地道英语 情态动词100句PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:浩瀚等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7506809524
- 页数:272 页
CHAPTER 1 can可以表达能力、可能、请求 2
①She can speak French. 她会讲法语。 2
②Can you play football? 你会踢足球吗? 5
③I can t play piano. 我不会弹钢琴。 8
④Anyone can make mistakes. 任何人都可能犯错误。 11
⑤Can there be life on Mars? 火星上有生命吗? 14
⑥You can take this seat. 你可以坐这个座位。 17
⑦Can I borrow your bike? 我借一下你的自行车可以吗? 20
⑧Can you do me a favour. 你能帮我一下吗? 23
⑨Can that be true? 那会是真的吗? 26
⑩I can lend you my book. 我可以把我的书借给你。 29
?He will be able to pass the exam. 他会通过考试的。 32
CHAPTER 2 could可以表达提议、能力、可能 36
①Could I buy you a cap? 要不要我给你买顶帽子? 36
②She said she could speak French. 她说她会讲法语。 39
③How I wish I could go with you. 我多么希望能和你们一起去啊! 42
④Peter could be fever. 彼得可能发烧了。 45
⑤You could have pass the exam. 你可能会通过考试。 48
⑥You could have helped me! 你本来是能够帮助我的。 51
⑦You could do it a bit later. 你可以晚一点做。 54
CHAPTER 3 may可以表达禁止、可能性、祝愿 58
①May I help you? 我能帮你忙吗? 58
②You may come if you wish. 你要来就来吧。 61
③Visitors may not pick flowers. 游人不得摘花。 64
④That may or may not be true. 那可能是真的,也可能不是真的。 67
⑤She may not be at school. 她可能不在学校。 71
⑥It may well rain before tonight. 今晚天黑前可能要下雨。 74
⑦May you succeed! 祝你成功! 77
CHAPTER 4 might可以表达可能、请求、推测、可能性 81
①The doctor said that the medicine might cure his cough. 大夫说那种药能治好他的咳嗽。 81
②John might phone. 约翰可能会打电话来。 84
③Might I borrow your dictionary? 我可以借用你的字典吗? 87
④They might have gone to Japan. 他们可能到日本去了。 90
⑤You might want to change your bike soon. 你可能很快要换自行车。 93
CHAPTER 5 must和have to 或 have got to,ought to可以表达必须、禁止、不得不 97
①I really must stop smoking. 我的确非戒烟不可。 97
②Must I clean all the rooms? 我必须打扫所有的房间吗? 100
③You mustn t do that. 不准你那样做。 103
④What must be,must be. 必然存在的事物就必然存在。 106
⑤You must be hungry. 你一定饿了吧。 109
⑥She must have studied English before. 她以前一定学过英语。 112
⑦It must be your brother. 一定是你哥哥。 115
⑧I have to write my exams next week. 我下周得参加笔试。 118
⑨You don t have to tell George. 你不必告诉乔治。 121
⑩What do I have to do to make you laugh? 我要怎么做才能使你发笑? 124
?I ve got to leave now. 我该走了。 127
?We ought to abide by the law. 我们应该守法。 130
?You ought to be hungry by now. 你现在大概饿了吧。 133
?We ought to have done that long ago. 我们早该那样做了。 136
①Need I wait any longer? 我还需要等待吗? 140
CHAPTER 6 need和dare表示需要、敢 140
②I needn t have gone to the station. 我本来没有必要到车站去。 143
③Dare you ask him? 你敢问他吗? 146
CHAPTER 7 used to和be used to 用法的区别 150
①I used to live in London. 我以前住在伦敦。 150
②He didn t use to play tennis. 他以前不打网球。 153
③I am used to getting up early. 我习惯于早起。 156
CHAPTER 8 had better 表示最好、应该 160
You had better stop now. 你最好现在停下来。 160
CHAPTER 9 will 表示要、将、会 164
①He will leave tomorrow. 他明天走。 164
②If it will be any use to you ,I will come. 我来对你有用我就来。 167
③We will see you next week. 我们下周来看你。 170
④You will help me,I m sure. 我相信你会帮助我。 173
⑤He will sit for hours doing nothing. 他常常一坐就是几个小时,什么事也不做。 176
⑥Will you be quiet! 安静点! 179
⑦When will the train be off ? 火车什么时候开? 182
⑧I ll probably be late for school. 我可能要迟到了。 185
⑨Won t you go back? 回去吧? 188
⑩I won t go to England. 我不会去英国。 191
?I m sure you ll overcome it. 我相信你一定会战胜它。 194
?I bet you will get the job. 我敢打赌你会得到这个工作。 197
?I ll help you when you are in trouble. 当你有困难时,我会帮助你。 200
①Would you come this way,please? 请走这里好吗? 204
CHAPTER 10 would 表示请求、可能、希望 204
②Would that be Susan ringing? 很可能是苏珊在按门铃吧? 207
③Would you like tea or coffee? 你是要茶还是咖啡? 210
④I wish I would be a painter. 我希望成为一名画家。 213
⑤I wish you wouldn t eat so much. 我希望你不要吃这么多。 216
⑥That would be a good method. 那是一个好办法。 219
CHAPTER 11 be going to 表示计划、打算、意图 223
①I m going to buy a house. 我打算买房子。 223
②Is he going to lecture in English? 他将用英语作报告吗? 226
③What are you going to do next week? 下周你要做什么? 229
④It is going to rain. 天一定会下雨。 232
①We shall know the result next week. 我们下周将知道结果。 236
CHAPTER 12 shall 表示将、会、请求 236
②You shall be paid handsomely. 你会得到优厚的报酬。 239
③Shall we go in now? 现在咱们进去吗? 242
④What shall we do this evening? 今天晚上我们干什么? 245
CHAPTER 13 should 表示应该、大概 249
①I knew if I kept at it I should succeed. 我知道,如果我坚持下去我就会成功。 249
②Should I open the door for you? 我给你开门好吗? 252
③We should help him. 我们应该帮助他。 255
④You shouldn t eat so fast. 你不应该吃这么快。 258
⑤You should have been more careful. 你应该更细心一些。 261
⑥He should be in New York now. 他现在大概在纽约。 264
⑦You should stop drinking. 你应该停止酗酒。 267
⑧It should be 10 Yuan. 那应该是10元钱。 270
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