- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)P.H.Matthews著;汪榕培导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560019102
- 页数:256 页
1 What is morphology? 1
The scope of morphology 9
Morphology and general linguistic theory 19
2 Word,word-form and lexeme 24
Practical illustrations 31
Lexical and inflectional morphology 36
3 Inflections and word-formation 42
Why the distinction? 43
Change and indeterminacy 54
4 Lexical derivation 61
Formations 63
Productivity 69
5 Compounds 82
The syntax of compounds 85
Compounds and non-compounds 93
6 Morphemes and allomorphs 102
An agglutinating system 107
Types of alternation 114
7 Morphological processes 122
Inflectional formations 126
Types of morphological process 130
8 Morphophonemics 145
Sandhi 149
The scope of morphophonemics 157
9 Properties and their exponents 168
Flection 170
Types of exponence 179
10 Paradigms 185
An ancient model 188
A modern adaptation 197
11 Inflectional morphology and syntax 206
What are words? 208
Problems and discrepancies 215
12 Iconicity 223
Central and peripheral categories 226
Marked and unmarked 234
Index 246
文库索引 252
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