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初级美国英语教程  下
初级美国英语教程  下

初级美国英语教程 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赖世雄编著
  • 出 版 社:长春:长春出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7806049797
  • 页数:369 页
《初级美国英语教程 下》目录
标签:编著 教程

英语广播教学的一朵奇葩 1

目录 1

Lesson 81 A Heavy Price to Pay (惨重的代价) 1

Lesson 82 Smoking Isn t Allowed (不准吸烟) 8

Lesson 83 A Nice Person (大好人) 10

Lesson 84 What s She Like? (她是什么样的人呢?) 19

Lesson 85 Blood Types (血型) 21

Lesson 86 What s Your Blood Type? (你是什么血型?) 30

Lesson 87 Society Is Changing Rapidly (社会正快速地变化) 33

Lesson 88 You Need. a Vacation (你需要度个假) 40

Lesson 89 Australia (澳大利亚) 43

Lesson 90 A Good Place to Visit (一个好玩的地方) 49

Lesson 91 Computers (电子计算机) 51

Lesson 92 Hold On, Please (请等一下) 59

Lesson 93 Pride Comes before a Fall (骄者必败) 61

Lesson 94 Congratulations (恭禧) 67

Lesson 95 A Balanced Diet (均衡的饮食) 70

Lesson 96 You re Looking Great! (你看起来棒极了!) 77

Lesson 97 By Taxi (乘坐出租车) 79

Lesson 98 Where to , Lady? (小姐,你要到哪里去?) 85

(老歌( Your Cheatin Heart (你不忠的心) 87

Lesson 99 Asking for Directions (问路) 94

Lesson 100 Turn Right (向右转) 104

Lesson 101 Who Discovered America? (谁发现了美洲?) 107

Lesson 102 The Same First Name (同名) 114

Lesson 103 Air Pollution (空气污染) 118

Lesson 104 We Need Fresh Air (我们需要新鲜空气) 125

Lesson 105 Recycling (资源回收再利用) 129

Lesson 106 Litterbugs (垃圾虫) 138

Lesson 107 The Secret of Longevity (长寿的秘诀) 140

Lesson 108 Slow Down (慢下来) 147

Lesson 109 Discovering Africa (探索非洲) 150

Lesson 110 Easier Said Than Done (说来容易做来难) 157

Lesson 111 Confucius (孔子) 160

Lesson 112 It s My Pleasure (不客气) 166

Lesson 113 Something Well Begun Is Half Done (好的开始是成功的一半) 169

Lesson 114 No Pain, No Gain (一分耕耘,一分收获) 176

Lesson 115 Wait and See (静候观望) 178

Lesson 116 We re Engaged (我们订婚了) 190

(老歌( Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? (明天你是否依然爱我?) 193

Lesson 117 Time Flies (光阴似箭) 200

Lesson 118 The Eiffel Tower (艾菲尔铁塔) 205

Lesson 119 My Name Isn t Jack (我的名字不是杰克) 210

Lesson 120 It s My Treat (由我作东) 215

Lesson 121 The Greatest Killers (最大的杀手) 220

Lesson 122 I Quit Smoking (我戒烟了) 227

Lesson 123 An Accident (一桩事故) 230

Lesson 124 Beautiful Shanghai (美丽的上海市) 237

Lesson 125 Studying Seriously (认真地学) 240

Lesson 126 Playing the Piano (弹钢琴) 245

Lesson 127 An Honest Man (诚实的人) 248

Lesson 128 The Job Interview (工作面试) 255

Lesson 129 Seven Years Bad Luck (七年的背运) 258

Lesson 130 He Will Bite You (它会咬你) 265

Lesson 131 If I Were a Millionaire (假如我是百万富翁) 268

Lesson 132 A Good Citizen (好公民) 273

(老歌( El Condor Pasa (老鹰之歌) 275

Lesson 133 Dealing with Exams (应付考试) 280

Lesson 134 Guess What? (你猜怎么了?) 286

Lesson 135 Just Do It (即说即做) 289

Lesson 136 Are You Free? (你有空吗?) 297

Lesson 137 Van Gogh (梵高) 300

Lesson 138 You re Beautiful (你很漂亮) 308

Lesson 139 Don t Be Shy (不要害羞) 311

Lesson 140 What s New? (近况如何?) 317

Lesson 141 Global Warming (全球气温上升) 320

Lesson 142 No Smoking (禁止吸烟) 328

Lesson 143 Man s Best Friend (人类最好的朋友) 330

Lesson 144 The Year of the Dog (狗年) 337

Lesson 145 Billy s Goal in Life (比利的人生目标) 340

Lesson 146 Being Happy (快乐) 349

Lesson 147 Television Addiction (电视迷) 352

Lesson 148 Hurry Back (快点回来) 358

(老歌( Be My Baby (作我的宝贝) 361
