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  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:马佳编著
  • 出 版 社:上海市:学林出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7806167382
  • 页数:563 页

A 1

阿荷拉和阿荷利巴(Aholah and Aholibah) 1

目录 1

阿门(Amen) 2

埃及的黑暗(Egyptian darkness,or Plague of darkness) 4

埃及的肉锅(flesh pots Egypt) 6

埃及头生的(firstborn of Egypt) 7

哀哭切齿(weeping and gnashing of teeth) 8

爱你的邻舍(love your neighbor) 11

爱你们的仇敌(love your enemies) 13

安逸无虑(at ease in zion) 15

安息日(Sabbath day) 15

安息日是为人而立的(Sabbath was made for man) 18

巴比伦大淫妇(Babylon as scarlet woman,whore) 19

B 19

巴比伦的河边(by the rivers of Babylon) 21

巴别(Babel) 25

八福,真福八端(Beatitudes) 28

把脚上的尘土跺下去(shake off the dust of your feet) 30

巴兰的驴(Balaam's Ass) 30

把炭火堆在他头上(heap coals of fire upon his head) 34

把鞋脱下来(put off the shoes) 34

把珍珠丢在猪前(cast pearls before swine) 35

稗子和麦子的比喻(parable of the tares and wheat) 35

斑鸠的声音(Voice of the turtle) 36

保罗和西拉的歌声(song of Paul and Cilas) 36

豹岂能改变斑点呢?(Leopard change his spots) 37

被召的人多,选上的人少 (Many be called,but few chosen) 38

被缚的撒旦(Satan chained) 38

彼得看见的大布(Peter's vision of the sheet) 39

必给他弟兄作奴仆的奴仆(Lowest of slaves shall be to his brothers) 40

彼拉多洗手(Pilate washed his hands) 40

彼列(Belial) 41

必得滋润(One who gives water will get water) 42

毕士大池(pool of Bethesda) 42

比天使微小一点(little lower than the angels) 43

别西卜(Beelzebub) 44

必朽坏的和不朽坏的(corrup-tible and incorruptible) 45

必追讨他的罪(by no means clearing the guilty) 46

饼和鱼(loaves and fishes) 49

伯大尼的家(house in Bethany) 50

薄荷、茴香、芹菜的十分之一 (tithe of mint,anise,and cummin) 50

伯利恒的明星(star of Bethlehem) 51

不叫我们遇见试探(Lead us not into temptation) 53

不可偷盗(You should not steal) 54

不偏待人(no respecter of persons) 55

不忍用杖(spare the rod) 56

不是太平而是刀兵(not peace but a sword) 56

不晓得他们所作的(Know not what they do) 56

不要积攒财宝在地上(Lay not up treasures upon earth) 57

不要叫左手知道(Let not left hand know) 58

不要论断人,免得被论断(Do not judge,so that you may not bejudged) 58

不要受拉比的称呼(Not to be called rabbi) 60

不要妄称耶和华(Take the name of God in vain) 61

不要在迦特报告(Tell it not in Gath) 61

不义之财(filthy lucre) 62

才干的比喻(parable of the talents) 63

C 63

残废的,瘸腿的,瞎眼的(the crippled,the lame and the blind) 64

忏悔(confession) 65

参孙的拖着火把的狐狸(Sam-son's firebranded foxes) 70

参孙和大利拉(Samson and Dalilah) 73

参孙和神室的柱子(Samson and pillars of the temple) 76

参孙睡觉,醒来,活动身体(Samson sleeping,waking,and shaking himself) 78

尘土和炉灰(dust and ashes) 79

晨星一同歌唱(morning stars sang together) 80

称在天平里,显出你的亏欠 (You have been weighed on the scalesand found wanting) 81

翅膀像鸽子(wings like a doves) 81

吃的从吃者出来(out of the eater came something to eat) 82

吃你们不知道的(eat that you do not know about) 82

聪明和愚拙童女的比喻(parable of the wise and foolish virgins) 83

吃素菜,彼此相爱,强如吃肥牛,彼此相恨(better is a dinner of vegetables where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it) 83

