最新美语流行语手册 现代职场篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭婧,张岩编著
- 出 版 社:北京:新世界出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7800056686
- 页数:340 页
2 a blind alley 前途黯淡,死胡同 1
1 a bachelor girl 未婚职业妇女 1
3 a chance in a million 极小的机会 2
4 a clock-watcher 老看钟点等下班的人 3
5 a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人 4
6 a fly in the ointment 一粒鼠粪搅坏一锅汤;美中不足 5
7 a give-and-take attitude 互谅互让的态度 6
8 a hard nut to crack 棘手的问题;难对付的人 7
9 a knight in shining armor 能力挽狂澜的完美人物 7
10 a labor of love 心甘情愿而做的工作 8
11 a lame duck 无所作为、缺乏效率的人或无所作为的事业 9
13 a leg-up 扶持:助一臂之力 10
12 a late bloomer “开花较晚的植物”,比喻人大器晚成 10
14 a little bird told me 自然知道,我不清楚怎么知道的 11
15 a pawn in the game 无名小卒 12
16 a piece of cake 轻松容易的事情 13
17 a rain check 下一次机会,补偿 14
18 a square peg in a round hole 格格不入 14
19 a tough/hard row to hoe 难办的事,艰巨的工作 15
20 a vote of thanks 公开致谢 16
21 a work addict 工作狂 17
22 accidentally on purpose 貌似偶然,实则有意 17
23 Ace 精通,掌握。也可指各门行业中的专家或能手 19
24 add fuel to the flames 火上浇油,雪上加霜 19
25 address oneself to 专心从事 20
26 airs and graces 盛气凌人 21
27 all and sundry 所有的人,每一个人 22
28 all in a day s work 份内的工作;不客气,应该做的 23
29 all thumbs 笨手笨脚的 24
30 answer the call of nature 上洗手间 25
31 apple-polish 拍马屁 25
32 around the clock 日夜不停地,连轴转 26
33 at loose ends 无所事事 27
34 at the wheel 开车 28
35 back down on 放弃 28
36 back to the grind stone 回去工作 29
38 be above board 光明正大的 30
37 bat the breeze 闲扯 30
39 be as broad as it is long 背着抱着一样沉,半斤八两 31
40 be asleep at the switch 玩忽职守 32
41 be at loggerheads with 和……顶牛 33
42 be at odds with sb.与……不合,与……发生矛盾 34
43 be cut out for 天生适合于 34
44 be dead on one s feet 比喻筋疲力尽 35
45 be done for 不中用的;完结的;累坏的 36
46 be in hot water 遇到麻烦 37
47 be in line for something 即将得到某物 37
48 be in the bucks 很有钱 38
49 be in the know 熟知内幕的,知晓内情的 39
50 be keyed up 十分紧张 40
51 be on the ball 精明能干的 41
52 be snowed under 工作过多忙不过来;超负荷 42
53 be swamped with work 有一大堆工作要做 42
54 be wrapped up in 专心致志于;与……有关(或有牵连) 43
55 beef up 加强,增加,充实 44
56 behind someone s back 在……的背后,背着 45
57 bet one s bottom dollar 确信无疑 46
58 between you and me 你知我知,私下里说 47
59 big noise 重要新闻 47
60 bleed someone white 榨干血汗 48
61 blot one s copybook 毁坏自己的名誉,玷污自己的名声 49
62 blow a fuse 勃然大怒 50
64 bone-breaking 极其劳累的(工作) 51
63 blow one s cool 沉不住气,失去自制 51
65 boot out of a job 当场解雇某人 52
66 break one s back 辛勤工作 53
67 bring home the bacon 成功地完成某事 53
68 brown off 沮丧,生气,厌烦 54
69 brown-nose 献殷勤,拍马屁 55
70 brush up 复习,温习 55
71 bull session 碰头会,小组会 56
72 bum one s boats 破釜沉舟,自绝后路 57
73 bum one s bridges behind one 背水一战 58
74 bum one s fingers 因管闲事而自讨苦吃 58
75 bum the midnight oil 开夜车;学习或工作到深夜 59
76 butter someone up 奉承某人,巴结某人 60
77 by hook or by crook 千方百计地、不择手段地 61
78 by no stretch of imagination 怎么也想不到 62
79 call it a day 收工 63
80 call it quits 作罢 64
81 can 洗手间 64
82 can t hold a candle to someone 不能跟某人比 65
83 can t beat something with a stick 最佳安排,十全十美 66
84 can t make head or tail of 弄不清,不理解 67
85 car pool 合伙用车 67
86 castles in Spain 白日做梦,空中楼阁 68
87 chalk up 记下某人的成功 69
