大学英语文选 理工科 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谢立新等著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:9209·29
- 页数:381 页
Contents 1
1.Whale Watching 1
2.Spare that Spider 3
3.Training Elephants 5
4.Smoking and Health 9
5.The Periodic Table 12
6.How a Chemist Works 15
7.The Science of Matter 18
8.How Matter is Put Together 21
9.Charles Darwin to W.D.Fox 25
10.The World of Plant Life 29
11.Simple Forms of Life 33
12.Tissues,Organs and Systems 37
13.Solutions 41
14.Go to the Ant 45
15.Animals Without Backbones 49
16.Animals With Backbones 54
17.Fun With Chemistry 60
18.Bacteria 70
19.Aluminum and Copper 75
20.S.O.S.Mission for Our Plant Life 80
21.The Structure of Atoms 85
22.Giving Sharks a Good Name 90
23.The Chemist's Tools 95
24.Fibers and Plastics 110
25.Insects 118
26.When We Are Well 129
27.Radio-Carbon 152
28.Our Superintelligence 156
29.Microsurgery 160
30.There's Too Much Scare Talk About Cancer 165
31.Threatened Depletion of the Earth's Ozone Shield 170
32.Extraterrestrial Chemistry 174
33.How Did Life Begin? 181
34.Mercury and Chlorine in the Environment 186
35.This Little Monkey is Nursemaid to a Man 192
36.Breathing Polluted Air 198
37.Methane 205
38.Fantastic Voyagers:the Migrating Birds 210
39.Listen to the Bees Talking! 216
40.Electromagnetic Interference—Hazardous to Health 224
41.Photosynthesis—Miracle of the Sunbeam 230
42.Trees in Winter Windand Ice 238
43.Probing Plant Cell's Secrets—The Goal:Growing Petroleum 244
44.Our Weather 251
45.The Exquisite Mathematics ofNature 261
46.The Vanishing Prairie 268
47.Feeding All the Extra Billions:Endless Ingenuity Is Needed 277
48.Old Weather Sayings are Rational—And Here's Their Rationale 288
49.Your Own Solar System 297
50.Dreams:Do They Ever Stop?Can They See the Future? 306
总词汇表 314
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