从婴孩和吃奶的口中完全了赞美的话(out of the mouth of babes and sucklings) 84

创世纪(Genesis) 85

刺加在肉体上(thorn in the flesh) 90

出战攻敌营洁为务(When you are encamped against your enemies your camp must be holy) 90

出自拿撒勒的好事(Good thing come out ofNazareth) 91

D 93

大磨石拴在颈项上(A great millstone were fastened around your neck) 93

大卫的诗篇(David's Poems) 94

大卫和拔示巴(David and Batheba) 94

大卫和歌利亚(David and Goliath) 96

大卫和约拿单(David and Jonathan) 100

大卫之琴(David's lyre) 101

大喜的信息(good tidings of great joy) 102

带来厄运的约拿(Jonah,bringer of bad luck) 103

打开坟墓(Graves were opened) 104

打空气(beating the air) 105

大怒的碗(bowls of wrath) 105

大山踊跃如公羊(Mountains skipped like rams) 105

单靠食物(Live by bread alone) 106

但以理不为狮伤(Daniel was not hurted by the lions) 109

当将你的粮食撒在水面(Send out your bread upon the waters) 110

当灭的物(the things devoted to destruction) 110

道(Word) 110

道成了肉身(Word made flesh) 111

地狱(hell) 112

弟兄眼中的刺(mote in your brother's eye) 117

殿里的幔子开裂(veil of the temple rent) 121

毒蛇的种类(generation of vipers) 121

对耶稣的诱惑(Jesus,temptation) 122

堕落(the Fall) 124

多疑的多马(Thomas) 128

F 131

法老的瘦牛(Pharaoh's lean fleshed kine) 131

发火焰的剑(flaming sword) 132

凡动刀的必死在刀下(All who take the sword will perish by the sword) 133

凡事都是虚空(All is vanity) 133

凡是真实的,可敬的……(Whatever is true,whatever is honorable……) 135

凡物公用(all things in common) 135

凡向弟兄动怒的,难免受审判 (If you are angry with a brother or sister,you will be liable to judgment) 136

仿照玛代和波斯人的禁令(law of the Medes and Persians) 137

放在斗底下的灯(lamp under the bushel basket) 138

肥美的出产(fat of the land) 138

肥牛犊(fatted calf) 139

分别绵羊和山羊(separate sheep from goats) 140

粉墙上写字(handwriting on the wall) 143

粉饰的坟墓(whited sepulchres) 145

分蹄(cloven hoof) 145

风随着意思吹(The wind blows where it chooses) 146

父啊,赦免他们(Father,forgive them) 146

父辈的罪孽(sins of the fathers) 147

复活(resurrection) 148

复活节(Easter) 150

复活的耶稣(Jesus,resurrection) 150

父亲吃了酸葡萄(Fathers have eaten a sour grape) 152

福音(Gospel) 152

G 155

该撒的物当归给该撒,上帝的物当归给上帝(Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's;and to God the things that are God's) 155

