- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张锦涛主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560023444
- 页数:369 页
前言 1
English Literature of the Twentieth Century 20世纪英国文学作品选 1
1.John Galsworthy 3
The Forsyte Saga 4
2.Edward Morgan Forster 10
A Passage to India 11
3.D H Lawrence 21
Son and Lovers 23
4.Thomas Stearns Eliot 35
The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 37
5.Aldous Leonard Huxley 41
Brave New World 42
6.Dylan Thomas 50
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 51
7.John Osborne 53
Look Back in Anger 54
8.Margaret Drabble 66
The Ice Age 67
Part Two 79
Irish Literature of the Twentieth Century 20世纪爱尔兰文学作品选 79
1.George Bernard Shaw 81
Pygamalion 82
2.William Butler Yeats 87
The Second Coming 88
3.James Joyce 90
Araby 92
4.Mary Lavin 98
Happiness 99
Part Three 111
North American Literature of the Twentieth Century 20世纪北美洲文学作品选 111
1.Robert Lee Frost 113
The Road Not Taken 114
2.Ernest Hemingway 116
The Snows of Kilimanjaro 118
3.Katherine Anne Porter 137
Flowering Judas 139
4.William Cuthbert Faulkner 149
A Rose for Emily 151
5.Arthur Miller 160
Death of a Salesman 161
6.Norman Mailer 173
The Armies of the Night 175
7.Alice Munro 181
The Office 182
8.Margaret Arwood 193
Dancing Girls 194
Part Four 207
Australian Literature of the Twentieth Century 20世纪澳大利亚文学作品选 207
1.A.B Paterson 209
The Man from Snowy River 211
2.Henry Lawson 216
His Mother s Mate 218
3.Christopher Brennan 220
Poems:1913 221
4.Henry Handel Richardson 227
The Fortunes of Richard Mahony 228
5.Martin Boyd 240
The Cardboard Crown 241
6.A.D.Hope 255
The Death of the Bird 256
7.Patrick White 259
Voss 261
Literature of Other English-Speaking Countries in the Twentieth Century 20世纪其他英语国家文学作品选 271
Part Five 271
1.Katherine Mansfield(New Zealand) 273
Her First Ball 274
2.Tagore Rabindranath(India) 280
Gitangali 281
Stray Birds 283
3.R.K.Narayan(India) 290
A Horse and Two Goats 292
4.Nadine Gordimer(South Africa) 306
A Sport of Nature 308
5.Wole Soyinka(Nigeria) 318
The Road 320
6.Clyde Hosein(Trinidad) 331
Signature 332
7.Roger Mais(Jamaica) 335
Red Dirt Don t Wash 336
Appendix Ⅰ 英国著名作家及其主要作品 344
Appendix Ⅱ 美国著名作家及其主要作品 350
Appendix Ⅲ 其他英语国家著名作家及其主要作品 357
Appendix Ⅳ 主要文学流派及其代表作 365
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