- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:北京双语教育电子有限公司编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560017509
- 页数:369 页
Greetings Introductions 1 问候与介绍 2
A-1 Morning Greeting 清晨问候 2
A-2 Feeling Better Today? 今天好些吗 3
A-3 “Long Time No See” “好久未见” 4
A-4 With a New Employee 见到新雇员 5
A-5 With the General Manager 见到总经理 6
A-6 Directions to the Supply Shop 办分用品店在哪儿? 7
A-7 Directions to the Copy Room 复印室在哪儿? 8
A-8 Directions to the Lunch Room 餐厅在哪儿? 8
A-9 Looking for Someone s Office 寻找某人办公室 9
A-10 Directions to a Bank 银行在哪儿? 10
A-11 Asking for a Phone Number 问电话号码 11
A-12 Getting a Phone Number 要电话号码 12
A-13 Asking for a Client s Information 询问客户资料 13
A-14 Asking for a Client s Address 询问客户地址 14
A-15 Farewell Before Christmas 圣诞前的道别 15
A-16 Ending a Conversation 终止谈话 16
A-17 Saying Good-bye告别 16
A-18 Finishing a Conversation 结束谈话 18
A-19 Ending a Sales Talk 终止推销会谈 19
A-20 Asking About Deadlines 询问最后期限 20
A-21 Asking for a Book to be Returned 请求还书 20
A-22 Something to be Finished 需要完成的工作 21
A-23 Asking About a Schedule 询问时间安排 22
A-24 Confirming a Schedule 确认日期 23
A-25 Lunch Invitation 午饭邀请 24
A-26 Self-introduction 自我介绍 24
A-27 Meeting a New Boss 见新老板 25
A-28 Introducing New People. 介绍新人 26
A-29 Asking About an Accent 询问口音 27
A-30 Discussing a New Manager 议论新经理 29
A-31 Trying to Get Adjusted 努力适应 30
A-32 Farewell Before Retiring 退休告别 30
A-34 Introducing the Company 介绍公司 32
A-33 Asking for a Fax Number 问传真号码 32
CHAPTER B 第一章 35
Making Appointments 预约时间 35
B-1 Calling a Group Meeting 召集组会 36
B-2 Appointment with a client 约见客户 37
B-3 Setting a Meeting for Bosses 安排老板的会见 38
B-4 Scheduling an Interview 约定面谈 39
B-5 A Last Minute Appointment 临时约会 40
B-6 Delaying an Appointment 推迟会见时间 41
B-7 Secretary Schedules a Meeting 秘书安排会见 42
B-8 Meeting a Book Keeper 与出纳碰头 43
B-9 Making a Sales Appointment 会见推销商 44
B-10 Training Appointment 约定培训时间 45
B-11 Next week s Meeting 下周会议 46
B-12 Setting up a Lunch Appointment 约定吃午饭 47
B-13 Arranging a Group Meeting 安排小组会 48
B-14 A Mandatory Meeting 必要的会议 49
B-15 Setting up a Staff Meeting 安排开员工会议 50
B-16 A Maintenance Appointment 约定维修 51
B-17 Fax Machine Maintenance 传真机维修 52
B-18 A Recruitment Appointment 招募新人 52
B-19 Reviewing Employment Contract 重审聘用合同 53
B-20 Scheduling Bosses Meeting 安排老板会见 54
B-21 A Meeting About Bonuses 讨论奖金 55
B-22 An Office Party 办公室聚会 56
B-23 Setting up a Job-seeking 约定面试 57
B-24 Interview 约定面试时间 58
B-25 A Job-seeking Appointment 会见会计 59
B-26 Meeting with an Accountant 提前安排 60
B-27 Scheduling Ahead 迎接客户 61
B-28 Picking up a Client 邀请参加告别聚会 62
B-29 Farewell Party Invitation 为老板作安排 63
B-30 Scheduling for Your Boss 购置办公设备 64
B-31 Buying Office Equipment 安排预算讨论 65
B-32 Arranging a Budget Discussion 安排生日聚会 67
B-33 Setting up a Birthday party Meeting Your Assistant 约见助手 67
