- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙稼田编
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7308003124
- 页数:630 页
aah 1
abide 1
目次 1
A 1
a 1
about 2
ability 2
accent 3
absentia 3
above 3
abridge 3
accident 4
accept 4
acid 5
achingly 5
accidentally 5
accustomed 5
act 6
acquire 6
address 7
actually 7
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afraid 8
advise 8
administration 8
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afternoon 10
after 10
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ago 12
age 12
agree 13
alert 14
aircraft 14
all 15
aloud 18
alone 18
almost 18
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also 19
among 20
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and 21
anatomy 21
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anger 25
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angry 26
anything 27
any 27
anytime 28
area 29
appreciate 29
anywhere 29
army 30
arm 30
arrive 31
around 31
as 32
assist 37
assert 37
ask 37
attention 38
at 38
ax(e) 39
avid 39
audience 39
avenge 39
back 40
B 40
balance 41
bag 41
backward(s) 41
be 42
bathe 42
ball 42
balloon 42
bark 42
bear 43
beautiful 46
beat 46
become 47
because 47
beggar 48
before 48
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being 49
behind 49
begin 49
belong 50
belly 50
best 51
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better 52
between 53
beyond 55
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big 56
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boat 62
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boom 63
book 63
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border 64
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brace 66
bound 66
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brain 67
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brake 68
branch 68
brand 68
breath 69
bridge 70
breeze 70
breathless 70
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brown 71
bring 71
broadside 71
build 72
buck 72
brutal 72
bubble 72
burn 73
bullet 73
busy 74
businessman 74
burner 74
bus 74
business 74
but 75
button 76
butcher 76
call 77
C 77
buy 77
by 77
can(could) 78
cap 81
candlelighters 81
candidate 81
care 82
card 82
capable 82
capacity 82
car 82
carry 83
careful 83
catapult 84
case 84
cartload 84
carve 84
catch 85
cautious 86
catholic 86
chair 87
century 87
ceiling 87
centre 87
chance 88
chalk 88
change 89
charge 90
character 90
chapter 90
china 91
childhood 91
charm 91
chase 91
check 91
chord 92
choke 92
chip 92
choice 92
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chunk 93
chore 93
chronic 93
classic 94
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claim 94
clamp 94
climb 95
clear 95
claw 95
clean 95
cloud 96
clothes 96
cling 96
clock 96
close 96
cloth 96
cold 97
coin 97
code 97
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collar 99
college 99
come 100
commitment 103
commit 103
comfortable 103
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committee 104
company 104
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contact 109
contract 110
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content 110
cool 111
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correct 112
corpse 112
coop 112
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cordially 112
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cotton 113
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cozy 115
cow 115
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current 119
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D 121
dagger 121
dam 121
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dangerous 122
danger 122
day 124
date 124
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daylight 127
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deal 129
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decide 130
death 130
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depth 135
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despair 136
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devote 137
devil 137
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dew 138
Diana 138
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dot 146
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draw 148
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drink 149
drive 149
dump 150
due 150
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dry 150
duck 150
each 151
E 151
during 151
dwell 151
ear 153
eager 153
earth 154
earn 154
early 154
easy 155
ease 155
eat 156
edge 157
economics 157
eclipse 157
education 158
educate 158
edition 158
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egg-shell 159
effort 159
egg 159
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eke 160
else 161
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enormous 165
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ever 171
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every 172
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evidence 174
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existence 177
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eye 179
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extension 179
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face 183
F 183
fact 185
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father 190
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feeling 194
few 195
fence 195
fellowman 195
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file 197
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flux 205
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frame 211
friendship 212
from 213
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front 215
full 216
fuel 216
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future 217
fury 217
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funnel 217
furiously 217
gear 218
gat 218
G 218
gallon 218
get 219
gentleman 219
give 222
giggle 222
glad 224
glacially 224
given 224
go 225
gloss 225
glance 225
glasses 225
globe 225
going 228
good 229
goner 229
goods 230
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grammar 231
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government 231
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H 235
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hear 247
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health 247
heart 248
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heat 249
hell 250
heavy 250
help 251
hesitation 252
hit 253
history 253
high 253
Himalayan 253
hire 253
hobnob 254
home 255
holiday 255
hold 255
honour 257
hope 257
honey 257
horizon 258
horde 258
hopeful 258
hour 259
hot 259
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host 259
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household 260
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hush 262
hurt 262
if 263
idea 263
I 263
ice 263
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ill 267
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in 270
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inch 272
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insight 275
insist 275
institution 275
interrupt 276
interest 276
invasion 277
introduce 277
intervene 277
intrigue 277
it 278
its 280
Jesus 281
jealous 281
itself 281
J 281
jar 281
job 282
jitters 282
jew 282
jewel 282
jig 282
justice 284
just 284
judgement 284
junior 284
keep 285
K 285
justify 285
kill 286
kick 286
keyhole 286
kindly 287
kind 287
kowtow 288
know 288
kiss 288
lack 289
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L 289
label 289
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land 291
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lay 294
law 294
laundry 294
lavish 294
lean 295
leak 295
lazy 295
league 295
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lecture 298
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less 299
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level 302
letter 302
liable 303
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light 305
line 306
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lip 308
