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梅兰芳  国内版
梅兰芳  国内版

梅兰芳 国内版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:梅绍武主编;大型画传《梅兰芳》编辑委员会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7200029076
  • 页数:378 页
《梅兰芳 国内版》目录

1.梨园世家 4

A.Born to a Family of Actors 4

Part One (1894——1913) Learned Hard in Beijing and Won Fame in Shanghai 4

第一部分(1894——1913) 勤奋学艺 沪上成名 4

B.Learning Stage Art from Many Prominent Teachers 8

2.投师学艺 8

C.Joined Troupes and Gave Performances 16

3.京城搭班 16

D.The First Time to Shanghai 24

4.首次真赴沪 24

A.Reform and Innovation 34

Part Two (1914——1932)Innovations in Performing Art.Tours to Japan and America 34

1.改革创新 34

第二部分(1914——1932)创意革新 出访日美 34

2.演时装戏 44

B.New Plays in Modern Dresses 44

3.演古装戏 48

C.Plays in Ancient Costumes 48

D.Promoting the Kun Qu Opera 80

4..提倡昆曲 80

5.初赴香港 84

E.Performed in Hong Kong 84

6.两次访日 90

F.Visited Japan Twice 90

7.名旦之首 98

G.The Leading One of Four Great Dan Actors 98

8.民间外交 102

H.People's Diplomacy 102

9.美国之行 114

I.Successful U.S. Tour 114

10.访美归来 152

J.Back form America 152

11.创办学会 170

K.Founded the Society of National Chinese Opera 170

12.艺术图谱 174

L.Explicating the Art of Performing 174

Part Three(1933——1948) A Tour to Russia and Europe. Defied the Enemy by Growing a Moustache 188

A . Patriotic Pieces 188

1.抗战剧目 188

第三部分(1933——1948)访苏旅欧 蓄须明志 188

B . Visiting the Soviet Union 196

2.访问苏联 196

C . A Trip to Europe 210

3.考察欧洲 210

D . Grew Moustache to Keep Himself A way From the Stage 216

4.蓄须明志 216

E . Shaved Off His Moustache and Reappeared On Stage 220

5.蓄髭明志 220

6.赈灾济贫 236

F . Raised Relief Funds to Aid the Victims of Natural Calamities and the Poor 236

第四部分(1949——1961)焕发青春 艺术精纯 242

Part Four (1949-1961) Vitality and Splendour 242

A . Back to the Capital 242

1.重返京城 242

B . Social Activities 246

2.社会活动 246

C . Gave Performances All Around the country 254

3.各地演出 254

D . Celebrating Mei's 50th Anniversary of Performing on Stage 282

4.舞台50年 282

E . On Screen 286

5.拍摄电影 286

6.率团访日 296

F . Visiting Japan with China Beijing Opera Delegantion 296

G . Appointments in Public Service 304

7.身兼数任 304

H . Teaching the Young Rerformers Without Peserve 308

8.精心授艺 308

I . A New Opera Mu Guiying Takes Command 312

9.编演《挂帅》 312

J . Domestic Life 316

10.家庭生活 316

K . Friendly Encounter 322

11.友谊会晤 322

L . The Deach of the Great Master 326

12.大师逝世 326

Part Five The Everlasting Influences of Mei School 334

A . Mei's Bisciples 334

1.梅门桃李 334

第五部分 梅艺流芳 千秋永存 334

B . Mei's Sons and Daughter 350

2.梅氏子女 350

C . Activities in Memory of Mei 360

3.纪念活动 360

D . Mei's Former Residence Opened to the Public 366

4.故居门放 366