88 chance the ducks 好歹试一试 70
89 charm up 哄诱 71
90 chase (after) rainbows 白日做梦 72
91 clinch 容易做的事或肯定会发生的事 73
92 clock in(on)/off 上/下班 73
93 clunker 破车 74
94 coffee and cakes 微薄的收入 74
95 coin it in 大发其财;大把大把赚钱 75
96 come down on sb.like a ton of bricks 对某人不依不饶,恶狠狠地对某人 76
97 come through/off with flying colors 干得出色,大获成功。 77
98 come to a head 关键时刻 77
99 come up in the world 身价提高 78
100 couch potatoes 总呆在家里看电视的人 79
101 count the cost 权衡得失 79
102 cream puff 车况好的二手车 80
103 cross the bridge when one comes to it 船到桥头自然直 81
104 cushy 容易的,轻松的,不费力的 82
105 cut one s coat according to one s cloth 量入为出 83
106 cut the knots 快刀斩乱麻 83
107 dance attendance on someone 奉承某人,向某人献殷勤 84
108 dash the cup form someone s lips 夺走应该属于某人的东西 85
109 dead to the world 沉睡不醒 86
110 Dish the dirt 说三道四 87
111 do somebody in 搞垮,使累坏 88
112 do someone proud 殷勤招待 89
113 do something by halves 半途而废,做事不彻底 90
114 do the bidding of 遵……之命,照……的旨意 90
115 do the dirty on 卑鄙地对待 91
116 doggie bag 装剩余食物的袋子 92
117 donkey work 苦活;单调乏味的苦差 93
118 door to door 挨家挨户 93
119 dos and don ts 守则,规则,须知 94
120 down-and-out 穷苦潦倒的,无业无钱的,倒霉透的 95
121 down-to-earth 脚踏实地的, 95
122 drop sth.like a hot potato 把某件不愉快的事物立即抛开 96
123 dry as a bone 非常干燥 97
124 eam one s bread 挣钱养家糊口,维持生计 98
125 keep body and soul together 维持生计 98
126 Easier said than done 说时容易做时难 99
127 end up 结束 100
128 face the music 面对现实 101
129 fall asleep at the switch 玩忽职守 102
130 fall to one s lot/shoes 成为某人的职责 103
131 fan the flames 火上加油,煽动情绪 103
132 fast buck 不义之财 104
133 feel in one s bones that 十分确信 105
134 fender-bender 汽车轻微碰撞 105
135 fight the clock 争分夺秒,与时间赛跑 106
136 fill a gap 弥补不足,填补空白 107
137 first things first 先说重要的 108
138 fiver 五元钱 109
139 flat out 竭尽全力;坦率地;疲惫地 109
140 fly high 地位晋升 110
141 fool around 乱搞男女关系;鬼混 111
142 freeze one s blood 使某人处于惊恐状态 112
143 get a kick out of 从……中得到乐趣 113
144 get a rise out of 得到……强烈的反应 113
145 get hold of the wrong end of the stick 完全误解 114
146 get hot under the collar 发怒,怒气冲天 115
147 get mad 生气,恼火 116
148 get one s cards 被解雇,被炒鱿鱼 117
149 get one s cheese 如愿以偿 117
150 get someone s back up 惹人生气 118
151 get someone s goat 惹某人生气 119
152 get the bag 被解雇 120
153 get the boot 被解雇;被开除 120
155 get the hang of something 掌握做某事的窍门 121
154 get the green light 得到批准 121
156 get the sack 解雇 122
157 get to the bottom of 触及……的实质,弄清……的根由 123
158 get wind of 听到风声,得到消息 124
159 give a shot(try something that is new) 试试看 125
160 give sb.a break 再给某人一次机会 126
161 give somebody a free hand 给某人行动自由,听其自行处置 127
162 give someone a buzz 给某人挂个电话 127
163 give someone a tumble 给予重视 128
164 give someone a wide berth 回避,敬而远之 129
165 give someone his head 由某人自由处理 130
166 go about (do) 做,从事 131
167 go by the book 严格照章办事 132
168 go down the drain 把钱白白浪费掉 133
169 go downhill 走下坡路,逐渐变坏 133
170 go for something bald-headed 坚决干,冒险突进 134
171 go to extremes 走极端 135
172 go to someone s head 冲昏头脑 136
173 go with 一起;相配;跟……谈恋爱 137
174 goof around 消磨时光;漫不经心 138
175 goof off 偷懒耍滑,想尽办法躲避应该干的事情 139
176 grease/oil someone s palm 贿赂(某人) 139
