- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(古希腊)伊索著;汪兴平译注
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1959
- ISBN:9017·60
- 页数:107 页
1.The Fox and the Grapes 4
2.The Bundle of Sticks 4
3.The Shepherd-Boy and the Wolf 4
4.The Lion and the Bulls 6
5.The Fox and the Goat 6
6.The Stag at the Pool 8
7.The Vain Jackdaw 8
8.The Hare and the Tortoise 10
9.The Ant and the Grass-hopper 12
10.The Thirsty Pigeon 12
11.The Flies and the Honey-Pot 12
13.The Wolf and the Crane 14
12.The Travelers and the Bear 14
14.The Crow and the Pitcher 16
15.The Fox and the Crow 16
16.The Frog and the Ox 18
17.The Country Maid and her Milk-Can 20
18.The Dog,the Cock,and the Fox 20
19.The Fighting-Cocks and the Eagle 22
20.The Hound and the Hare 24
21.The Ass and his Masters 24
22.The Belly and the Mem-bers 26
23.The Farmer and his Sons 26
25.The Trees and the Ax 28
24.Hercules and the Wagoner 28
27.The Two Wallets 30
28.The Kite and the Pigeons 30
26.The Travelers and the Plane-Tree 30
29.The Ass in the Lion’s Skin 32
30.The Tortoise and the Eagle 32
31.The Lion and the Goat 34
32.The Wolf and the Sheep 34
33.The Boy Bathing 36
34.The Boy and the Scorpion 36
35.The Cock and the Jewel 36
36.The Horse and the Loaded Ass 38
39.The Widow and the Hen 40
37.The Boy and the Filberts 40
38.The Goat and the Goat-herd 40
40.The Creaking Wheels 42
41.The Wolf and the Shep-herd 42
42.The Bear and the Fox 44
43.The Lioness 44
44.The Boys and the Frogs 44
45.Jupiter and the Bee 46
46.The Fawn and her Mother 46
47.The Goatherd and the Goats 48
48.The Old Hound 48
51.The Dog Invited to Sup-per 50
50.The Gull and the Kite 50
49.The Farmer and the Cranes 50
52.The Leopard and the Fox 52
53.The Boy and the Nettle 52
54.The Eagle and the Fox 54
55.The Lion,the Ass,and the Fox Hunting 54
56.The Kid and the Wolf 56
57.The Fox and the Lion 56
58.The Horse and the Groom 56
59.The Swallow and the Raven 58
60.The Goose with the Golden Eggs 58
61.The Father and his Two Daughters 58
63.The Fisherman Piping 60
62.The Doctor and his Patient 60
64.The Brazier and his Dog 62
65.The Mole and her Mother 62
66.The Falconer and the Partridge 62
67.The Eagle and the Arrow 64
68.The Mountain in Labor 64
69.The Man and the Satyr 64
70.The Travelers and the Hatchet 66
71.The Dog and his Master 66
72.The Geese and the Cranes 66
73.The Bowman and the Lion 68
74.The Marriage of the Sun 68
77.The Countryman and the Snake 70
76.The Hare and theHound 70
75.The Fir-Tree and the Bramble 70
78.The Ass and the Grass-hopper 72
79.The Farmer and his Dogs 72
80.The Moon and her Mother 74
81.The Thief and his Mother 74
82.The Miller,his Son and their Ass 76
83.Mercury and the Woodman 78
84.The Angler and the Little Fish 80
85.The Miser 82
86.The Husbandman and the Stork 82
87.The House-dog and the Wolf 84
88.The Lion and the Mouse 86
89.The Old Woman and the Physician 88
90.The Nurse and the Wolf 90
91.The Horse and the Stag 90
92.The Ant and the Dove 92
93.The Two Pots 92
94.The Lark and her Young Ones 92
95.The Hares and the Frogs 96
96.The Widow and the Sheep 96
97.The Ass’s Shadow 98
98.The Ass Carrying Salt 98
99.The Frogs Asking for a King 100
100.The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse 102
101.The Fox Without a Tail 106
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