Making Requests 提出要求 69
CHAPTER C 第三章 69
C-1 Asking for Help with a Meeting 请求代为出席会议 70
C-2 Requesting Some Data 催要数据 71
C-3 A No-smoking Warning 请勿吸烟 72
C-4 Asking Someone to Wait 请某人稍等 73
C-5 Asking for a File Returned 要求归还文件 74
C-6 Dealing with an Interruption 受到干扰 75
C-7 Ordering Stationary 订办公用品 76
C-8 Getting a Take-out Lunch 代买代餐 77
C-9 Asking for Re-calculation 重新计算 78
C-10 Asking to Re-work 要求重做 79
C-12 Getting New Equipment 购置新设备 80
C-11 Reminding a Co-worker 提醒同事 80
C-13 passing Along a Request 转述一项要求 81
C-14 Reviewing New Resumes 翻阅新履历表 82
C-15 Ordering More Stationary 再订办公用品 83
C-16 Awaiting a Signature 等待签字 84
C-17 Arranging Overtime 安排加班 85
C-18 Asking for Approving a Purchase 请求批准购物 86
C-19 Asking a Co-worker for Help 请同事帮忙 87
C-20 Preparing for Sales Meeting 准备销售会议 88
C-21 Co-signing an Approval Sheet 共同批准 89
C-22 Requesting a Phone Number 询问电话号码 90
C-23 Re-writing a plan 重写方案 91
C-24 Problems with Samples 样品问题 92
C-25 A Recommendation Letter 推荐信 93
C-26 Leaving a Little Early 早退 94
C-27 Signing a Memo 在备忘录上签字 95
C-28 Looking over Some Letters 审阅信件 95
C-29 Reminder About Tax Forms 提醒交税单 96
C-30 Making Early Reservations 提前预定 97
C-31 Giving a Helping Hand 帮忙 98
C-32 Getting a New Computer 购置新电脑 99
C-33 Clarifying Final Details 确定最后细节 100
C-34 Last Minute Details 临时细节修改 101
About Computer 电脑常识 103
CHAPTER D 第四章 103
D-1 A Computer Bug 电脑错误 104
D-2 A New Word Processor 新的文字处理器 104
D-3 A Printing Problem 打印故障 105
D-4 Smooth Training Progress 顺利的培训 107
D-5 Choosing a Password 选择密码 108
D-6 Last Questions on Training 培训中的最后问题 109
D-7 File-order Problems文件顺序问题 110
D-8 Another Printing Problem 又一个打印故障 110
D-9 Can t Open a File 文件打不开 111
D-10 A New Computer 新电脑 112
D-11 A Wrong Command 错误命令 113
D-12 Changing Printer Settings 改变打印设置 114
D-13 Bringing out a Preview 使用预览 115
D-14 A Command Error 命令错误 116
D-15 Merging Documents 合并文件 117
D-16 Questions on Printing 打印问题 118
D-17 Changing Font Size 改变字号 119
D-18 Recommending a New Software 推荐新软件 120
D-19 Re-booting a Computer 重新启动计算机 121
D-20 Editing Files 编辑文件 122
D-21 Searching a Document 寻找文件 123
D-22 Discovering a Solution 找到解决办法 124
D-23 Getting Help on a Software 帮助使用软件 125
D-24 Closing a Document 关闭文件 126
D-25 Formatting a Disk 格式化磁盘 127
D-26 Changing Paper Size 改变纸张尺寸 127
D-27 A Disk Error 磁盘错误 128
D-28 Choosing Appropriate Software 选择合适软件 129
D-29 Finishing up Training 结束培训 130
D-30 Creating a Password 设置密码 131
D-31 A Problem with Mouse 鼠标问题 132
D-32 Instructions on Progressing 指导继续培训 133
D-33 A New Software 新软件 134
CHAPTER E 第五章 135
Discussing Problems 讨论问题 135
E-1 Warning an Employee 警告雇员 136
E-2 Waiting on a Client 招待客户 137
E-3 Criticism from Your Boss 老板的批评 138
E-4 Sorting out Problems 理清问题 139
E-5 A Persistent Saleswoman 执着的女推销员 140
