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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:白和金主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7010034656
  • 页数:281 页

前言 1

Preface 1

总序 1

1.International Environment in the Early 21ST Century and its Impacts on China s Economic and Social Development 3

总论篇 3

第一章 经济和社会发展的基本战略选择 3

一、21世纪初期的国际环境及对中国经济和社会发展的影响 3

General Discussion 3

Chapter One Basic Strategy Options for Economic and Social Development 3

二、21世纪初期的国内经济、社会环境及改革、发展的阶段性转换 7

2.Domestic Situation on Economy, Social Environment and Phase Shifting of Reform and Development in the Early 21st Century 7

三、“十五”时期经济和社会发展的基本战略选择 14

3.Basic Strategy Options for Economic and Social Development in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 14

四、“十五”时期经济和社会发展的若干重大战略性问题 20

4.Key Strategic Issues Relating Economic and Social Development in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 20

1.Profound Changes of the International Environment 51

一、国际环境的深刻变化 51

Special Topics 51

Chapter Two International Environment 51

第二章 国际环境 51

专题篇 51

2.Acceleration of Economic Globalization 53

二、经济全球化进程加快 53

3.World Science and Technology Growing by Leaps and Bounds 56

三、世界科技突飞猛进 56

4.Readjustment of Industrial Structure Has Been Carried Out in Depth Worldwide 58

四、全球性产业结构调整深入展开 58

5.World Economic Growth Maintained Moderate 60

五、世界经济仍将保持温和增长 60

6.Impacts of the International Environment on China s Economic and Social Development 62

六、国际环境对中国经济和社会发展的影响 62

一、“九五”时期中国经济发展回顾 67

1.Overview of the China s Economic Development of the Ninth Five-year Plan Period 67

Chapter Three Domestic Environment 67

第三章 国内环境 67

二、中国经济发展进入一个新的阶段 70

2.A New Stage of China s Economic Development 70

三、“十五”时期中国经济发展面临的主要问题 82

3.Major Problems Facing China s Economic Development in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 82

Chapter Four Economic Growth 86

第四章 经济增长 86

1.Fairly Rapid China s Economic Growth will be Remained in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 86

一、“十五”时期中国经济仍将较快增长 86

2.Potentials and Factors to Realize Fairly Rapid Economic Growth 89

二、实现经济较快增长的潜力和因素 89

3.Macro Policy Orientation to Guarantee the Fairly Rapid Growth 95

三、保证经济较快增长的宏观政策取向 95

1.Necessity and Possibility for the Growth of Investment in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 100

Chapter Five Investment in Fixed Assets 100

一、“十五”时期投资增长的必要性和可能性 100

第五章 固定资产投资 100

二、“十五”时期投资总规模预测 103

2.Projection of the Total Volume of Investment in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 103

三、“十五”时期投资资金来源预测 106

3.Projection of the Source of Investment Capital in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 106

四、“十五”时期扩大投资需求应以提高投资效益为基点 109

4.The Expansion of Investment Demand Should be Done on the Basis of Improving Investment Benefits in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 109

五、“十五”时期扩大投资需求应注意的几个问题 113

5.Issues to be Taken into Consideration in Investment Demand Expansion in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 113

Chapter Six Agriculture and Rural Economy 120

1.Current Characteristics of Agriculture and Rural Economy Development 120

第六章 农业和农村经济 120

一、当前农业和农村经济发展的特点 120

2.Challenges and Tasks Facing Agriculture and Rural Economy in the Early 21st Century 123

二、21世纪初农业和农村经济发展面临的挑战和任务 123

3.Basic Thinking and Countermeasures to Develop Agriculture and Rural Economy in the 21st Century 128

