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心灵鸡汤  英文版  第3辑
心灵鸡汤  英文版  第3辑

心灵鸡汤 英文版 第3辑PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)JackCanfield,(美)MarkVictorHansen著
  • 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7533720482
  • 页数:346 页
图书介绍:中文版的《心灵鸡汤》令人回味,但学英语、读英语当然要看原著。英文版的《心灵鸡汤》语言现代,口语化比较强,读者可以学到一些在教科书上学不到的用法,以及一些非常正宗的美式英语表达法。考虑到读者在英语水平上的差异,本书使用的文字比较浅显,没有较难的语法和晦涩的行文,非常适于我国广大英语爱好者阅读。大部分文章不但文字优美,而且篇幅较短,利于背诵。除此之外,书中的300多个故事会使你爱得博大深沉, 活得充满激情;会使你更有信心地去追求梦想与憧憬。在面临挑战、遭受挫折和感到无望之时,这本书会给您以力量;在惶惑、痛苦和失落之际,这本书会给您以慰藉。毫无疑问,它会成为您的终生益友,持续不断地为您生活的方方面面提供深沉的理解和智慧。《心灵鸡汤》自发行以来,销售势头一直很好。至今,销售量高达1100万册,并被译成21种文字,风行于世。
《心灵鸡汤 英文版 第3辑》目录

1. ON LOVE 2

A Secret Promise Kept Brian Keefe 2

A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy Mary Sherman Hilbert 8

The Most Caring Child Ellen Kreidman 13

Information Please Paul Villiard 15

Two Nickels and Five Pennies The Best of Bits Pieces 20

The Ice Cream Girl Marion Schoeberlein 21

How Magic Helped a Blind Girl See Michael Jeffreys 24

From the Mouth of a Small Boy Elaine McDonald 27

The Horai Box Kathleen Podolsky 27

Manuel Garcia David Roth 36

A Taste of Freedom Barbara Rogoff 39

Compassion Is in the Eyes The Sower s Seeds 44

Warm in Your Heart Scott Gross 46

An Act of Kindness The Best of Bits Pieces 50

Two Families John Sherill 52

Guests in the Night Robert Gass 54

Appointment with Love Sumalith Ish-Kishor 62

Whoever Finds This, I Love You! Author Unknown 66

An Afternoon in the Park Julia A. Manhan 68

The Little Boy and the Old Man Shel Silverstein 70

What s Really Important Author Unknown 71

Not a One! Dale Calloway 72

Teddy Bear Dale Royal, Rommy Hill, Red Sovine and J. William Denny 74


Paco, Come Home Alan Cohen 78

Tommy s Essay Jane Lindstrom 79

Barney Lori Nettles 81

Almie Rose Michelle Lawrence 82

Why I Wear a Plastic Dinosaur Dan Schaeffer 84

The Coolest Dad in the Universe Angie K. Ward-Kucer 90

Workin Man Ed Peterman 94

It s How You Play the Game That Counts Danny Warrick 97

No Charge M. Adams 102

Recognize Your Winners Don Martin 104

Courage of the Heart Patty Hansen 106

Legacy of an Adopted Child Author Unknown 108

What It Means to Be Adopted George Dolan 109

Class Reunion Lynne C. Caul 110

The Gift Renee R. Vroman 112


To Beth s First-Grade Teacher Dick Abrahamson 115

Mr. Washington Les Brown 119

Faith, Hope and Love Peter Spelke 123

The Shoes Paul E. Mawhinney 127

Bonehead Larry Terherst 132

Footprints on My Heart Laura D. Norton 136


The Golden Crane Patricia Lorenz 142

If I Had Only Known Jana Stanfield 145

A Trucker s Last Letter Rud Kendall 153

For the Love of a Child Thea Alexander 158

The Last Dance Rick Nelles 162

My Daddy Kelly J. Watkins 167

Where Do the Sparrows Go When They Die? Casey Kokoska 170

The Courage Not to Fight Denise Wicks-Harris 173

Please Dress Me in Red Cindy Dee Holms 180

Don t Worry, It ll Be Alright Janice Hunt 182

The Eternal Optimist Beth Dalton 186

To Remember Me Robert N. Test 188

Keep Your Fork Roger William Thomas 190

There Are No Wheelchairs in Heaven D. Trinidad Hunt 193


Christmas Author Unknown 200

The Cookie Thief Valerie Cox 203

The True Story of Arbutus and Sea Gull Louise Dickinson Rich 205

Lady, Are You Rich? Marion Doolan 209

The Flower in Her Hair Bettie B. Youngs 211

Avalanche Robert G. Allen 215

You Very Good; You Very Fast Kathi M. Curry 219

Make a Wish LeAnne Reaves 221

The Accident Robert J. McMullen Jr 224

The Edge Kathleen Louise Smiley 229


Our Deepest Fear Marianne Williamson 235

Whiners Maya Angelou 236

Great Value in Disaster The Sower s Seeds 238

Good News The Best of Bits Pieces 240

Roles-and How We Play Them Marie Curling 242

When We re Alone, We Can Dance Beth Ashley 243

Johnny Barbara A. Glanz 245

I Can t Accept Not Trying Michael Jordan 248


The Passionate Pursuit of Possibility James E. Conner 252

Player of the Game Suzanne Chazin 254

We Never Told Him He Couldn t DO It Kathy Lamancusa 264

A Lesson in Heart Stan Frager 267

Fourteen Steps Hal Manwaring 268

My Body Was Turning to Stone Sharon Monsky 274

The Beauty Remains; the Pain Passes The Best of Bits E Pieces 282

The Miracle Bridge A Fresh Packet of Sower s Seeds 283

True Height David Naster 285

Consider This Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen 290

Opportunity Omar Periu 295

Crusader Could Close Her Eyes to Trouble No More Toni Witt 300

Ask, Affirm, Take Action Claudette Hunter 303

A Life-Changing Experience Michael Jeffreys 307

The Impossible Just Jakes a Little Longer Art E. Berg 312

The Day I Met Daniel Richard Ryan 316


God s Jobs Dan Sutton 323

The Wisdom of One Word Dr. John F. Demartini 325

The Secret of Life Author Unknown 328

The Secrets of Heaven and Hell Fr. John W.Groff Jr. 329

What Courage Looks Like Casey Hawley 331

Golden Rules for Living Author Unknown 335

Angel with a Red Hat Tami Fox 336

It s Never Too Late Marilyn Manning 337

The Station Robert J. Hastings 339

Who Is Jack Canfield? 341

Who Is Mark Victor Hansen? 343

What Are People Saying About 345