E-6 Criticizing an Employee 批评雇员 141
E-7 Criticizing a Smoker 批评吸烟者 142
E-8 Criticizing a Lack of Effort 批评工作不努力 143
E-9 Arranging a Holiday Schedule 安排假期日程 144
E-10 An Interview Problem 面试中的问题 144
E-11 Solving a Problem with Bonuses 解决奖金问题 145
E-12 A Snag in the Plans 计划中的问题 146
E-13 Who s Going to Lunch First? 谁先吃午饭? 147
E-14 Discussing Overtime Problems 讨论加班问题 148
E-15 Bonus Complaints 抱怨奖金 149
E-16 Discordance About a Secretary 同事不和 150
E-17 Clarifying Some Tasks 明确任务 151
E-18 A Delayed Lunch Order 迟来的午餐 152
E-19 Advice on Client Relations 对搞好客户关系的建议 153
E-20 Disagreeing on a Project 意见分歧 154
E-21 Requesting Boss Criticism 征求老板意见 155
E-22 Taking Too Long of a Break 休息时间过长 156
E-23 Problems with Taking Credit 争名夺利 157
E-24 A Differing Opinion 不同意见 158
E-25 Angry over a Change in Plans 不满计划变动 159
E-26 Unveiling a Disagreement 提出反对意见 160
E-27 Bad File Organization 文件管理混乱 161
CHAPTER F 第六章 163
On the Telephone 电话技巧 163
F-1 Calling for a Day off 请假 164
F-2 Wrong Department 找错了部门 165
F-3 Lunch Invitation 午餐邀请 165
F-4 Getting a Ride After Work 下班后搭车 166
F-5 Inquiring About Progress 询问进度 167
F-6 Calling in Sick 请病假 168
F-7 Getting instructions 接受指示 168
F-8 Explanation for Being Late 解释迟到原因 169
F-9 Calling Your Boss from Outside 给老板打电话 170
F-10 Reporting a Progress 报告进度 171
F-11 Good News over the Phone 电话报喜 172
F-12 Bad News over the Phone 电话报忧 172
F-13 Asking About Some Old Files 寻找旧文件 173
F-14 Calling the President 给总裁打电话 174
F-15 Calling a Mail Clerk 给邮务员打电话 175
F-16 Calling a Supply Store 给办公用品店打电话 176
F-17 Calling the Printers 给复印店打电话 177
F-18 Making a Rush Order 订批急活 178
F-19 Asking for Typing Help 请求帮忙打字 179
F-20 Calling a Contractor 给承包商打电话 180
F-21 Calling the Finance Department 给财务部打电话 181
F-22 Speaking with an Angry Client 让客户息怒 182
F-23 Making a Flight Arrangement 预定航班 183
F-24 Rearranging a Flight 重订航班 184
F-25 Calling a Courier Service 专递服务 185
F-26 Relaying a Question 转达疑问 186
F-27 Checking on a Delivery 确认送贷 187
F-28 Making Hotel Reservations 预定饭店 188
F-29 Confirming a Flight 确认机票 189
F-30 Arranging a Car to the Airport 安排汽车去机场 190
F-31 Arranging a Banquet 安排宴会 191
F-32 Ordering Lunch 订午餐 192
F-33 Good News to an Accountant 给会计的好消息 193
F-34 Relaying a Compliment 转达表扬 194
CHAPTER G 第七章 195
Coffee Break 咖啡闲聊 195
G-1 Congratulations on Promotion 恭贺升迁 196
G-2 Talking About Sports 谈论体育 197
G-3 Talking About a New-born Baby 谈论新生儿 197
G-4 Talking About Child 谈论子女 198
G-5 Talking About Vacation 谈论度假 199
G-6 Talking About Work Load 议论工作量 200
G-7 Getting Married 结婚 200
G-8 Chatting with a New Employee 和新雇员闲谈 201
G-10 Complaining About Work 抱怨工作 202
G-9 Chatting About Sports 闲谈体育 202
G-11 Sports Talk 谈论体育 204
G-12 Chatting About Child 谈论孩子 204
G-13 Getting a Promotion 获得提升 205
G-14 Back from Vacation 度假归来 206