该隐的记号(mark of Cain) 159

该隐的城(Cain's city) 162

橄榄山(mount of Olives) 162

橄榄枝(olive branch) 163

膏油里的苍蝇(fly in the ointment) 164

各各地(Golgotha,Calvary) 164

更狡猾的是蛇(serpent as the devil) 168

割礼(circumcision) 169

给他提鞋也不配(I am not worthy to carry his sandals) 171

狗转过来吃它所吐的(a dog that returns to its vomit) 171

寡妇的一个小钱(widow's mite) 175

骨中的骨,肉中的肉(bone of bone,flesh of flesh) 176

光明之子(Children of Light) 176

过于妇女的爱情(love passing the love of women) 178

好的撒玛利亚人(Good Samaritan) 179

哈利路亚(Halleluja) 179

H 179

黑暗之灾(plague of darkness) 180

河马(behemoth) 180

红豆汤(red stuff) 181

红海(Red sea) 184

洪水(flood) 185

蝗灾(plague of locusts) 189

灰色马(pale horse) 190

火的战车(chariot of fire) 190

火和硫磺(fire and brimstone) 190

活着的狗比死了的狮子更强 (Living dog is better than a dead lion) 191

蝗虫和野蜜(locusts and wild honey) 192

加大拉的猪(Gadarene swine) 193

击打磐石(smite the rock) 193

J 193

迦拿的婚礼(Kanah's wedding) 194

将刀打成犁头(swords into plowshares) 196

坚强他的心(harden his heart) 196

金的街道(streets of gold) 196

金罐破裂(Golden bowl be broken) 197

禁果(forbidden fruit) 197

金铃铛和石榴(bells and pomegranates) 199

进内屋(enter into thy closet) 200

金牛犊(Golden calf) 200

荆棘冠冕(crown of thorns) 201

荆棘火(A flame of fire out of a bush) 202

酒和膏油(wine and ointment) 203

救赎(redemption) 203

旧约全书(Old Testament) 205

K 207

看果子就可以知道树(Tree is known by its fruit) 207

看守我兄弟的(my brother's keeper) 208

旷野荒凉野兽吼叫之地 (howling wilderness) 208

L 209

拉结哭子(Rachel weeping for her children) 209

拉撒路和财主(Lazarus and dives) 210

拉撒路的复活(Lazarus,raising of) 211

懒情人哪,你去察看蚂蚁的动作(Go to the ant,you lazybones) 212

浪子(Prodigal son) 213

老人的异梦(dream dreams,old men) 215

雷子(Boanerges) 215

礼拜(religious service) 216

利维坦(Leviathan) 218

两个强盗(two thieves) 219

两个人总比一个人好(Two are better than one) 219

两刃的利剑(sharp,two-edged sword) 220

灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子(wise as Serpents,and harmless as Doves) 221

流便支族(Reuben tribe) 222

流奶与蜜之地(land flowing with milk and honey) 223

路得拾遗穗(Ruth gathers the sheaves) 224

轮中套轮(wheels within wheels) 225

罗得和女儿(Lot and his daughters) 226

罗得和所多玛的众人(Lot and the men of Sodom) 229

骆驼穿过针眼(Camel go through an eye of a needle) 230

落在荆棘里(thorns,fell among) 232

驴腮骨(jawbone of an ass) 233

玛代和波斯人的例(the Law of the Medes and Persians) 235

麻布和尘灰(sackcloth and ashes) 235

M 235

马可福音(Mark) 236

玛拉(Marah) 237

玛门(Mammon) 238

吗哪(Manna) 240

麻雀掉地(sparrow's fall) 242

马太福音(Matthew) 243

玛士撒拉(Methuselah) 244

美好的仗已经打过(Fought a good fight) 245

没有行为的信心(faith without works) 245

门徒(disciples) 246

迷路的羊(lost sheep) 246

弥尼,弥尼,提客勒,乌法珥新(mene,mene,tekel,upharsin) 250

弥撒(Mass) 251

弥赛亚(Missiah) 253

鸣的锣,响的钹(souding brass,or a tinkling cymbal) 254

抹大拉的马利亚(Mary,called Magdalene) 254

末日的号声(the last trumpet call) 257

末日审判(the Last Judgment) 257

摩西的虱子(Moses'gnats,lice of Moses) 261

摩西的位置(Moses' seat) 262

摩西的杖(Moses's hand) 262

摩西和蒲草箱(Moses and ark of 263

bulrushes) 263

摩西容光焕发(Moses's face shone) 264

摩西五经(Mosheh's five books) 265

N 267

那门是窄的,路是小的(Strait is the gate,narrow is the way) 267

拿细耳(Nazarite,Nazirite) 267

拿细耳人参孙(Samson a Nazarite) 268

你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土(You are dust,and to dust you shall return) 269

