241
Model Essay 242
Matthew Kay:How to Kill a Bull at a Fiesta 242
How to Write a Process Analysis 245
A.Overall Structure of the Model Essay 245
B.Collect Adequate and Accurate Information 246
C.Begin with a Clear Thesis Statement 247
D.Deal with the Process 247
1.Chronological order and spatial order 247
2.Divide a continuous process appropriately 248
3.Group minor actions into major ones 249
4.Order simultaneous actions 250
E.Make Each Individual Step Clear,Complete,without Repetition 251
5.Handle properly comments,explanations,etc 251
F.Use the Flow Diagram 252
Exercises 253
Further Readings 255
How to Enlarge a Photograph 255
S.I. Hayakawa:How Dictionaries Are Made 258
I Remember,Granner 261
Chapter 10 Argumentation 264
What Is Argumentation 264
Modle Essay 265
Erich Fromm:Our Way of Life Makes Us Miserable How to Write an Argumentation 274
A.Overall Structure of the Model Essay 274
B.Appealing to Reason 276
1.Induction 276
2.Deduction 277
C.Identifying with the Audience 281
D.Logical Fallacies 284
1.False Analogy 284
2.Evading the Issue 285
3.Non Sequitur 287
Exercises 288
Further Readings 293
Jonathan Swift:A Modest Proposal 293
John F.Kennedy:Inaugural Address 306
Luigi Pirandello:War 312
Chapter 11 Diction 319
Abstract and Concrete Words 320
General and Specific Words 320
Denotation and Connotation 322
Synonyms 325
Euphemisms 326
Exercises 1—5 328
Slang 330
Jargon 331
Cliches 332
Exercise 6 335
Figures of speech 337
A.Simile 337
B.Metaphor 338
C.Personification 339
D.Metonymy 340
E.Hyperbole 341
F.Litotes 341
G.Transferred Epithet 342
H.Onomatopoeia 343
I.Irony 343
Exercise 7 344
Chapter 12 The Rhetoric of Sentences 346
Active Voice or Passive Voice? 346
Parallelism 348
Exercises 8,9 351
Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers 353
A.Dangling Modifiers 353
B.Misplaced Modifiers 356
Exercise 10 357
Sentence Clarity 359
A.Lack of Necessary Details 359
B.Choppy Sentences 360
C.Confusing Shifts 361
Exercises 11,12 363
D.Confusing Pronoun Reference 363
Sentence Conciseness 370
Exercise 13 374
Sentence Emphasis 377
A.Positions of Words 377
B.Periodie and Loose Sentences 377
C.Balanced Sentences 378
D.Repetition 379
E.Other Means of Emphasis 381
Exercises 14,15 381
The Expletives 382
Stringy Sentences 383
Exercises 16,17 384
A.Vary Sentence Beginnings 385
Sentence Variety 385
B.Vary Sentence Patterns and Kinds of Sentences 388
C.Vary Sentence Length 388
Exercises 18,19 389
Sentence Combining 389
Exercises 20,21 393
Chapter 13 Tone and Style 396
Tone 396
Style 398
Exercise 22 402
Appendix 407
Glossary of Usage 407
Punctuation 445
Index 461
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