言语行为 语言哲学论 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)John R.Searle著;涂纪亮导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:756002386X
- 页数:212 页
1 Methods and scope 3
1 The philosophy of language 3
2 Linguistic characterizations 4
Preface by Halliday F 9
王宗炎序 F 10
3 The verification of linguistic characterizations 12
Preface by Chomsky F 13
4 Why study speech acts? 16
5 The principle of expressibility 19
沈家煊序 F 20
2 Expressions, meaning and speech acts 22
1 Expressions and kinds of speech acts 22
导读 F 23
2 Predication 26
3 Reference as a speech act 26
4 Propositions 29
5 Rules 33
Preface F 34
6 Meaning 42
7 The distinction between brute and institutional facts 50
3 The structure of illocutionary acts 54
1 How to promise:a complicated way 57
2 Insincere promises 62
3 Rules for the use of the illocutionary force indicating device 62
4 Extending the analysis 64
4 Reference as a speech act 72
1 Use and mention 73
2 Axioms of reference 77
4 Necessary conditions for referring 81
3 Kinds of definite referring expressions 81
5 The principle of identification 85
6 Qualifications to the principle of identification 88
7 Some consequences of the principle of identification 91
8 Rules of reference 94
5 Predication 97
1 Frege on concept and object 97
2 Nominalism and the existence of universals 103
3 Ontological commitments 106
4 The term theory of propositions 113
5 Predicates and universals 119
6 Is predication a speech act? 121
7 Rules of predication 123
6 Three fallacies in contemporary philosophy 131
1 The maturalistic fallacy fallacy 132
2 The speech act fallacy 136
3 The assertion fallacy 141
4 The origin of the fallacies:meaning as use 146
5 Alternative explanations 149
7 Problems of reference 157
1 The theory of descriptions 157
2 Proper names 162
8 Deriving ought from is 175
1 How to do it 177
2 The nature of the issues involved 182
3 Objections and replies 188
Index 199
文库索引 204
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