你的腰如一堆麦子,周围有百合花(Your belly is a heap of wheat,encircled with lilies) 272

你们的罪虽像朱红,必变成雪白 (Sins be as scarlet,they shall be white as snow) 273

泥足(feet of clay) 273

年轻的富翁(rich young ruler) 274

宁肯噎死,宁肯死亡(I would choose strangling and death) 274

挪得之地(Land of Nod) 275

挪亚方舟(Noah's Ark) 276

挪亚的鸽子(dove of Noah) 280

P 283

劈柴挑水的人(hewers of wood and drawers of water) 283

披着羊皮的狼(wolves in sheep's clothing) 283

祈祷(prayer,pray) 287

起初(in the beginning) 287

Q 287

七十个七次(seventy times seven) 299

启示录(Revelation) 300

牵到宰杀之地的羊羔(lamb to the slaughter) 300

千千和万万(thousands and tens of thousands) 303

取蜜入口(They put their hands to their mouths) 304

去,他就去,来,他就来(Go,and he goes;come,and he comes) 305

R 307

让小孩子到我这里来(Suffer the little children) 307

人的女子(daughters of men) 308

人手样的云(cloud like a man's hand) 309

人为妇人所生(man born of woman) 310

日光之下,并无新事(no new thing under the sun) 310

肉体却软弱了(Flesh is weak) 311

日月停止(Joshua,sun and moon stand still) 311

乳香(balm in Gilead) 312

软弱的器皿(weaker vessel) 313

若不恨自己的父母、妻子、孩子、兄弟和姐妹(Hate not his father,mother,and wife,and children,and brethren,and sisters) 314

