- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王美德,刘果卿,马毓英等编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:14048·4254
- 页数:350 页
Ⅰ Hospital Department Terms 医院科室名称 1
Ⅱ Names of the Hospital Workers 医院工作人员职务名称 7
Ⅲ Everyday Nursing Terms 日常护理用语 12
1.Clinic Nursing 临床护理 12
2.Nursing Technique 护理技术 14
3.Diet Nursing 饮食护理 16
4.Miscellaneous 其它 19
Ⅳ Ward Utensils,Equipments and General Diagnostic Instruments 病室用具、设备和一般诊断器械 25
Ⅴ Everyday Diagnostic,Therapeutic and Teaching Terms 日常诊断、治疗、教学用语 34
(1) Topographical Lines and Regions with the Projection of Certain Organs 体表的线和区以及某些器官的投影 43
Ⅵ Common Terms of Anatomy 常用解剖名词 43
1.Surface Anatomy 体表解剖 43
(2)Natural Anatomical Landmarks 天然标志 45
2.The General Anatomical Terms 一般解剖名词 48
3.The Skeletal System 骨骼系统 48
4.The Muscular System 肌肉系统 49
5.The Circulatory System 循环系统 50
6.The Nervous System 神经系统 51
7.The Digestive System 消化系统 52
8.The Respiratory System 呼吸系统 53
9.The Urinary System 泌尿系统 54
10.The Reproductive System 生殖系统 54
11.The Ductless Glands 内分泌腺 55
12.The Common Integument(Skin) 皮肤 55
13.The Organs of the Senses 感觉器官 55
14.Appendix:Terms Denoting Anatomical Location and Size 附:表示解剖部位、大小用语 57
Ⅶ Symptoms and Signs 症状和体征 59
Ⅷ Name of Diseases 疾病名称 77
1.Infectious Diseases and Parasitic Diseases 传染病和寄生虫病 77
2.Diseases of the Respiratory System 呼吸系统疾病 80
3.Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 心血管系统疾病 84
4.Diseases of the Digestive System 消化系统疾病 90
5.Hematologic and Hematopoietic Diseases 血液及造血系统疾病 98
6.Diseases of the Endocrine System,Metabolism and Nutritiom 内分泌、代谢、营养失常疾病 102
7.Connective Tissue Diseases(Collagen Diseases) 结缔组织疾病(胶元疾病) 105
8.Diseases of the Genitourinary System 泌尿生殖系统疾病 106
9.Neuropsychiatric Diseases 神经精神疾病 110
10.Diseases Caused by Physical and Chemical Agents 物理化学因素引起的疾病 114
11.Diseases of Musculoskeletal System 骨骼和肌肉系统疾病 116
12.Tumors and Cysts 肿瘤和囊肿 119
13.Gynecological and Obstetric Diseases 妇产科疾病 122
14.Skin Diseases 皮肤疾病 125
15.Eye Diseases 眼科疾病 127
16.E.N.T. Diseases 耳鼻喉科疾病 131
17.Stomatological Diseases 口腔科疾病 133
18.Miscellaneons 杂类 135
Ⅸ Laboratory Tests and Other Auxiliary Examinations 检验及其他辅助检查 138
1.Laboratory Examinations 检验室检查 138
(1)Hematological Examinations 血液学检查 138
(2)Examinations of Urine 尿液检查 142
(3)Examination of Stool 粪便检查 144
(4)Examination of Body Fluids and Secretions 体液和分泌物检查 144
(5)Biochemical Examination 生化检查 145
(6)Endocrinological Examination 内分泌检查 149
(7)Microbiological Examination 微生物学检查 150
(8)Immunological Examination 免疫学检查 151
2.X-Ray Examination X线检查 154
3.Nuclear Medicine Technique 核医学技术 156
4.Ultrasonic Diagnosis 超声波诊断 160
5.Clinical Function Tests 临床机能检查 161
Ⅹ Therapeutical Techniques and Methods 治疗技术和方法 165
1.Methods of Injections 各种注射法 165
2.Various Punctures 各种穿刺 166
3.Fluid Infusion and Blood Transfusion 补液与输血 167
4.Methods of Anesthesia 各种麻醉法 167
5.Various Treatments 各种疗法 168
(1)General Treatments 一般疗法 168
(2)Specific Treatments 特殊疗法 169
(3)Radiotherapy 放射治疗 170
(4)Physiotherapy;Physical Therapy 物理治疗 171
(5)Therapeutic Exercise 医疗体操 174
6.Surgical Operation 外科手术 175
(1)General Surgical Operations 普外科手术 175
(2)Thoracic Surgical Operations 胸外科手术 178
(3)Urological Operations 泌尿科手术 181
(4)Orthopedic Operations 矫形外科手术 184
(5)Neurosurgical Operations 神经外科手术 187
7.Gynecological and Obstetrical Operations 妇产科手术 190
8.Ophthalmologic Operations 眼科手术 191
9. Otorhinolaryngologic Operations 耳鼻咽喉科手术 194
