- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:荀锡泉编;吴钧陶等译
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7810091050
- 页数:546 页
Foreword 1
1.Upon a Spider Catching a Fly 20
2.The Wild Honey Suckle 24
3.The Indian Burying Ground 26
4.The Volunteer's March 29
5.Thanatopsis 32
6.To a Waterfowl 37
7.The Poet 39
8.The Rhodora 43
9.Brahma 45
10.Two Rivers 47
11.A Psalm of Life 49
12.The Jewish Cemetery at Newport 52
13.from The Song of Hiawatha 57
14.My Lost Youth 70
15.The Cross of Snow 75
16.To Helen 77
17.The City in the Sea 79
18.The'Raven 83
19.Annabel Lee 93
20.As Adam Early in the Morning 96
21.There Was a Child Went Forth 97
22.from Song of Myself 102
23.Cavalry Crossing a Ford 125
24.When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd 126
25.O Captain!My Captain! 142
26.Reconciliation 144
27.Come Up from the Fields Father 145
28.A Noiseless Patient Spider 148
29.214(“I taste a liquor never brewed”) 150
30.249(“Wild Nights—Wild Nights!”) 152
31.303(“The Soul selects her own Society”) 153
32.528(“Mine—by the Right of the White Election!”) 154
33.585(“I like to see it lap the Miles”) 155
34.640(“I cannot live with you”) 157
35.668 (“'ature'is what we see”) 160
36.712(“Because I could not stop for Death”) 161
37.1072(“Title divine—is mine!”) 163
38.1732(“My life closed twice before its close”) 165
39.Credo 166
40.Richard Cory 167
41.Miniver Cheevy 169
42.Eros Turannos 172
43.The Pasture 175
44.Mending Wall 176
45.The Death of the Hired Man 179
46.After Apple-Picking 188
47.The Road Not Taken 191
48.Birches 193
49.Nothing Gold Can Stay 197
50.The Runaway 198
51.Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 200
52.The Silken Tent 202
53.Chicago 204
54.Graceland 207
55.Grass 209
56.from The People,Yes 210
57.The Emperor of Ice-Cream 215
58.The Motive for Metaphor 217
59.The Red Wheelbarrow 219
60.The Yachts 220
61.The Young Housewife 223
62.A Sort of Song 224
63.Seafarer 225
64.A Pact 227
65.In a Station of the Metro 228
66.The River-Merchant's Wife:A Letter 229
67.The Fish 232
68.Nevertheless 235
69.The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 238
70.from The Waste Land 247
71.Captain Carpenter 265
72.Parting,Without a Sequel 270
73.form Empire Builders 272
74.O sweet spontaneous 275
75.If There Are Any Heavens My Mother Will 277
76.Somewhere I Have Never Travelled,Gladly Beyond 279
77.anyone lived in a pretty how town 281
78.i Carry Your Heart With Me(i carry It In 284
79.The Negro Speaks of Rivers 286
80.The Weary Blues 288
81.Harlem 291
82.The Unknown Citizen 292
83.Open House 295
84.Root Cellar 297
85.The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner 299
86.The Woman at the Washington Zoo 300
87.We Real Cool 303
Gwendolyn Brooks(1917— ) 303
88.Of Robert Frost 304
Allen Ginsberg(1926— ) 305
89.A Supermarket in California 305
90.A Blessing 308
91.Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island,Minnesota 310
92.Depressed by a Book of Bad Poetry,I Walktoward an Unused Pasture and Invite the Insects to Join Me 311
Edward Taylor(1642— 1729
Philip Freneau(1752— 1832
Edgar Allan Poe(1809— 1849
William Cullen Bryant(1794— 1878
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807— 1882
Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803— 1882
Emily Dickinson(1830— 1886
Walt Whitman(1819— 1892
Edwin Arlington Robinson(1869— 1935
Wallace Stevens(1879— 1955
E.E.Cummings(1894— 1962
Theodore Roethke(1908— 1963
William Carlos Williams(1883— 1963
Robert Frost(1874— 1963
Randall Jarrell(1914— 1965
Thomas Stearns Eliot(1888— 1965
Langston Hughes(1902— 1967
Carl Sandburg(1878— 1967
Marianne Moore(1887— 1972
Wystan Hugh Auden(1907— 1973
Ezra Pound(1885— 1973
John Crowe Ransom(1888— 1974
James Wright(1927— 1980
Archibald Macleish(1892— 1982
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