若是你的右眼让你跌倒(If your right eye causes you to sin,tear it out) 314

S 317

撒旦(Satan) 317

撒旦的诱惑(Satan's temptation) 318

沙仑的玫瑰花(rose of Sharon) 321

撒玛利亚的妇人(Samaritan woman) 321

三博士(three wise men) 322

三十块银子(thirty pieces of silver) 323

三位一体(Trinit) 324

上帝(神)看着是好的(It was good) 327

上帝的羔羊(lamb of God) 328

上帝的新娘(bride of God) 330

上帝的选民(elect of God) 330

上帝造人(God created mankind) 331

烧不毁的荆棘(burning bush) 337

稍微用点酒(Take a litte wine) 338

烧着硫磺的火湖(lake of fire and brimstone) 339

神(上帝)的国就在你们心里(Kingdom of God is within you) 339

神配合的,人不可分开(What God has joined together,let no one separate) 340

审判的日子(the Day of Judgement) 341

圣餐(Eucharist) 341

圣诞节(Christams Day) 342

圣经(Bible) 344

圣水(holy water) 350

生命册(book of life) 351

生命树和分辨善恶的树(the tree of knowledge of good and evil,and the tree of life) 352

生命的水河(river of water of life) 353

生养众多(be fruitful and multiply) 354

声音是雅各的声音(Voice is Jacob's voice) 355

深渊与深渊响应(Deep calls to deep) 355

示播列(Shibboleth) 356

十诫(ten commandments) 356

世界末日(end of the world) 361

失羊的比喻(the parable of losed sheep) 363

十字架上的耶稣(Jesus,crucifixion) 364

狮子与羊羔同居(Lion lie with the lamb) 380

十灾(plagues,ten) 381

兽的印记(mark of the beast) 382

书念的亚比煞(Abishag) 383

死啊,你得胜的权势在哪里?(O death,where is the sting?) 384

死荫的幽谷(valley of the shadow of death) 385

随跑随读(he that runs may read) 386

说起别国的话来(Speak in other languages) 389

梭(weaver's shuttle) 390

所多玛的苹果(apple of Sodeom) 390

所多玛的蛾摩拉(Sodom and Gomorrah) 391

所见的是暂时的(Things seen are temporal) 394

所罗门的妻子(Solomon's wives) 395

所罗门的智慧(Solomon's wisdom) 397

所罗门智断孩子(Solomon's judgment of the child) 398

所盼望的延迟末得(hope deferred) 403

所剩下的(saving remnant) 403

束紧腰带(Gird up his loins) 404

他的鞋带(latchet of whose shoes) 407

他必杀我(Though he slay me,yet will I trust in him) 407

T 407

坛的四角(horns of the altar) 408

叹息(tale that is told) 408

逃城(city of refuge) 408

替罪羊(scapegoat) 410

天的门(gate of heaven) 411

天国的钥匙(Keys of the Kingdom) 412

天上的争战(war in Heaven) 412

天使(Angel) 416

天堂(Heaven) 420

天天冒死(die daily) 425

天下万务都有定时(a time for every matter under heaven) 425

陀斐特(Tophet) 427

万恶之根(root of all evil) 429

蛙灾(flague of frogs) 429

W 429

万王之王(King of Kings) 430

未识之神(unknown God) 430

我赤身出于母胎(Naked came I out of my mother's womb) 430

我的国不属这世界(Kingdom not of this world) 434

我的刑罚太重,过于我所能当的(My punishment is greater than I can bear) 434

我们的生活、动作、存留(Live,move,and have our being) 435

我们日用的饮食(our daily bread) 435

我们一生的年日是七十岁(The days of our life are seventy years) 435

我是自有永有的(I am that I am) 436

我有祸了(Woe is me) 437

我作客旅,你们留我住(I was a Stranger and you welcomed me) 437

无底坑(the bottomless pit) 437

无草的砖(bricks without straw) 438

无花果(Fig) 439

无花果树叶子(fig leaves) 440

乌陵和土明(Urim and Thummin) 441

五旬斋的舌头(the tongue of Pentecost) 442

乌鸦供养以利亚(Elijah fed by ravens) 442

X 445

瞎眼的参孙在监里推磨(Samson,blind,grinds in prison) 445

瞎子领瞎子(Blind lead the blind) 446

先知没有不被尊敬的(Prophet is not without honor) 446

洗礼(Baptism) 447

西罗亚的水(Siloa[m],Shiloah,waters of) 449

希律王(Herod the great) 450

牺牲(sacrifice) 452

新酒装在旧皮袋里(new wine in old bottles) 454

象牙塔(tower of ivory) 454

新耶路撒冷(New Jerusalem) 455

行毁坏可憎的(abomination of desolation) 455

行淫时被拿的妇人(woman taken in adultery) 456

旋风中的声音(voice from the whirlwind) 461

血从地里哀告(blood crying out to me from the ground) 462

血气如草(Flesh is grass) 462

许多住处(many mansions) 463

