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英国文学史及选读  第1册 VOLUME  1
英国文学史及选读  第1册 VOLUME  1

英国文学史及选读 第1册 VOLUME 1PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:吴伟仁编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1988
  • ISBN:7560003168
  • 页数:331 页
《英国文学史及选读 第1册 VOLUME 1》目录

PART Ⅰ.The Anglo-Saxon Period 1

Beowulf 7

PART Ⅱ.The Anglo-Norman Period 19

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 24

PART Ⅲ.Geoffrey Chaucer 45

The Canterbury Tales 47

General Prologue 50

Popular Ballads 56

Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale 58

Get Up and Bar the Door 65

Sir Patrick Spens 67

PART Ⅳ.The Renaissance 71

William Shakespeare 74

Hamlet(Act Ⅲ,Scene Ⅰ;Ace Ⅴ,Scene Ⅱ) 79

The Merchant of Venice(Act Ⅳ,Scene Ⅰ) 98

Sonnet 18 129

Sonnet 29 130

Sonnet 106 131

Francis Bacon 132

Of Truth 135

Of Studies 138

PART Ⅴ.The 17th Century 142

The Period of Revolution and Restoration 142

John Donne 145

Song(“Go and Catch a Falling Star”) 148

A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning 149

Sonnet:Death be not Proud 151

John Milton 152

Paradise Lost(Book Ⅰ) 158

Sonnet:On His Blindness 163

Sonnet:On His Deceased Wife 164

John Bunyan 165

The Pilgrim’s Progress 169

(Christian Sets out for the Celestial City) 169

(Vanity Fair) 175

PART Ⅵ.The 18th Century 180

The Age of Enlightenment in England 180

Daniel Defoe 188

Robinson Crusoe 190

Crusoe Visits the Wreck 194

The Footprint 198

Crusoe Saves Friday from the Cannibals 199

Jonathan Swift 205

Gulliver’s Travels 212

A Voyage to Llliput 212

A Voyage to Brobdingnag 222

A Modest Proposal 235

Joseph Addison 249

Sir Roger at Church 255

Sir Roger at the Assizes 259

Henry Fielding 264

The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling 267

(Book Ⅳ,Chapter ⅩⅢ;Book Ⅻ Chapter Ⅹ Ⅳ) 269

Thomas Gray 277

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 279

Oliver Goldsmith 287

The Vicar of Wakefield(Chapter Ⅳ) 289

Richard Brinsley Sheridan 293

The School for Scandal(Act Ⅰ,Scene Ⅰ) 295

William Blake 314

London 319

The Tiger 320

The Chimney Sweeper 322

Robert Burns 323

My Heart’s in the Highlands 326

John Anderson,My Jo 327

A Red,Red Rose 328

To a Mouse 329
