Functional English 功能英语 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黑龙江大学英语系编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:7560000088
- 页数:416 页
前言 1
Unit 1 1
List of Notions and Functions Describe general characteristics 2
Identify someone 2
Some more ways of describing and identifying people 8
List of Notions and Functions 9
Special characters 10
Special features 10
Describe special characteristics 10
Personal background 11
Warnings 18
Interrupted action 19
Sequence of events 21
Unit 2 30
Sequence of time 31
Narrate past events 33
Describe stages 38
Describe itineraries 40
Recall an interesting tour 40
Plan a journey 46
Contrast or concession 58
Waysof expressing con trast or concession 58
Request for repetition or echo questions 59
Unit 3 69
Formal and informalEnglish 70
Request and offer 71
Request 71
Informaland familiar ways of request 71
Polite waysof request 72
More polite forms of request 74
Informal request in written form 75
Offer 77
Delicate questions 78
Get people to be more precise 79
Echo questions/Request for repetition 81
Correct people 82
Informal style of English 83
Report“demand,directions,suggestions and command,etc.” 91
Formal and informal English 92
Unit 4 102
Ways of asking about and stating likes and dislikes 103
Likes(with additional details) 103
Dislikes 104
Some other ways of expressinglikes and dislikes 108
Sparetime 109
Preference and choice 112
Hypothetical meaning about the present and future 121
Hypothetical meaning about the past 122
Unit 5 133
Abilities and functions 134
Abilities about present and future time 134
Abilities about past time 136
Abilities plus achievement 136
Habitual or permanentabilities 136
Not knowing what to do 137
Functions of objects or places 138
Functions of instruments 138
Functions of objects 140
Functions in the human body 143
Functions of some professions or places 144
Habitual actions in the past 154
Remember with regret 154
Remember with pleasure 154
How to impress people 155
Unit 6 165
Exact places 166
Places for entertainment 166
Places you do things at 167
Location 167
Directions 170
Definite meaning 180
Indefinite meaning 182
Unit 7 198
Prediction+intention 199
Intentions,plans,hopes,etc.about the future 199
Present intentions about the future 200
Intentions,aims,or purposes of movements or organizations 203
Fixed arrangement 204
Change of plans+reasons 205
Intentions unfulfilled+reasons 205
Failed ambitions+reasons 207
Aims or purposes 208
Prediction+intentionbasedoncondition 210
Insistence 211
Personal and impersonal style of English 220
Unit 8 230
Reasons and causes 231
Reasons 231
General ways of expressing reasons 231
The causes of your moods 234
The causes of your feelings 234
Causes 234
Causes of moods and feelings 234
Reaction 235
Causes of accidents or mishaps 236
Medical causes 238
Reasons and causes 239
Causes,reasons and effects 240
Effects 240
Sudden effects 240
Physical effects 241
Action and resnit/changes of state 241
Explanation:Formal and informal style 243
More formal ways of giving reasons 255
Emphatic reasons 255
Unit 9 262
Ask for and give opinions 263
Some ways of getting opinions 264
Some other ways of getting opinions 265
Give opinions and proposals 265
Agreement and disagreement 267
Agreement 267
Agreement with emphasis 269
Agreement with regret 269
Disagreement 269
Disagree in the way of questions 270
Polite disagreement 271
Report opinions and proposals 272
Argument for or against 274
Belief and supposition 280
Unit 10 292
Ways of making suggestions:Familiar ways 293
Some more ways of making suggestions 294
Report suggestions 296
Ways of giving advice 297
Advice on how to solve problems 297
Polite or tentative advice 298
Offer advice 298
Reject advice 299
Ask for advice 299
Report advice 300
Instructions 303
How to do things 303
Give and follow instructions 310
Report advice,suggestions,demand or insistence 317
Unit 11 327
Unreal conditions 328
Unreal conditions about present and future time 328
Unreal conditions about past time 329
Past possibilities 330
Hypothesis 334
Criticism 336
Wishes about present time 339
Wishes and regrets 339
Wishes about future time 340
Regrets 341
Missed opportunities 343
Degree and result 352
Cause and result 353
Unit 12 362
Vocabulary and expressions 390
Phrasal verbs 415
Special words 416
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