177 guess what 你猜怎么着 140
178 hands are tied 权力有限 141
180 harp on the same old string 唠唠叨叨,老调重谈 142
179 hang up one s boots 退休 142
181 hate one s guts 对……恨之入骨 143
182 have (a case of ) the jitters 忐忑不安,神经紧张 144
183 have a bag job on 偷盗某人的物品 145
184 have a ball at one s feet 有可能成功的有利条件 146
185 have a good mind to do something 很想去干某事 147
186 have a memory like a sieve 记性太差 148
187 have a short temper 脾气暴躁 148
188 have an axe to grind 私心,个人企图 149
189 have broad shoulders 能担负重任 151
190 have one work cut out 尤指在限定的时间内安排做艰苦的工作 151
191 have one s head in the clouds 满脑子幻想 152
192 have one s eye on 看上、留意;想要 154
193 have one s moments 春风得意之时,某人最辉煌的时候 155
194 have something at heart 热心于某事 156
195 have something at one s finger tips 彻底了解 156
196 have something on the brain 着迷于 157
197 have the face to do 怎么敢做 158
198 have the inside track for something 处于有利的地位 159
199 have the world before one 前途远大 159
200 have words with 与……吵嘴 160
201 Heads are going to roll. 陷入困境,有麻烦 161
202 hear something through the grapevine 从亲戚朋友或同事那儿听到小道消息听到非官方的消息 162
203 hide one s light under a bushel 不露锋芒;过分谦逊 163
204 high and mighty 傲慢的,高傲的 164
205 hit someone when he/she s down 落井下石,打落水狗 165
207 hit the jackpot 获得极大成功,突然交好运 166
206 hit the fan 突然陷入困境,突然遇到麻烦 166
208 hit the nail on the head 说到点子上 167
209 hit the sack 就寝,睡个够 168
210 hold all the cards over 控制整个局势 169
211 hold one s tongue 缄默,不开口 170
212 hold someone s hand 给(某人)以道义上的支持 170
213 hold the baby 干苦差事 171
214 hold the bag 背黑锅 172
215 huff and puff 咆哮,恼怒 173
216 I have a bad feeling about this 我有不好的预感 174
217 if anything can go wrong,it will 该来的躲不掉 175
218 in all conscience 当然,的确 176
219 in charge of 负责,管理 177
220 in full flower 成就之最高峰 178
221 in hand(3) 正在处理/办理之中 179
222 in one s/sb s good time 在某人方便之时 179
223 in the doghouse 失宠 180
224 in the light of 鉴于;当作 181
225 in the pink 非常健康 182
226 it never rains but it pours 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人 183
227 job hunting 找工作 183
228 jump the gun 提前行动 184
229 jump to conclusions 妄下断语 185
230 jump to it 积极行动 186
231 jump/be thrown in at the deep end 新手碰上了大难题 187
233 just yet 现在还,仍未 188
232 just one s luck 一向的坏运气 188
234 keep a level head 临危不惧 189
235 keep a stiff upper lip 坚强不屈 190
236 keep a straight face 保持严肃 191
237 eam one s keep 维持生计 192
238 keep mum about something 对某事保持沉默,不吭声 192
239 keep one s own counsel 不露心计,不露城府 194
240 keep one s shirt on 不发脾气,镇定自若 194
241 keep one s chin up 不气馁,不灰心 195
242 keep one s fingers crossed 祈求好运 196
243 keep one s hand in 使技能不荒疏,拳不离手,曲不离口 197
244 keep one s nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干;努力不懈 198
246 keep track of something/someone 掌握……的情况 199
245 keep sb.down a notch 挫某人的傲气 199
247 keep/have a level head 临危不乱 200
248 kick up a fuss 大惊小怪;引起骚乱 201
249 knock off 中断,停止;下班 202
250 knock the bottom out of 使之付诸东流,使之失败 203
251 know (on ) which side one s bread is buttered 颇知轻重 203
252 know…like the back of one s hand 对……了如指掌 204
253 know all the answers 见多识广 205
