印度哲学 吠陀经探义和奥义书解析PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:巫白慧著
- 出 版 社:北京:东方出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7506013185
- 页数:533 页
探寻印度传统文化模式——我和我的印度哲学研究(代序) 1
PART I Vedic Philosophy 1
Introduction:Searching for the traditional mode of Indian culture 1
一 吠陀经探义 1
《梨俱吠陀》梵文美学诗选 3
Selected Hymns on Aesthetics from the Rgveda 3
《梨俱吠陀》梵文哲学诗选 28
Selected Hymns on Philosophy from the Rgveda 28
吠陀轮回说探源 70
Theories of Samsāra as found in Vedic Sources 70
Philosophy of Nature in Ancient and Medieval India 99
古代和中世纪印度自然哲学 99
吠陀神学系统和哲学 134
The Vedic Theology and Philosophy 134
二 奥义书解析 167
PART Ⅱ Upanisadic Philosophy 167
印度吠檀多主义哲学 169
The Vedāntic Philosophy 169
论印度哲学中的“断常”二见 200
The ?ā?vata-A?ā?vata-drstsi in Indian Philosophy 200
印度哲学中的场有思想 222
Thoughts of Field and Being in Indian Philosophy 222
奥义书的禅理 237
The Upanisadic Theory of Dhyāna 237
The Upanisads and Their Materialistic Philosophy 251
《奥义书》及其唯物论哲学 251
Ma?ju?ri and the Sanskrt Text of Vajrasūci-?astra 265
文殊菩萨与梵本《金刚针论》 265
Gsudapāda and His āgama-?āstra 273
乔荼波陀和他的《圣教论》 273
The Upanisadic Philosophy and Buddhism 291
奥义书哲学和佛教 291
PART Ⅲ Indian Buddhism 311
三 印度佛教 311
A New Chinese Translation of the First and Third Chapters of the Buddhacarita 313
佛所行赞(节译) 313
Nāgārjuna s Madhyamaka-vāda and Its Major Stages of Development 341
大乘二十颂论(梵汉对照) 341
A New Chinese Version of Nāgārjuna s Mahāyāna-Vim?aka 348
龙树的中观论及其几个主要发展阶段 348
On the Word “cittāvarana”in the Sanskrt text of the Prajňāpāramitā-hrdaya-sūtra 366
梵本《般若波罗密多心经》“心无?碍cittāvarana 辨析 366
Reflections on the Theoretical Essence of Sūnyatāvāda and Astitvavāda in Mahāyānic Buddhism 380
略论大乘佛教哲学空有二宗的理论实质 380
The Philosophical Intension of Catus-koti 387
论四句义的哲学内涵 387
Buddhism and the Contemporary Culture of China 394
佛教与当代中国文化 394
PART Ⅳ Nyāya-Hetuvidyā 419
四 正理逻辑 419
The Early Buddhist Logic and Texts Concerned 421
论初期佛教逻辑及其有关文献 421
The Situation of Researches in Hetuvidyā outside China 448
国外因明学研究 448
The Latest Achievement of Researches in Hetuvidyā in China 469
中国因明学研究的最新成果——简评《因明研究》 469
Trairūpya in Nyāya-prave?a and Its Chinese Version by Xuan Zhuang 472
梵本《因明入正理论》——因三相的梵语原文和玄奘的汉译 472
Dinnāga and His New Hetuvidyā 495
陈那和他的新因明 495
A History of Indian Logic 522
印度逻辑史 522
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