- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡仲胤编著
- 出 版 社:南宁:广西人民出版社
- 出版年份:1986
- ISBN:9113·59
- 页数:172 页
目录 1
名词与代词 1
1.admittance,admission 1
2.advices,advice 2
3.amount,number,quantity 2
4.bank,coast,shore 5
5.basis,base,foundation 6
6.do's,don'ts 8
7.face,countenance,visage 9
8.fish,fishes 11
9.go to bed,go-to-bed 12
10.height,altitude 13
11.host,master,owner,landlord,boss 14
12.language,tongue 17
13.majority,most 18
14.one of...,one in 19
15.physics,politics,tactics,ethics,mathematics 20
16.pile,heap 22
17.rest,repose,relaxation 24
18.shade,shadow 26
19.spectators,audience 27
20.week-end 27
21.works 28
动词与动词短语 30
1.advance towards 30
advance against 30
advance at 31
advance along 31
advance in 31
2.anger at 32
anger toward 32
3.blush at 34
blush for 34
blush with 34
4.be(feel)ashamed for 35
be(feel)ashamed of 35
call at 36
call for 36
5.call on 36
6.catch,seize,grasp,grip,grap,clutch 37
7.cry,weep,sob,wail 39
8.do well in(at)the English exam 40
9.fire on,fire at 41
10.forget something 42
forget about something 42
11.happen,occur,chance 42
12.hire,rent,lease 45
13.increase by 46
increase to 47
increase in 47
14.join,join in 48
15.leave,leave for 49
answer,answer for 49
ask,ask for 50
apply,apply for 51
make up,make up for 52
send,send for 52
call,call for 53
start,start for 54
prepare,prepare for 55
16.lecture,lecture to 57
17.like,be fond of 57
18.meet,meet with 58
19.play the violin,play on the violin 60
20.meet difficulty,meet with difficulty 61
21.ride a horse,ride on a horse 62
22.shiver,quiver,shudder,tremble,shake,quake 63
23.speak about 67
speak of 67
speak on 68
speak with 68
speak to 68
speak for 69
speak at 69
24.stay at,stay with 70
25.suffer from a cold,suffer from cold 70
26.take,bring 71
27.take French leave 73
take leave of 73
take one's leave 74
28.throw,fling,toss,drop,hurl,chuck,dart,cast 74
29.treat,cure 77
30.walk,go 78
31.work at,work on 80
32.may,may not 81
1.alive,asleep,sorry,glad,ill 82
形容词与副词 82
2.Arabian,Arab,Arabic 83
3.bare,naked,nude 84
4.close,closely 86
5.enough,sufficient 87
6.Greek,Grecian 88
7.high,highly 89
8.herein,thereof,whereby 91
9.new,novel 93
10.plump,fat,stout,paunchy,corpulent,thick 94
12.stern,strict 96
11.silk,silken 96
13.though 97
介词与短语介词 100
1.above,over 100
below,under 100
2.after,behind,beyond 101
3.in,on 102
4.in,after,afterwards,later 104
on a level with 106
5.at a level of 106
6.at the front 107
to the front 107
on the front 107
in the front 107
7.from the beginning 108
in the beginning 109
at the beginning 109
8.up,down 110
1.a barber's,a baker's小议 112
其他 112
2.汉语介词结构“在……之下”有几种英语对应译法? 113
3.unless一词是怎样形成的? 116
4.only用法小议 116
5.短语as far as和so far as异同辨 117
6.farewell与good-bye辨析 118
7.feel特殊用法一例 119
8.短语nothing doing小议 119
10.“be+not+n.”和“be+no+n.”两句式选用原则小议 120
9.代词it特殊用法一例 120
11.“Be quiet!”和“Be calm!”表示的是一个意思吗? 123
12.“Is that so?”语调小议 124
13.“He seems ill”与“He seems to be ill”在表意上有差异吗? 125
14.英语表示钟表走得“快”、“慢”的特定句型 126
15.next…与the next…在表意上的异同辨 126
16.英语省略号(apostrophe)用法小议 128
17.感叹词well主要用法小议 130
18.“Here you are”与“Here it is”,“Here they are”异同辨 131
20.plenty of…同名词搭配时,谓语动词的形式该如何掌握? 133
19.英国人名“Mary”怎样变复数形式 133
21.问号用法特点一例 134
22.在句号、问号、感叹号和删节号之后,另起新句时,是否一律要大写开头? 135
23.“ten years”,“a million dollars”一类短语作句中主语时,谓语该用单数还是复数? 136
24.情态动词“be”的省略一例 136
25.英语人称代词I为什么总要大写? 137
26.“Have you a father (mother)?”和“Have you a wife(husband)?” 一类句子中的不定冠词a表示的是什么意思? 137
27.为什么Mother,Father或Aunt一类名词 138
通常要大写? 138
28.“The message reads that…”一类句式中的谓语动词reads表示的是什么意思? 139
29.may,should特殊用法一例 140
30.“He is not quite right”和“He is not right at all”两句式辨析 140
31.分别问一个人的姓和名时,该怎样说? 142
32.一个星期七天的英语名称是怎样来的? 143
33.a flat和a suite of rooms辨析 144
附录 1.when的功能及其常见汉译法 145
2.before的功能及其常见汉译法 153
3.unless的功能及其常见汉译法 161
4.强势否定语气的常见表达法 167
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