G-15 A New Exercise Class 新健身班 206
G-16 First Day of School 上学第一天 207
G-17 Trouble with Computers 电脑问题 208
G-18 Complaining About Overtime 抱怨加班 209
G-19 Chatting with a Newly Married Person 与新婚者闲聊 211
G-20 Chatting About a New Restaurant 谈论一家新餐馆 212
G-21 Inviting for a Cup of Coffee 请喝咖啡 213
G-22 Offering a Cup of Tea 喝杯热茶 214
G-23 Talking About Appearance 谈论人的外表 215
G-24 Talking About a new pet 谈论新宠物 216
G-25 A newly Received Award 受到表彰 217
G-26 Birthday Party Invitation 生日聚会邀请 218
CHAPTER H 第八章 219
Customer Service 客户服务 219
H-1 An Angry Customer 气愤的顾客 220
H-2 A Job Well Done 出色的工作 221
H-3 Checking an Account 核查账户 222
H-4 Tracking down an Order 追查一笔订单 223
H-5 Complaining to the Boss 向老板抱怨 224
H-6 Product Upgrade 产品升级 225
H-7 Uncertain About an Answer 回答无把握 226
H-8 Positive Feedback 积极反馈 227
H-9 Re-issuing a Statement 补发对账单 228
H-10 With an Impatient Customer 不耐烦的顾客 229
H-11 Visiting a Customer 访问顾客 230
H-12 With an Angry Customer 生气的顾客 231
H-13 With an Angry Client 生气的客户 232
H-14 With a Very Upset Customer 气愤的顾客 233
H-15 Handling a Problem 处理问题 234
H-16 Explaining to a Customer 向顾客解释 235
H-17 Put on Hold for Too Long 等候太久 236
H-18 A Disappointed Client 失望的客户 237
H-19 An Irate Customer 恼怒的顾客 238
H-20 Discussing an Ad s Music 讨论广告音乐 239
H-21 Explaining a Delay 解释延误的原因 240
H-22 Praise for Winning a Case 官司胜诉 241
H-23 An Angry New Customer 气愤的新顾客 242
H-24 After Helping a Customer 帮助顾客之后 243
H-25 A Successful Restaurant Ad 成功的餐厅广告 244
H-26 Unable to Answer a Customer 无法答复顾客 245
H-27 A Good Office Space Design 不错的办公环境设计 246
H-28 Asking About a Refund 请求退款 247
H-29 Impressive Feedback 感人的反馈 248
H-30 A Compliment After Service 服务后的称赞 249
H-31 A List of Complaints 意见单 250
H-32 Receiving a Compliment Letter 收到表扬信 251
H-33 Helping out a Customer 为顾客解难 252
H-34 Clarifying Personal Data 核实个人资料 253
H-35 Reassuring Service 重新保证服务 254
H-36 An Appreciation Phone-call 答谢电话 255
CHAPTER I 第九章 257
Pitch presentation 说服技巧 257
I-1 A Strategy Presentation 战略方针 258
I-2 Time Schedule Presentation 日程安排 259
I-3 Presenting a New Design 介绍新设计 260
I-4 Presenting an Outlook 前景展望 261
I-5 Presenting a Story Board 创意图板 262
I-6 Buying New Computers 购置新电脑 263
I-7 An Idea for Office Space 办公环境的构想 264
I-8 Presenting a Design Idea 介绍设计构思 265
I-9 Pitching an Idea 推荐想法 265
I-10 Suggesting a New Layout 建议新布局 266
I-11 A Suggestion on Sales 促销建议 267
I-12 Self-recommendation 自我推荐 268
I-13 Suggesting an Ad Plan 广告策划建议 270
I-14 Sharing an Idea 提出想法 271
I-15 Presenting a New Research 调查报告 272
I-16 A Secretary s Pitch 秘书的建议 273
I-17 Suggestion for an Intern建议找个实习生 274
I-18 Recommending a Design 推荐一种设计 275
I-19 New Ideas from a Seminar 研讨会的灵感 275
I-20 presenting an Office Outline 办公室的格局 277
I-21 Making a Complaint Together 一起去抱怨 278
I-22 Discrepancies on the Budget 预算上的出入 279