254 know inside out 非常了解 206
255 know where the shoe pinches 知道问题的症结所在 206
256 land on the rocks 陷入困境 207
257 laughter is the best medicine 笑是解忧良药 208
259 lend a hand 帮助 209
258 law and order 社会安全 209
260 let s face it 不可讳言的;面对现实吧 210
261 lie about 无所事事 211
262 lie down on the job 磨洋工,在工作中偷懒 212
263 like a bear with a sore head 脾气特别暴躁 212
264 little strokes fell great oaks 铁杵磨成绣花针 213
265 live wire 精力充沛的、活跃的人物 214
266 look as if one has been dragged through a hedge backwards 看上去非常邋遢或疲惫不堪(尤其指干了大量艰苦工作或熬夜之后) 215
267 look up and down 上下打量;(仔细而严格地)检查 215
268 loose ends 未了结的琐碎事情 216
269 lose one s temper 发脾气,动肝火 217
270 louse up something 把某事搞得一团糟 218
272 make advances to/towards 接近(某人);表示友好;求爱 219
271 make a deal with 有个商量,达成协议 219
273 make an exhibition of oneself 使自己出洋相 221
274 make heavy weather of something 对某事小题大做,使事情更麻烦 221
275 make one s mouth water 让人流口水 222
276 make the best use of 充分利用 223
277 meet trouble halfway 杞人忧天,自寻烦恼 224
278 mend one s steps 注意自己的行为 225
279 miss the boat on 坐失良机 225
280 moonlighting 副业,兼职(一般指晚上兼职) 226
281 more bark than bite 说得多,做得少 227
282 near (to) someone s heart 关注,衷心关切 228
283 New brooms sweep cleaner 新官上任三把火 228
284 nip in the bud 防患于未然,防微杜渐 229
285 nip something in the bud 把……消灭在萌芽状态之中 230
286 nit-picking 找小错儿,挑剔的 231
287 no great shakes 平凡得很,不出色,没什么了不起 232
288 no joke 强调指出形势的严峻性和话题的严肃性 233
289 no laughing matter 重大或重要的事 234
290 no sweat 没有问题或困难 235
291 nose sb.out/win sb.by a nose 以微弱的优势战胜(某人) 236
292 not get a word in edgeways 插不上话,不能在某人不断说话时插嘴 237
293 not have a clue 不知道,不了解 238
294 not serve two masters 一君不事二主,对某人忠心耿耿 239
295 not turn a hair 泰然自若;毫不疲倦 240
296 off line 停工 240
297 off the cuff 未做准备的,即席的;非正式的 241
298 on a limb 努力工作 242
299 on line 开工 243
300 on off chance 抱着试试看的态度;侥幸地 243
301 on the cuff 赊欠;免费 244
302 on the gravy train 有财运,有赚大钱的机遇 245
303 on the level 诚恳的,直率的 246
304 on the needle 吸毒成瘾 247
305 out of it/things 使孤独沉默,怯生生独处一角 248
306 out of the frying pan into the fire 才出狼窝,又入虎口;每况愈下 249
307 out of the way 不顺路 250
308 out of the wood 摆脱困境或险境 251
309 out of 缺乏 252
310 paddle one s own canoe 自力更生;自食其力 253
311 pass someone s way 经过某人的手中,落入某人之手 254
312 pass the buck 推卸责任 254
313 pave the way for 为……铺平道路 255
314 pay off 还清债务 256
315 pink collar 粉领阶层的;妇女所从事的工作 257
316 plain as the nose on your face 显而易见的 257
317 play (it) safe/for safety 稳扎稳打,谨慎行事 258
318 play cat and mouse with 玩猫捉老鼠,追追躲躲的 259
319 play fast and loose with 敷衍了事,不正经干 260
320 play favorites with 对……有偏心眼 261
321 play second fiddle to somebody 给某人当二把手 262
322 plough the sands 白费力气,徒劳无功 262
323 pound the pavement 徘徊街头找工作 263
324 prior to 在……之前,优先于 264
325 Procrustean bed 强求一致的制度或政策等 265
326 pull a fast one on 用诡计占上风 266
327 pull through 痊愈;帮忙度过难关 267
328 push the panic button 惊慌失措 268
329 put (it) on 假装 269
330 put in one s two cents 为别人说句好话;向他人主动提出忠告 270
331 put something on the back burner 推迟,延期 270
332 put the cart before the horse 颠倒次序,本末倒置 272
333 put to rights 修复 272
334 put/set one s shoulder to the wheel 全力以赴;努力工作;勤奋工作 273