寻找,就寻见(Search,and you will find) 463

Y 465

亚伯拉罕的怀抱(Abraham's bosom) 465

亚当的堕落(the Falls of Adam) 466

亚当的肋骨(Adam'ribs) 468

亚当和夏娃(Adam and Eve) 468

雅各的拉班(Jacob and Laban) 477

亚当之子(Adam's son) 477

雅各的梯子(Jacob's ladder) 478

雅各和天使摔跤(Jacob wrestles with an Angel) 481

亚革大马(Aceldama) 482

雅各,利亚和拉结(Jacob,Leah,and Rachel) 483

压伤的苇杖(Bruised reed) 484

眼睛未曾看见(What no Eye has seen) 484

眼中的瞳仁(apple of his eye) 485

盐柱(Pillar of salt) 485

耶弗他的女儿(Jephtha's daughter) 486

野地里的百合花(lilies of field) 490

耶和华的受膏者(Lord's anointed) 490

耶利米哀歌(Jeremiah) 491

耶稣哭了(Jesus began to weep) 492

耶稣的变形像(Jesus was transfigured) 492

耶稣在海上行走(Jesus,walking on the water) 493

夜间的贼(thief in the night) 494

伊甸园(garden of Eden) 494

一报还一报(measure for measure) 499

一点一画(one letter,one stroke) 499

一个人不能侍奉两个主(No man can serve two masters) 500

一粒芥菜种(grain of mustard seed) 500

一家自相纷争(House divided against itself) 501

一霎时(twinkling of an eye) 501

以利亚和巴力的先知角逐(Elijah contests with prophets of Baal) 501

以利亚的外衣(Elijah's mantle) 502

以利以谢和利百加(Eliezer and Rebekah) 503

以马内利(Immanuel) 504

衣裳穗子(Hem of his garment) 505

以眼还眼(eye for an eye) 505

隐多珥女巫(Witch of Endor) 506

英雄何竞仆倒(How are the mighty fallen) 506

应许之地(promised land) 509

用不完的面和油(The jar of meal will not be emptied and the jug of oil will not fail) 510

用羔羊的血洗白净(blood of the lamb,washed in the) 510

用脚踢刺(Kick against the pricks) 511

有鳞从他的眼睛上掉下(Scales fell from his eyes) 512

有人不肯作工,就不可吃饭(If any would not work,neither should he eat) 512

有人打你的右脸(If anyone strikes you on the right cheek,turn the other also) 513

犹大的吻(Judas's kiss) 515

有信,有望,有爱(faith,hope and charity) 516

愿王万岁(God save the King) 517

原罪(original sin) 517

约伯的安慰者(Job's comforters) 522

约伯的提问(Job's question) 523

约伯的溃疮(Job's loathsome sores) 524

约伯的忍耐(Job's endurance) 524

约伯的妻子(Job's wife) 528

约伯记(Job) 529

约柜(ark of the convenant) 529

约翰福音(John) 531

约翰的头(John's head) 532

月亮要变为血(the moon to blood) 534

约拿单的箭(Jonathan's arrows) 534

约拿的蓖麻(Jonah's gourd) 536

约瑟被卖到埃及(Joseph is sold into Egypt) 539

约瑟的彩衣(Joseph's coat of many colours) 540

约瑟和波提乏的妻子(Joseph and Potiphar's wife) 541

约瑟解梦(Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams) 542

云柱和火柱(Pillar of cloud,of fire) 543

逾越节(Passover) 544

与其欲火攻心,倒不如嫁聚为妙(better to marry than to burn) 545

与祖父同睡(Lie down with my ancestors) 545

Z 547

在地上平安归于他所喜悦的人 (Peace,good will toward men) 547

在洁净的人,凡物都洁净(To the pure all things are pure) 547

在前的,将要在后,在后的,将要在前(First shall be last and the last shall be first) 548

在我神殿中看门(doorkeeper in the house of my God) 548

展开的案卷(The books were opened) 549

展开清晨的翅膀(Take the wings of morning) 549

帐棚不是人手所造(House not made with hands) 549

照着我们的形象(in his own image) 550

智慧七柱(Seven pillars of wisdom) 551

这时候的神迹(signs of the times) 551

智慧岂不呼叫?聪明岂不发声?(Does not wisdom call,and does not understanding raise her voice?) 552

智慧树(tree of knowledge) 552

智慧在街市上呼喊(Wisdom cries out in the streets) 553

指望如同灵魂的锚(hope as an anchor) 555

种的是风,所收的是暴风(Sow the wind,and reap the whirlwind) 555

重价的珠子(pearl of great price) 555

自己就是自己的律法(a law to themselves) 556

字句叫人死(The letter kills) 556

诅咒我的生日(Curse the day I was born) 557

罪必追上你们(Sin will find you out) 557

最后的号筒(the last trumpet) 558

最后的审判(the Last Judgment) 561

罪的工价乃是死(Wages of sin is death) 561

最后的晚餐(the Last Supper) 561