link 308
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little 309
lock 311
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long 312
lodging 312
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loom 318
loud(ly) 320
lot 320
loss 320
love 321
luxury 322
lust 322
lover 322
low 322
make 323
mad 323
M 323
machine-gun 323
making 325
man 326
manner 326
mammon 326
mark 327
margin 327
manage 327
many 327
map 327
married 328
market 328
massive 329
mass 329
marry 329
matter 330
maternal 330
master 330
match 330
may 332
mean 334
meal 334
meagre 334
measure 335
means 335
mellow 336
meet 336
merry 337
merit 337
mentality 337
mention 337
mere 337
middle 338
mettle 338
mess 338
messenger 338
method 338
mile 339
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mind 340
million 340
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miss 343
mine 343
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money 346
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most 348
morning 348
mountain 349
mount 349
motion 349
much 350
movie 350
mouthful 350
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mud 352
music 353
muscle 353
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name 356
naked 356
N 356
natural 357
neck 358
necessary 358
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near 358
need 359
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neighbour 361
net 362
nerve 362
niche 363
nice 363
never 363
no 364
night 364
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noodle 367
not 368
notice 371
nothing 371
now 372
notoriously 372
nurse 373
number 373
nowhere 373
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O 374
object 374
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of 375
odds 375
ocean 375
often 378
office 378
off 378
once 379
on 379
one 380
oneself 382
only 383
open 384
ooh 384
onto 384
operate 385
or 386
opportunity 386
opiate 386
order 387
orient 388
other 389
ought 390
outgun 391
out 391
over 392
outskirts 392
outnumber 392
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overeat 393
own 394
owe 394
overshoot 394
page 395
P 395
palm 396
painfully 396
paper 397
pants 397
pan 397
Pan 397
park 398
paradoxically 398
paradox 398
partly 399
part 399
pass 400
pause 401
pattern 401
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patch 401
path 401
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pen 403
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permission 404
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phone 405
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philosophy 405
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picture 406
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pinch 408
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plate 410
plain 410
plan 410
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pleasant 411
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point 413
pocket 413
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pose 415
population 415
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pot 416
possible 416
position 416
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pupblic 422
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push 423
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Q 425
quick 426
question 426
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quarter 426
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rain 428
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R 428
rack 428
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raise 429
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rare 430
range 430
rank 430
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read 433
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raw 433
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red 436
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reputation 440
report 440
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resemble 441
resent 441
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responsible 443
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rhetoric 445
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roam 448
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rut 452
rusty 452
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S 453
sabbatical 453
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shot 476
shortage 476
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shoulder 478
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side 479
sight 480
since 481
silence 481
sit 482
sky 483
skin 483
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snow 487
snap 487
so 488
society 489
some 490
soft 490
somebody 491
something 492
someday 492
sorry 493
sophistication 493
soon(er) 493
sour 494
sounding 494
sort 494
Spartan 495
spark 495
speak 496
spend 497
spell 497
special(ly) 497
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spirit 498
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split 499
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sprawl 500
sport 500
spot 500
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square 501
star 502
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station 504
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study 513
stuff 513
style 513
such 514
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sun 518
summer 518
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survive 521
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swear 522
suspicious 522
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sweet 523
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tailor 524
table 524
T 524
take 525
talk 528
tax 529
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teeming 530
technology 530
teach 530
team 530
ten 531
tell 531
term 532
tend 532
textbook 533
testify 533
than 534
that 536
thanks 536
the 542
thaw 542
them 545
theirs 545
there 546
theory 546
then 546
thick 548
they 548
thing 549
thin 549
thief 549
think 551
this 553
thirsty 553
though 554
thousand 555
thought 555
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through 556
throe 556
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ticket 557
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tick 557
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tie 558
time 559
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tint 560
timidly 560
to 561
tired 561
tiny 561
toe 563
toll 564
too 565
tongue 565
ton 565
top 567
tooth 567
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toss 568
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trian 569
tough 569
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tree 570
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triply 571
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trousers 572
try 573
truth 573
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tube 574
tyrant 576
two 576
turtle 576
twin 576
unconscious 577
uncomfortable 577
U 577
ugly 577
umbrella 577
unanswerable 577
unhealthy 578
unhappy 578
under 578
understand 578
undoubtedly 578
unless 579
uniform 579
up 580
untouchably 580
unseen 580
until 580
upward 581
upon 581
use 582
us 582
value 584
vain 584
utterly 584
V 584
vacation 584
vie 585
victim 585
vice versa 585
visé(visa) 586
vinegar 586
view 586
vine 586
voyage 587
voice 587
visit 587
wake 588
wait 588
W 588
walk 589
want 590
wall 590
wash 591
warphan 591
war 591
warn 591
water 592
watch 592
way 593
wave 593
wear 595
weekend 596
weathercock 596
weather 596
well 597
weigh 597
weeping 597
west 598
what 599
when 601
whateverism 601
whatever 601
where 603
whether 604
which 605
while 608
who(m) 610
whistle 610
whip 610
whose 612
whoever 612
will 613
wife 613
why 613
win 616
willing 616
wind 617
wish 618
wise 618
wine 618
winter 618
with 619
wishful 619
word 620
wonder 620
without 620
woman 620
work 621
worried 623
world 623
would 624
worse 624
write 625
wrinkle 625
wounded 625
year 626
yard 626
writing 626
wrong 626
X 626
x-ray 626
Y 626
you 627
yet 627
yuppies 628
youth 628
yourself 628
zip 629
zigzag 629
Z 629
zenith 629
zero 629
zoom 630
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