- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡庚申等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7119027603
- 页数:466 页
Part One Formulation of International Business Contracts国际商务合同的起草 1
Unit1 Ascertaining Basic Documents弄清基础材料 1
Topical Highlights单元要点 2
Theme Presentation主题描述 3
1.Drafting of Inquiry询盘文本的起草 3
2.Drafting of Offers发盘/要约文本的起草 5
3.Drafting of Counter-offers还盘文本的起草 9
4.Drafting of Acceptance承诺文本的起草 11
5.Drafting of Minute of Talks会谈纪要的起草 13
6.Drafting of Memorandum谈判备忘录的起草 16
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 17
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 18
Unit2 Familiarizing Contract Formats熟悉合同格式 19
Topical Highlights单元要点 20
1.Basic Concept of Contracts合同的基本概念 21
Theme Presentation主题描述 21
2.Main Features of International Business Contracts国际商务合同的主要特征 22
3.Categories of International Business Contracts国际商务合同的种类及概况 23
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 33
Unit3 Standardizing the Structure规范合同结构 35
Topical Highlights单元要点 36
Theme Presentation主题描述 37
1.Preamble of a Contract合同的前言 37
2.Main Body of a Contract合同的正文 39
3.Final Clauses合同的结尾 55
Useful Words and Phrascs常用词语 56
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 57
Unit4 Clarifying the Contents明确合同内容 60
Topical Highlights单元要点 61
Theme Presentation主题描述 62
1.Validity Clauses of Contracts合同的效力条款 62
2.Definition and Whereas定主与鉴于条款 65
3.Assignment and Guaranty转让与担保条款 68
4.Rescission and Termination解除与终止条款 79
5.Default and Escape违约与免责条款 86
6.Arbitration and Jurisdiction仲裁与法律适用 95
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 101
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 102
Unit5 Standardizing Contractual Language(I)规范合同语言(上) 104
Topical Highlights单元要点 105
Theme Presentation主题描述 106
1.Expressions for Special Purposes专用词语 106
Useful Words and Phrase常用词语 129
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 131
Unit6 Standardizing Contractual Language(Ⅱ)规范合同语言(下) 133
Topical Highlights单元要点 134
2.Completed Sentential Meaning内容完备 135
Theme Presentation主题描述 135
3.Well-knit Sentences词句严密 154
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 164
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 166
Unit7 Referencing International Conventions and Practice参照国际公约惯例 167
Topical Highlights单元要点 168
Theme Presentation主题描述 169
1.Brief Introduction to International Conventions and Practice国际公约和惯例的概况 169
2.Application of International Conventions国际条约的适用 185
3.Application of International Practice国际惯例的适用 186
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 187
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 188
Unit8 Going over the Text审定合同文稿 189
Topical Highlights单元要点 190
Theme Presentation主题描述 191
1.Examining the Contents in Accordance with the Laws合同内容的合法性 191
2.Examining the Contractual Items合同条款的完整性 203
3.Examining the Language合同语言的准确性 213
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 217
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 218
Part Two Translation of International Business Contracts国际商务合同的翻译 225
Unit 9 Abiding by Translation Criteria遵循翻译准则 225
Topical Highlights单元要点 226
Theme Presentation主题描述 227
1.General Translation Criteria翻译的一般标准 227
2.Specific Criteria for Contractual Translation合同翻译的准则 228
3.Requirements for Translators对合同协议译者的要求 238
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 246
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 247
Unit10 Reading through the Text通读理解文本 249
Topical Highlights单元要点 250
1.Predicted Reading预见式通读 251
Theme Presentation主题描述 251
2.Associated Reading联想式通读 256
3.Studied Reading精研式通读 265
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 283
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 284
Unit11 Pitching upon the Words力求选词准确 286
Topical Highlights单元要点 287
Theme Presentation主题描述 288
1.Choice of Synonyms同义词的选择 290
2.Words with Multi-interpretations一词多义的处理 298
3.Easily-confused Words易混淆的词 310
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 320
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 321
Unit12 Restructuring the Sentence强调组句规范 324
Topical Highlights单元要点 325
1.Rcadjustment of Elements句子成分的转化 326
Theme Presentation主题描述 326
2.Translation of Passive Voice被动语态的翻译 335
3.Translation of Subordinate Clauses从句的翻译 341
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 351
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 352
Unit13 Following Contractual Norms(Ⅰ)符合合同文体(上) 355
Topical Highlights单元要点 356
Theme Presentation主题描述 357
1.Using Capitalization大写字母的运用 357
2.Using“Where”,“Herein”,and the Like旧体词语的运用 365
3.Using Legal Term“Shall”法律词shall的运用 373
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 383
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 384
Unit14 Following Contractual Norms(Ⅱ)符合合同文体(下) 386
Topical Highlights单元要点 387
4.Using Defining Words“系指”定义词的运用 388
Theme Presentation主题描述 388
5.Using Conditional Clauses条件句式的运用 392
6.Using Other Specific Phrases其他特定词语的运用 404
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 414
Reflcetions and Practice思考与实践 415
Unit15 Examining and Revising the Translation审订合同译稿 417
Topical Highlights单元要点 418
Theme Presentation主题描述 419
1.Criteria for Examination and Revision审校的标准 419
2.Approaches to Examination and Revision审校的方法 437
3.Steps for Correction审校的步骤 443
4.Key Points to Finalize the Translated Version审校的要点 450
Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 456
Reflections and Practice思考与实践 457
Appendix Keys to Unit Exercises 459
Bibliography 466
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- 《剑桥国际英语写作教程 段落写作》(美)吉尔·辛格尔顿(Jill Shingleton)编著 2019
- 《当代翻译美学的理论诠释与应用解读》宁建庚著 2019
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- 《社会文化系统中的翻译》姜秋霞,杨正军 2019
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- 《看图自学吉他弹唱教程》陈飞编著 2019
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