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中国国际私法与比较法年刊  2000  第3卷
中国国际私法与比较法年刊  2000  第3卷

中国国际私法与比较法年刊 2000 第3卷PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:韩德培等主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:法律出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:750363152X
  • 页数:741 页
《中国国际私法与比较法年刊 2000 第3卷》目录

评论 3

New Development of Recent Codifications of Private International Law Han Depei Du Tao 3

Review 3

晚近国际私法立法的新发展 韩德培 杜涛 3

关于国际私法的几个理论问题 李双元 宁敏 熊之才 35

Several The Oreel Problems of Private International Law Li Suangyuan, Niag Min Xiong Xhicai 35

俄罗斯国际商事仲裁制度与涉俄商事仲裁 刘慧珊 张洪波 71

On the International Commercial Arbitration System of Russian Federation and Russian-related Commercial Arbitration Liu Huishan Zhang Hongbo 71

迈向一个关于民商事件国际管辖权及外国判决效力的世界性公约 汉斯·范·鲁 96

Towards a World Wide Convention on International Jurisdiction and the Effects of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters Hans Van Loon 96

美国冲突法革命之后的法律选择方法 肖永平 108

American Choice of Law Methods after the Conflict of Laws Revolution Xiao Yongping 108

The Development and Present Condition of CMAC and Thoughts on Relevant Problems Cai Hongda 142

中国海事仲裁的发展、现状及有关问题的思考 蔡鸿达 142

刍议国际商事仲裁的价值取向 宋连斌 154

Value Orientation of International Commercial Arbitration Song Lianbin 154

国民待遇原则在国际版权保护中的适用与例外 164

Application of and Exemption from the National Treatment Proinciple in International Copyright Protection Jiang Xinmiao 164

试论国际统一私法的统一化方法 浦伟良 184

Unification Methods of Uniform Private International Law Pu Weiliang 184

法律适用 195

论信托关系的法律适用 邹志洪 195

Application of Law in Trust Zou Zhihong 195

Application of Law 195

Private International Law of EDI Lu Guomin 228

EDI的应用所带来的若干国际私法问题 吕国民 228

Application of Law in International Service Trade Xu Junke 239

国际服务贸易的法律适用 许军珂 239

On Changing the Law Applicable to Contract by Agreement Liu Sun 250

论协议变更合同准据法的问题 刘笋 250

比较法研究 271

Comparative Law Studies 271

Comparative Analysis on Foreign Legal Aid Systems Zheng Ziwen 271

国外法律援助制度比较研究 郑自文 271

Comparative Analysis on Corporation Capital Regime Feng Guo 314

公司资本制度比较研究 冯果 314

国际上电子签名立法的动态与展望 蔡航 331

International Digital Signature Legislation:Its Dynamics and Prospect Cai Hang 331

On Ownership in International Financial Leasing Cheng Weidong 357

论国际融资租赁物的所有权 程卫东 357

On Recovery of Children s Maintenance from Abroad Sun Ang 370

向国外追索儿童抚养费问题初探 孙昂 370

Analysis of Anticipatory Breach of Contract Wu Zhizhong 386

预期违约制度探析 吴志忠 386

An Important Model of China Interregional Judicial Assistance:Comments on《Arrangement on Mutual Enforecment of Arbitration Awards》between Mainland and Hong Kong SAR Yu Xianyu 405

Interregional Conflict of Laws 405

区际法律冲突 405

中国区际司法协助的一个重要模式——内地与香港《相互执行仲裁裁决的安排》述评 余先予 405

内地与港澳台之间相互承认与执行仲裁裁决若干法律问题之探讨 詹礼愿 420

Certain Legal Problems under Discussion about Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards between Mainland,Hong Kong,Macao and Tarwan Zhan Liyuan 420

国际商事仲裁与国际民事诉讼 439

美国法院涉外民事案件管辖权的基础 张默 439

Basis of American Court Jurisdiction over Foreign-related Civil Cases Zhang Mo 439

International Commercial Arbitration and International Civil Procedure 439

论澳门(涉外)民事案件的司法管辖权制度 丁伟 458

On Macao s System of Foreign-related Civil Jurisdiction Ding Wei 458

On the Question of Jurisdiction Challenge in International Commercial Arbitration——With Comments on Relevant Stipulations of PRC Arbitration Law Han Jian 469

论国际商事仲裁中的管辖权异议问题——兼评我国《仲裁法》中的有关规定 韩健 469

加拿大关于国际民商事管辖权自由裁量的理论与实践 刘仁山 483

Theories and Practices in Canada on Discretion of International Civil and Commercial Jurisdiction Liu Renshan 483

Glimpse of Fictitious Arbitration Zhang Shangjin 509

虚拟仲裁庭初探 章尚锦 509

Long-Arm Arbitration Agreement:On the Effect of the Arbitration Agreement upon the Non-signature Party Zhao Jian 515

长臂的仲裁协议:论仲裁协议对朱签字人的效力 赵健 515

试论现代商人法与国际商事仲裁制度的完善和发展 郑远民 533

Recognition and Enforcement of Judgment on Punitive Damages Zhang Mao 552

惩罚性损害赔偿判决的承认与执行 张茂 552

On the Basic Principles of Coodination of International Civil Jurisdiction Li Xianbo 567

论国际民事管辖权协调的基本原则 李先波 567

Introduction to the System of International Civil Jurisdiction in the Philippines Li Xintian Jiang Maoning 580

菲律宾国际民事管辖权制度评价 李新天 蒋茂凝 580

On the Power of Chinese Courts over Judicial Examination of Foreign-related Arbitration Awards Du Xinli 594

论我国法院对涉外仲裁裁决的司法审查权 杜新丽 594

Reciprocal Principle in Extra-territorial Recognition and Enforcement of Court Judgments and Arbitration Awards Qi Xiangquan 608

论法院判决、仲裁裁决域外承认与执行中的互惠原则 刘湘泉 608

An Overview of Belgian Private International Law Johan Erauw Shan Hailing 627

Introduction to Foreign Private International Law 627

外国国际私法评介 627

比利时国际私法现状及发展 Johan Erauw 单海玲 627

Article 5(1) of 1968 Brussels Convention Luo Jianwen 660

欧盟《布鲁塞尔公约》第5条第1款浅析 罗剑雯 660

Information and Documents 673

Defamation in private international Law(日) 出口耕自 translated by Guo Yujun 673

国际私法上的名誉毁损 (日)出口耕自 郭玉军译 673

信息与资料 673

Hague Draft Convention on International Jurisdiction and the Effects of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters 693

民商事管辖权及外国判决公约(草案) 693

The American Law Institute:Restatement of the Law,Second,Conflict of Laws,1986 Revisions trtanslated by Tan Yueqi,revised by Xiao Yongping 710

美国法学会:第二次冲突法重述(1986年修订本) 潭岳奇译 肖永平校 710

German s Legislation of Private International Law on Non Contractual Obligation Relations and Real Rights translated by Du Tao 719

德意志联邦共和国关于非合同债权关系和物权的国际私法立法 杜涛译 719

Tunisian Code of Private International Law translated by Su Yantao and Du Tao 723

突尼斯国际私法典 粟烟涛 杜涛译 723

A Summary of 1999 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Private International Law Guo Yujun Che Ying 735

中国国际私法学会1999年年会综述 郭玉军 车英 735