10.Stomatological Operations 口腔科手术 197
Ⅺ Common Drugs 常用药物 200
1.Antibiotics 抗生素类 200
2.Sulfonamides and Furane Derivatives 磺胺类及呋喃类药物 202
3.Hypnotics,Sedatives,Tranquilizers and Antiepileptic Drugs 催眠、镇静、安定和抗癫痫药 204
4.Analgesics 镇痛药 206
5.Antipyretic Analgesics 解热镇痛药 207
6.Central Nervous System and Muscle Stimulants 中枢神经系统和平滑肌、横纹肌兴奋药 208
7.Expectorants,Antitussives and Bronchial Spasm Relaxants 祛痰、镇咳及支气管解痉药 209
8.Digestants 助消化药 210
9.Gastric Intestinal Antacids and Antispamodics 胃肠道制酸药和解痉药 211
10.Laxatives,Cathartics and Antidiarrheals 导泻止泻药 212
11.Drugs Used in Liver and Biliary Diseases 肝胆疾病用药 213
12.Drugs Used in Heart Failure and Arrhythmia 治疗心衰及心律紊乱药 214
13.Antihypertensive and Antilipemia Drugs 降压与降脂药 215
14.Vasodilators and Antiangina Drugs 血管扩张药与治心绞痛药 217
15.Vasoconstrictors 血管收缩药 218
16.Tuberculostatic Agents and Antileprotics 抗结核药,抗麻风病药 218
17.Antianemic Agents 治贫血药 219
18.Coagulants and Hemostatics 凝血止血药 220
20.Anticoagulants 抗凝血药 221
19.Blood Volume Expanders 血容量扩充剂 221
22.Leukopoietics 刺激白细胞药 222
21.Drugs Used in the Intravenous Hyperalimentation 静脉内高营养用药 222
23.Diuretics and Dehydrating Agents 利尿剂、脱水剂 223
24.Urinary Antiseptics 抗尿路感染药 224
25.Anti-allergic Preparations 抗过敏药 224
26.Anthelminthics 驱肠虫药 225
27.Schistosomicides and Filaricides 抗血吸虫病和丝虫病药 225
28.Antimalarials 抗疟药 225
30.Antineoplastics 抗肿瘤药 226
29.Amebicides 抗阿米巴病药 226
31.Vitamins 维生素类 229
32.ACTH and Corticosteroids 促皮肤激素及肾上腺皮质激素类 230
33.Sex Hormones and Anabolic Agents 性激素及蛋白同化激素制剂 231
34.Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs 甲状腺制剂及抗甲状腺药 232
35.Hypoglycemic Drugs 降低血糖药 233
36.Infusion Fluids 静脉输液 233
37.Biological Preparations 生物制品 234
38.Ophthalmic Drugs 眼科药物 235
39.Drugs for Ear Nose Throt 耳鼻喉科药物 236
40.Stomatological Preparations 口腔科药物 237
41.Drugs for External Use 外用药 238
42.Anesthetics 麻醉药 239
43.Diagnostic Agents 诊断用药 240
44.Antidotes 解毒剂 241
45.Dermatological Preparations 皮肤科药物 241
Ⅻ Simple Conversation for Nurse 护士简易会话 243
1.Out Patient Department--Conversation Between Nurse and Patient 门诊--护士和病人对话 243
(1)Diarrhea 腹泻 243
(2)Peptic Uicer 消化性溃疡 246
(3)Diabetes 糖尿病 249
(4)Hypertension 高血压 252
(5)Injury and Fracture 外伤和骨折 256
(6)Wrist Sprain 手腕扭伤 259
(7)Appendicitis 阑尾炎 261
(8)Lower Back Pain and Acupuncturs 腰痛与针刺法 263
(9)Epistaxis 鼻出血 266
(10)In the Dental Clinic 在齿科 267
2.Conversation Between Ward Nurse and patient 病房护士和病人对话 270
(1)Receiving New Patient 接受新病人 271
(2)Morning Care 晨间护理 277
(3)Checking Temperature,Pulse Rate and Respiration 测量体温、脉搏和呼吸 282
(4)Enema 灌肠 285
(5)Before an Operation 在手术前 290
(6)What Should a Typhoid Fever Patient Know 伤寒病人须知 297
(7)Health Advice for the Aged 老年保健指导 302
3.Conversation Between Teacher and Student Nurse 师生对话 306
(1)Morning Round 晨间巡视病房 306
(2)Administering Medicine 给药法 310
(3)Dietary Care 饮食护理 316
(4)How to Get Specimen for Urine Culture from a Woman Patient 如何收集女病人尿培养标本 322
(5)A Lesson on Venous Puncture 学习静脉穿刺 324
(6)Visiting a New Patient with Cholecystitis 巡视胆囊炎新病人 328
(7)Discussion on the Preparation for Partial Gastrectomy 讨论胃部分切除术的准备工作 331
(8)Doctor's Order and Care for the Patient with acute Nephritis 急性肾炎病人的医嘱和护理 334
ⅩⅢ Common Abbreviations 常用略语 337
1.Doctor's Orders and Prescriptions 医嘱和处方 337
2.Therapeutical Terms 医疗用词 343
3.Chemical Symbols 元素符号 346
Appendix:Tables of Measures and Weights 附录:度量衡表 349
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