- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭永斌主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7530411179
- 页数:307 页
Lseein One Greetings and Farewells 1
Lseein Two At the Airport 11
Lseein Three At the Hotel 21
Lseein Four Intordutions 31
Lseein Five At the Dinner Party 40
Lseein Six Making and Pistponing Appointments 55
Lseein Seven Visiting a Friend's House 65
Lseein Eight Invitation to a Weekend Party 77
Lseein Nine Asking the Way 89
Lseein Ten Amusements 101
Lseein Eleven After a Concent 113
Lseein Twelve Physical Trainning 123
Lseein Thirteen Watching a Game 134
Lseein Fourteen At a Restaurant 146
Lseein Fifteen At the Library 159
Lseein Sixteen a Doctor 174
Lseein Sightseeing 186
Lseein Eighteen Lecture Ⅰ:Agriculture and the Development of the Science and Techpnology 201
Lseein Nineteen Lecture Ⅱ:Fied Crops 214
Lseein Twenty Shopping 226
Lseein Twenty -one Visiting the China Import and Export Trade Fair 241
Lseein Twenty -two Inquiry and Offer 255
Lseein Twenty -three Commodity Insepction and Claim 269
Lseein Twenty -four On the Signing of a Contract 283
Lseein Twenty -five Departing at the Airport 295
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