- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:夏清祥编著
- 出 版 社:上海:文汇出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7805317364
- 页数:152 页
1.Add insult to injury 1
2.A dog in the manger 2
3.Apple of one's eye 3
4.Apple of Sodom 4
5.(An)apple polisher 5
6.Ask for the moon 6
7.Asleep at the switch 7
8.Ass in lion's skin 8
9.At the drop of a hat 9
10.Ax to grind 10
11.Back-seat driver 11
12.Baker's dozen 12
13.Before one can say Jack Robinson 13
14.Bell the cat 14
15.Be someone's cup of tea 16
16.Bite the bullet 17
17.Bring home the bacon 18
18.Bury/hide one's head in the sand 19
19.Bury the hatchet 20
20.Carry too much canvas 22
21.Cart before the horse 23
22.Cat get one's tongue 24
23.Cold shoulder 26
24.Cool one's heels 27
25.Couch potato 28
26.Cry aim 29
27.Dead as a door-nail 30
28.Dead duck 31
29.Dead soldier/dead man 32
30.Die in one's boots/die with one's boots on 33
31.Easy money 34
32.Eat crow 35
33.Eat humble pie 36
34.Egg-head 37
35.Egg on 38
36.Face the music 39
37.Fair-weather friend 40
38.Feather in one's cap 41
39.Feather one's nest 42
40.Fight fire with fire 43
41.Fight like kilkenny cats 44
42.Fine feathers make fine birds 45
43.Fingers were made before forks 46
44.Follow the nose 47
45.Forget-me-not 48
46.Get into a rut 49
47.Get off on the wrong foot 50
48.Get out of bed on the wrong side 51
49.Get the sack 52
50.Get wind of 53
51.Give the shirt off one's back 54
52.Give the third degree 55
53.Go against the grain 56
54.Grease the wheels 57
55.Handwriting on the wall 58
56.Have a yen for 60
57.Have other fish to fry 61
58.In a circle 62
59.Ins and outs 63
60.In the wake of 64
61.It's a dog-eat-dog world 65
62.Keep up with the Joneses 66
63.Kick the bucket 67
64.Kill the goose that laid the golden egg 69
65.Knock for six 70
66.Knock on wood 71
67.Lame duck 72
68.Lay one's cards on the table 73
69.Let off steam 74
70.Let sleeping dogs lie 75
71.Like water off a duck's back 77
72.(the)lion's share 78
73.Look a gift horse in the mouth 79
74.Look like the cat that ate canary 80
75.Look to one's laurels 81
76.Lump in one's throat 82
77.Make a beeline for 83
78.Make bricks without straw 84
79.Make one's mark 85
80.Meet one's Waterloo 86
81.Mind one's p's and q's 87
82.Nail down 88
83.Nail one's colours to the mast 89
84.Naked truth 90
85.Neck and neck 91
86.News 92
87.Nip in the bud 93
88.Off the cuff 94
89.On the Q.T. 94
90.Paint oneself into a corner 96
91.Paint the lily 98
92.Paint the town red 99
93.Palm off 101
94.Pay through the nose 102
95.Play into sb's hands 104
96.Pot call the kettle black 105
97.Pull one's weight 107
98.Pull strings 108
99.Pull up stakes 109
100.Push the boat out 110
101.Push the panic button 111
102.Put one's shoulder to the wheel 112
103.Rough diamond 113
104.Run to earth 115
105.Sail under false colours 116
106.Set one's cap at sb. 118
107.Set the Thames on fire 120
108.Skeleton at the feast 122
109.Skeleton in the cupboard 123
110.Slap one's back 125
111.Square peg in a round hole 127
112.Steal one's thunder 128
113.Stump up 130
114.Take for a ride 132
115.Take off one's hat to someone 133
116.The eleventh hour 134
117.The first one hundred days 135
118.The lion's share thorn in the flesh 136
119.Throw in the towel 138
120.Throw one's hat into the ring 140
121.Trail one's coat 141
122.Turn the corner 142
123.Turn thumbs down 143
124.Under the counter 144
125.Under the hammer 145
126.Walk the plank 146
127.Wash one's hands of a thing 147
128.Wet blanket 148
129.White elephant 150
130.Zero hour 151
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