I-23 Getting Support Signatures 征集签名 280
I-24 A Pitch for a Good Cause 劝说参加公益活动 281
I-25 Making a Pitch to a Group 为集体献策 282
I-26 Presenting an Operating Budget 经营预算 283
I-27 Presenting a TV Ad 电视广告 284
I-28 Pitching a Promotional Event 策划宣传活动 285
I-29 Investment Suggestions 投资建议 286
I-30 Market Targeting 市场定位 287
I-31 Making a Pitch for a Project 献计献策 288
I-32 Presenting a Package Design 展示包装设计 289
I-33 Promoting Yourself 毛遂自荐 290
I-34 Presenting a Yearly Projection 年度销售目标 291
I-35 Presenting a New Strategy 新的战略 292
CHAPTER J 第十章 293
Finalizing the Deal 敲定生意 293
J-1 Signing an Official contract 签署正式合同 294
J-2 Finalizing a Deal on the Phone 电话定交易 295
J-4 A Satisfied New Client 满意的新客户 296
J-3 Contract Signing 合同签字 296
J-5 Closing a Contract 达成协议 297
J-6 A Marketing Research Company 商情公司 298
J-7 Purchasing Copy Machines 购置复印机 299
J-8 With an Office Decorator 室内装修 300
J-9 With an Overseas Cient 海外客户 301
J-10 About a Re-Written Bid 重写标书 302
J-11 Approaching a Settlement 即将达成协议 303
J-12 A Happy New Client 高兴的新客户 304
J-13 Concluding an Agreement 达成协议 305
J-14 With an Old Client 老客户 306
J-15 Winding up a Contract 完成合同 307
J-16 Closing a Deal 达成交易 308
J-17 Let s Celebrate 庆祝成功 309
J-18 An Employee Contract 聘用合同 310
J-19 Finalizing an Interview 结束面试 311
J-20 Getting a Promotion 获得提升 312
J-21 Talking About a Finished Deal 谈论已达成的交易 312
J-22 An Unbelievable Deal 不可思议的成功 313
J-23 Finalizing on an Airplane 飞机上达成交易 314
J-24 Signing an Agreement 签署协议 315
J-25 Final Revisions 最后修改 316
J-26 A Few Last Questions 最后几个问题 317
J-27 Setting up a Signing Date 确定签字日期 318
J-28 Revising a Contract 修改合同 319
J-29 Final Calculations 成交价格 320
J-30 Finalizing a Bid 完成标书 321
J-31 Working out an Agreement 制订协议 322
J-32 Going over an Agreement 审阅协议 323
J-33 Clarifying a Detail 落实一个细节 324
J-34 Reviewing a Corrected Contract 审阅修改后的合同 325
J-35 Reviewing a New Contract 审阅新合同 326
J-36 A Sales Agreement 销售协议 327
J-37 Finailzing a Construction Deal 达成建筑协议 328
Communicative Tasks Index 沟通方式索引 329
Ability 能力 330
Agreement 赞同 330
Apology 道歉/抱歉 332
Assurance 保证/确信 333
Circumstance 情况 335
Compliment 称赞 340
Congratulation 祝贺 341
Decision 决定 342
Direction 方位 342
Disagreement 分歧 343
Dissatisfaction 不满 343
Feeling/Emotion 感觉/情绪 344
Focusing Attention 提请注意 346
Gratitude 感谢 346
Identification 自我介绍 347
Hope 希望 347
Information 信息 348
Instruction 指导 350
Intention 意向 351
Introduction 介绍 355
Invitation 邀请 355
Like 喜好 355
Need 需要 356
Number 号码 357
Offer 提供(帮助) 358
Opinion 意见 358
Possibility 可能 360
Persuading 说服 360
Regret 遗憾 362
Rejection 拒绝 362
Request 请求/要求 362
Satisfaction 满意 364
Suggestion 建议 365
Surprise 惊异 367
Uncertainty 不肯定 367
Understanding 理解 368
Warning 提醒 368
Well-wishing 祝愿 369
Worry 担忧 369
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