语用学新解 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Jef Verschueren著;何自然导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560019293
- 页数:300 页
Introduction 1
0.1 Linguistics of language resources: components of a linguistic theory 1
0.2 Linguistics of language use: the pragmatic perspective 2
0.3 Pragmatics and interdisciplinarity 6
0.4 Meaningful functioning of language 8
Preface by Halliday 9
王宗炎序 10
0.5 An infinite task? 10
0.6 Summary and further reading 10
0.7 Preview 11
导读 13
Part I The Pragmatic Perspective 16
Introduction 16
1 Language and language use 17
1.1.1 Deixis 18
1.1 Common topics in pragmatics 18
1.1.2 Speech acts 22
1.1.3 Implicit meaning 25
The impossibility of complete explicitness 26
Conventional means for conveying implicit meaning 27
Strategic avoidance of explicitness 31
Acknowledgements 35
Preface 36
1.1.4 Conversation 37
1.2 What the common topics have in common 42
1.3 The problem of intentionality 46
1.4 Genres of language use 49
1.5 Summary and further reading 50
1.6 Research topics 52
2 Key notions 55
2.1 Making choices 55
2.2 Variability, negotiability and abaptability 58
2.3 A daptability and universality 63
2.4 Four angles of investigation 65
2.5 Summary and further reading 68
2.6 Research topics 70
Part II Aspects of the meaningful functioning of language 74
Introduction 74
3 Context 75
3.1 The general picture 75
3.2 Ingredients of the communicative context 77
3.2.1 Language users: utterer and interpreter 77
The utterer s many voices 78
The interpreter s many roles 82
when utterer becomes interpreter 86
The influence of numbers 87
3.2.2 The mental world 87
3.2.3 The social world 91
3.2.4 The physical world 95
Temporal reference 95
Spatial reference 98
Utterer and interpreter in the physical world 100
Material conditions of speech 101
3.3 Linguistic channel and linguistic context 103
3.3.1 Linguistic channel 103
3.3.2 Linguistic context 104
Contextual cohesion 104
Intertextuality 106
Saquencing 108
3.4 The generation of context 108
3.4.2 The manipulation of contexts 110
3.4.1 Lines of vision 110
3.4.3 Contextualization 111
3.5 Summary and further reading 112
3.6 Research topic 114
4 Structure 115
4.1 Languages, codes and styles 116
4.2 Utterance-building ingredients 120
4.2.1 Sound structure 121
4.2.2 Morphemes and words 122
4.2.3 Clauses and sentences 124
4.2.4 Propositions 127
4.2.5 Suprasentential units 130
4.3 Utterances and utterance clusters 131
4.4 Utterance-building principles 134
4.4.1 Sentential utterance building 136
4.4.2 Suprasentential utterance building 139
4.5 Integrated choice-making 143
4.4.3 Building utterance clusters 143
4.6 Summary and further reading 144
4.7 Research topic 146
5 Dynamics 147
5.1 Locating the dynamics of communication 148
5.1.1 The temporal dimension 148
5.1.2 Dynamics and context 150
5.1.3 Dynamics and structure 151
5.2 Activities, events and frames of meaning 151
5.3 Strategies of meaning generation 156
5.4 The dynamics of interactive meaning generation 157
5.4.1 The Budapest opera 158
5.4.2 The Berkeley coffee shop 159
5.4.3 From Brussels to Frankfurt 164
5.4.4 From Bellagio to Linate 166
5.5 Summary and further reading 170
5.6 Research topics 172
6.1 Mind in soiety 173
6 Salience 173
6.2 Perception and representation, planning, memory 176
6.2.1 Perception and representation 176
6.2.2 Planning 181
6.2.3 Memory 182
6.3 Degrees of salience 183
6.4 Metapragmatic awareness 187
6.4.1 Indicators of metapragmatic awareness 189
Concepts, practices and language ideologies 195
6.4.2 Metapragmatics and the nature of linguistic action 195
Self-monitoring 198
6.5 Summary and further reading 198
6.6 Research topic 199
Part III Topics and trends 202
Introduction 202
7 Micropragmatic issues 203
7.1 Language resources in need of a pragmatic perspective 203
7.1.1 The ordering of particles 203
7.1.2 The problem of performativity 207
7.2 The pragmatics of small-scale interaction 216
7.2.1 An informal exchange 216
7.2.2 An institutional event 220
7.3 Summary and further reading 224
7.4 Research topic 224
8 Macropragmatic issues 227
8.2.1 Intercultural and international communication 228
8.2 Macro-processes in language use 228
8.1 A pragmatic perspective on language resources at the macro-level 228
Rocks-just layin around 229
Who exploded that land mine under the conference? 233
8.2.2 Discourse and ideology 237
8.2.3 The pragmatics of wide societal debates 240
8.3 Summary and further reading 252
8.4 Research topics 253
9 The pragmatic landscape 254
9.1 Formative traditions 255
9.2 The problem of delimitation 260
9.3 Precursors and parallels to pragmatics as a theory of linguistic adaptability 263
9.4 Interdisciplinarity revisited 268
9.5 Futher reading 272
Bibliography 273
Index 290
文库索引 296
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