三、21世纪初农业和农村经济发展的基本思路与对策措施 128

第七章 工业结构调整 136

一、当前工业结构存在的问题 136

1.Current Existing Problems of Industrial Structure 136

Chapter Seven Industrial Structure Readjustment 136

2.Orientation and Principles for Industrial Structure Readjustment 142

二、工业结构调整的方向及原则 142

3.Strategic Thinking for Industrial Up-grading 148

三、工业结构优化升级的战略思考 148

四、“十五”时期工业结构战略性调整的重点和切入点 152

4.Key Points for Strategic Readjustment in Industrial Structure in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 152

1.The Significance of the Implementation of Western Development Strategy 156

第八章 西部地区开发 156

一、实施西部大开发战略的重大意义 156

Chapter Eight Developing the West 156

二、实施西部大开发战略的重要现实作用 163

2.Important Realistic Role for the Implementation of Western Development Strategy 163

3.New Ideas Are Needed in Implementing the Western Development Strategy 165

三、实施西部大开发战略要有新思路 165

4.The Development of the West Should be Pushed Forward Step by Step in a Planed Way and with Priorities to the Major Sectors 170

四、抓住主攻方向,有重点有步骤地推进西部大开发 170

一、中国城市化发展现状及其评价 174

第九章 城市化问题 174

Chapter Nine Urbanization 174

1.Evaluation on the Current Situation of China s Urbanization Development 174

二、城市化在中国经济社会发展战略中的地位 178

2.Position of Urbanization in China s Economic and Social Development Strategy 178

三、“十五”时期的城市化发展形势 179

3.Trend of Urbanization in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 179

4.Roles of Cities and Towns at Different Levels in China s Urbanization Strategy 185

四、各级城镇在中国城市化战略中的地位 185

5.Policy Suggestions for Implementing Urbanization Strategy in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 188

五、“十五”时期实施城市化战略的对策建议 188

1.Internal and External Environment for China s Science and Technology Development in the Early 21st Century 191

Chapter Ten Economic Development and Science and Technology Progress 191

一、21世纪初期中国科技发展的国内外环境 191

第十章 经济发展和科技进步 191

2.Science and Technology Required in China s Economic Development in the Early 21st Century 196

二、21世纪初期中国经济发展对科学技术的新需求 196

3.Strategies, Objectives and Countermeasures for Science and Technology Development in China in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 200

三、“十五”时期中国科技发展的战略、目标和对策 200

一、“十五”时期劳动力供求状况 209

第十一章 劳动就业 209

Chapter Eleven Labor and Employment 210

1.Labor Supply and Demand in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 210

二、“十五”时期就业面临的主要矛盾 218

2.Major Contradictions Facing China s Employment in the Ten Five-year Plan Period 219

三、“十五”时期缓解就业压力的对策建议 220

3.Policy Suggestions to Alleviate the Employment Pressure 221

一、对外经济发展总体思路 228

第十二章 对外经济发展战略 228

Chapter Twelve Development Strategy for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 229

1.Overall Ideas for Developing Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 229

二、对外贸易发展 232

2.Foreign Trade Development 233

三、提高利用外资水平 240

3.Up-grading the Level of Foreign Capital Utilization 241

四、保持国际收支平衡 245

4.Keeping Balance of International Payment 246

五、加入WTO的战略对策 247

5.Strategic Countermeasures for WTO Accession 248

一、“十五”时期经济体制改革的基本态势 253

第十三章 经济体制改革 253

Chapter Thirteen Economic System Reform 254

1.General Trend for Economic System Reform in the Tenth Five-year Plan Period 254

二、国有经济布局的战略性调整和国有企业体制创新 255

2.The Strategic Readjustment of the National Economic Distribution and the System Innovation of the Stateowned Enterprises 256

三、大力发展民营经济 258

3.Foster the Development of Private Economies 259

四、加大金融体制改革力度 261

4.Strengthening Monetary System Reform 262

五、健全和完善社会保障制度 264

5.Improving and Perfecting Social Security System 265

六、推进收入分配制度改革 268

6.Accelerating Income Distribution System Reform 269

七、深化宏观管理体制改革 269

7.Deepening Reform on the System for Macro Management 270

参考文献 272

Bibliography 273
