乔姆斯基:思想与理想 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Neil Smith著;宁春岩导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560025145
- 页数:277 页
Chapter 1 The mirror of the mind 7
Linguistics as a science 8
Preface by Halliday 9
王宗炎序 10
Preface by Chomsky 13
Modularity 17
沈家煊序 20
导读 23
Competence and performance 28
Acknowledgments 34
Performance, parsing, and pragmatics 35
Evolution and innateness 38
Natural language and the language of thought 45
Chapter 2 The linguistic foundation 49
Introduction 49
The lexicon 50
Knowledge of language 50
Knowledge of language: structure 53
Knowledge of language: structural relations 54
Levels of representation 56
Constituents and rules 57
Deep structure 59
Description versus explanation 62
Government and Binding theory 69
Empty categories 76
The status of transformations 80
Principles and parameters 81
Lexical and functional categories 83
Minimalism 86
A historical progression 90
Evolution 91
Chapter 3 Psychological reality 93
Causality and observability 95
Psychological reality and the nature of evidence 97
Language processing 106
Language acquisition(Plato s problem) 116
Language pathology 126
Connectionism: the behaviorists strike back 131
Chapter 4 Philosophical realism: commitments and controversies 136
Commitments 136
Controversies 145
Language and the world 146
Language and the community 149
Language and the individual 155
Problems of semantics 162
Innateness 167
Unification and reduction 174
Conclusions 176
Chapter 5 Language and freedom 177
Explanation and dissent: the common threads 177
Rationality, modularity, and creativity 180
The anarchist background 186
The critique of (American)foreign policy 190
The critique of domestic policy 195
The critique of media contro1 199
The technique of dissection 203
Moral absolutes and options for the future 208
The positive program 211
Conclusion 213
Envoi 214
Notes and References 215
Bibliography 241
Index 263
文库索引 269
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