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自学英语  第3册
自学英语  第3册

自学英语 第3册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张道真编著
  • 出 版 社:社会科学文献出版社;社会科学文献音像出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7801496523
  • 页数:425 页
《自学英语 第3册》目录
标签:编著 自学

Lesson 1: 1

Text A: Paris 1

Text B: New York City 4

Conversation: At a Hotel 7

Grammar: Attributive Clauses 7

Exercises (Attributive clauses, retelling, translation) 8

辅导材料 10

Lesson 2: 14

Text A: A Visit to London. 14

Text B: A Vissit to Washington D.C. 17

conversation: Driving Round Washington D.C. 20

Grammar: Relative Pronouns and Relative Adverbs 20

Exercises (Attributive clauses, so that, etc.) 21

辅导材料 23

Lesson 3: 28

Text A: The English Language 28

Text B: Two Languages Or One? 31

Conversation: Oral Examination 34

Grammar: Restrictive and Non -Restrictive Attributive Clauses 34

Exercises (Attributive clauses. word -building, etc.) 35

辅导材料 39

Lesson 4: 44

Text A: Our Memory 44

Text B: Leaming a Language 47

Conversation: English Studies 49

Grammar: The Relative what 50

Exercises (Relative what, used to, unless, etc.) 50

辅导材料 52

Lesson 5: 56

Text A: A Wedding 56

Text B: Attending a Wedding 58

Conversation: Room -Hunting 60

Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense 61

Exercises (Tense, some verb patterns, etc.) 62

辅导材料 63

Lesson 6: 68

Text A: A Bad Accident 68

Text B: A Disaster 70

Conversation: A Car Accident 72

Grammar: The Present Participle 72

Exercises (Participles, word -building, etc.) 73

辅导材料 74

Lesson 7: 79

Text A: The Great Fire of London 79

Text B: A Fire 81

Conversation: A Car Accident 83

Grammar: Prepositional Phrases as predicative 84

Exercises (Prepositions, because of, etc.) 85

辅导材料 87

Lesson 8: 91

Text A: Clarissa 91

Text B: Flying 94

Conversation: On the Plane 96

Grammar: Adverbs Identical in Form With Prepositions 97

Exercises (Prepositions and adverbs, phrasal verbs, etc.) 97

辅导材料 99

Lesson 9: 104

Text A: Hong Kong 104

Text B: Macau 107

Conversation: Sightseeing in Hong Kong 109

Exercises (Participles, nouns as attributes, etc.) 111

辅导材料 113

Lesson 10: 117

Text A: The QE 2 117

Text B: The Hovercraft 119

Conversation: On the Bus 122

Grammar: Adverbial Modifiers 123

Exercises (Sentence analysis, -ful, etc.) 124

辅导材料 125

Lesson 11: 130

Text A: The British Museum 130

Text B: In the Museum 133

Conversation: In the British Museum 135

Grammar; The Object 136

Exercises (The infinitive. complex object, etc.) 137

辅导材料 139

Lesson 12: 145

Text A: Mr Walton s Diary 145

Text B: Diary of Mary Brown 148

Conversation: Keeping a Diary 151

Grammar: The Subject 151

Exercises (The infinitive, subject clauses, etc.) 152

辅导材料 153

Lesson 13: 158

Text A: Seeing a Doctor 158

Text B: At the Doctor s Office 161

Conversation: At the Doctor s Office 163

Grammar: The Predicate 163

Exercises (compound, predicate, link -verbs. etc.) 164

辅导材料 166

Lesson 14: Text A: 170

Hollywood 170

Text B: Marilyn Monroe 173

Conversation: Seeing a Film 175

Grammar: Kinds of Sentences 176

Exercises (Sentence analysis, disjunctive questions, negative questions, etc.) 178

辅导材料 179

Lesson 15: 185

Text A: A Quiet Evening 185

Text B: My Old Friend 188

Conversation: Moving into a Room 190

Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense 192

Exercises (The past perfect tense, etc.) 192

辅导材料 194

Lesson 16: 199

Text A: A Strange Woman 199

Text B: Our New Friends 202

Conversation: Offering a New Post 204

Grammar: Kinds of Adverbial Clauses 205

Exercises (Adverbial clauses, etc.) 206

辅导材料 207

Lesson 17: 213

Text A: Our Christmas Holiday 213

Text B: A Visit to the Game Reserve 216

Conversation; Complaints 218

Grammar: The Future -in -the -Past Tense 219

Exercises (Tense, use of verbs, etc.) 219

辅导材料 221

Lesson 18: 225

Text A: A Job Interview 225

Text B: An Interview 228

Conversation: An Interview 230

Grammar: Indirect Speech (Ⅰ) 231

Exercises (Indirect statements, use of verbs, etc.) 232

辅导材料 234

Lesson 19: 238

Text A: The Daily Help 238

Text B: Linda Felt Unhappy 241

Conversation: Looking for a Job 244

Grammar: Indirect Speech (Ⅱ) 244

Exercises (Indirect questions, either, etc.) 246

辅导材料 248

Lesson 20: 253

Text A: On the Bank of the Amazon 253

Text B: A Primitive Tribe 255

Conversation: An Interview 258

Grammar: The Perfect Continuous Tenses 258

Exercises (Perfect continuous tenses, un -,etc). 259

辅导材料 261

Lesson 21: 265

Text A: Life in the Future 265

ext B: Progress 268

Conversation: Good News 270

Grammar: The Future Continuous and the Future Perfect Tense 271

Exercises (The future tenses, would, etc.) 272

辅导材料 273

Lesson 22: 277

Tetx A: A Big Hole 277

Text B: UFOs 280

Conversation; UFOs 283

Grammar: The Perfect Infinitive 283

Exercises (The perfect infinitive, -less, etc.) 284

辅导材料 286

Lesson 23: 291

Text A: George Washington 291

Text B: Abraham Lincoln 293

Conversation; Watching TV 296

Grammar: The Predicative 297

Exercises (The predicative, link -verbs, some adjectives, etc.) 298

辅导材料 299

Lesson 24: 304

Text A: King Henry the Eighth s Wives 304

Text B: Thomas More 307

Conversation: Sightseeing in London 309

Grammar: An infinitive Construction 310

Exercises (The infinitive, a type of object clause, etc.) 310

辅导材料 312

Appendixes: 315

1. Revision Exercises 315

1) Grammar 315

Exercises 315

2) Conversations 321

2. Supplementary Reading 327

1) Nursery rhymes and poems 327

2) Simplified reading 333

(1) Romeo and Juliet (form Tales from Shakespeare , adapted) 333

(2) Swan Lake 345

3) Excerpts from norld classics 356

(1) Excerpts from Pride and prejudice 356

(2) Excerpts from War and Peace 359

3. Vocabulary 368