336 rack in (get,eam) 得到,赚取 274
335 quick off the mark 行动敏捷 274
337 remain in the saddle 保留要职 275
338 report on 向(某人)报告(某事) 276
339 rest on one s oars 休息,暂停工作 277
340 myme or reason 道理,可了解的原因 278
341 rough-and-tumble 杂乱无章的;混乱的场面 279
342 rub sb.the wrong way 触犯某人,惹恼某人 280
343 run low 快用完了,不够了 280
344 run off one s feet 忙得腿快跑断了 281
345 run one s head against a brick wall 硬着头皮去做 282
346 safe and sound 安然无恙 282
347 save one s breath 保持沉默 283
348 save one s face 保留颜面,顾全面子 284
349 save one s neck 保护某人不受其害 285
350 seal one s lips 封住某人的嘴,不让某人讲话 285
351 see the world 见多识广 286
352 shake the dust off/from one s feet 拂袖而去 287
353 shoot the breeze 闲聊 288
354 show one s paces 显示出自己的本领 288
355 show up 出席;使显得醒目 289
356 side with sb. 在争论中站在某人一边 290
357 sing the blues 诉苦,抱怨 291
358 soft drink 甜的非酒精性的饮料 292
359 sort sb./sth.out 解决问题 292
360 speak by the card 说话有根有据,措辞谨慎 293
361 speak evil of 说什么人的坏话,诽谤 294
362 speak for itself/themselves 不言而喻,无须进一步说明 295
363 spill the beans (无意中)泄露秘密,泄露消息 296
364 stand the gaff 忍受折磨,不怯懦 297
365 stay put 留在(某处)不动 298
366 stir up a nest of homets 捅马蜂窝;自找麻烦 298
367 straddle the fence 抱观望态度;墙头草,两面倒 299
368 straight from the horse s mouth 从可靠方面来的,直接从权威方面得来的 300
369 sweat it out 苦撑到底 301
370 take/go one s own way 一意孤行 302
371 take a candy from a baby 贪得无厌的人,卑鄙小人 303
372 take a strong/hard line 采取强硬的手段 304
373 take on (undertake a task,opinion,view) 对付(意见,看法),从事某项任务 305
374 take sb./sth.at face value 以貌取人(物) 306
375 take something in one s stride 轻而易举地解决问题;泰然处之 307
376 take the bull by the homs 挺身面对危险,不畏艰险 308
377 take the rough with the smooth 既能享乐也能吃苦;泰然对待人世的沉浮 309
378 take the wind out of someone s sails 底牌揭穿,哑口无言 310
379 take up short 插嘴 310
380 talk off the top of one s head 信口雌黄 311
381 talk shop 三句不离本行 312
382 tear something/somebody to bits 仔细检查;严厉批评 313
383 the benefit of the doubt 在罪证不足的情况下被假定为无罪 314
384 the last lane 快节奏的生活 314
385 the iron entered into one s soul 心如刀割,极端痛苦 315
386 the shoe is on the other foot 今非昔比 316
387 there is something more to something than meets the eye 表面上看不出来 317
388 thin-skinned 神经过敏 318
389 think twice 仔细考虑;踌躇,犹豫 319
390 throw down the gautlet/glove 挑战;争论 320
391 throw in the rowel 认输 321
392 throw mud at 讲人坏话,恶意中伤 322
393 to a fault 过分 323
394 too…by half 过分;太 323
395 trade in 拿(某物)折价去购买一件新东西 324
396 tread/walk on air 得意洋洋 325
397 tread on someone s heel 亦步亦趋 325
398 trial and error 由尝试中修正错误,求取解决问题的办法 326
399 turn in 归还;上缴 327
400 turn one s head 使某人自满 328
401 turn over a new leaf 洗心革面 329
402 twiddle one s thumbs 闲得无聊 330
403 under one s belt 被吃进自己的肚子里;被自己获得 331
404 up the wall 愤怒,发狂 332
405 walls have ears 隔墙有耳 333
406 well and good 好吧,也好 334
407 when in doubt,do nothing 不做没把握的事 335
408 when the going gets tough,the gough gets going 不屈不挠,再接再励 335
409 where the shoe pinches 症结所在;痛苦所在 336
410 whistle in the dark 给自己壮胆;嘴硬 337
411 white as a sheet 面如白纸 338
412 with drums and trumpets 大吹大擂,大张旗鼓 339
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