- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(丹)皮德图;侯黎风文;文楚安译
- 出 版 社:成都:天地出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7806244697
- 页数:183 页
1.笑,也有可能使人变老(Laugh Sometimes May Make the Man Old) 2
2.真实(Truth) 4
3.条件反射(Conditional Reflex) 6
4.花儿太香了(How Sweet the Flower Is) 8
5.效果相反(Contrary Result) 10
6.转移(Transfer) 12
7.越像越糟(Exact Resemblance Makes it Worse) 14
8.男人心理(Male Psychology) 16
9.回家看画要安全些(Better Stay at Home Enjoying the Drawings) 18
10.买面好镜子真不容易(Hard to Locate and Buy an Authentic Mirror) 20
11.坐错位(Wrong Seat) 22
12.现代艺术(Modern Art) 24
13.爱神哭了(The God of Love Wept) 26
14.指挥家(The Conductor) 28
15.诗人(The Poet) 30
16.一笑到底(A Thorough Laughter) 32
17.演说家(Orator) 34
18.一剪如风(The Scissors Moving like Wind) 36
19.自画像(Self—Portrait) 38
20.“狗道”主义者(The Sympathized——with——Dog Lady) 40
21.开会(Meeting) 42
22.不同的性格(Different Characters) 44
23.儿童读物(Readings for Children) 46
24.化妆(Making Up) 48
25.时间不同(Different Time) 50
26.休假(Holidays) 52
27.惟一的遗憾(The Only Regret) 54
28.医嘱(Doctor s Advice) 56
29.他怎么不早说(Why Didn t the Baby Tell Me about It Earlier) 58
30.缩水的衬衫(The Shirt Shrunk out of Washing) 60
31.都怪你们太漂亮了(Just Because You Are too Affractive) 62
32.业余摄影(Amateur Photography) 64
33.艺术与真实(Art and Truth) 66
34.油漆未干(Wet Paint) 68
35.换帽子(Change the Hats) 70
36.灵丹妙药(The Best Medicine in the World) 72
37.见风长的鱼(The Fast—Growing Fish) 74
38.较劲(A Stubborn Fight) 76
39.棋逢对手(Diamond Cut Diamond) 78
40.误事的闹钟(A Troublesome Clock) 80
41.角色转换(Conversion of the Roles) 82
42.幸好……(Thank God) 84
43.珠宝商(The Jeweler) 86
44.孪生兄弟(Twin Brothers) 88
45.疏忽(Negligence) 90
46.爱情(Love) 92
47.明星简历(The Making of A Star) 94
48.教练棍术(The Club Art) 96
49.远航(Going on a Voyage) 98
50.理发(Hair—Cut) 100
51.广告的作用(The Function of Advertisement) 102
52.物归原主(The Cushion Sold Returned to the Owner) 104
53.创作(The Creation) 106
54.误了大事(It Is too Late) 108
55.减肥灵(Fat—Reducing—Wonder) 110
56.说教家(Instructor) 112
57.杰作(Masterpiece) 114
58.驯狗(Training the Dog) 116
59.学习(Learning) 118
60.与众不同(Distinctiveness) 120
61.酒迷(The Drunkard) 122
62.抓拍(Taking a Fast Shot) 124
63.肚量(Belly—Ability) 126
64.酒风(Drinking Style) 128
65.都一样(Just All the Same) 130
66.那就是我年轻的时候(It s Me When I Was Young) 132
67.恶梦(Nightmare) 134
68.长话(Long—Distance Call) 136
69.慈善家(Philanthropist) 138
70.耐心(Patience) 140
71.解除痛苦(Alleviation of the Pain) 142
72.圆圈(Circle) 144
73.好运气(Good—Turn) 146
74.多事(Not Your Business) 148
75.掌声(The Applause) 150
76.画得太像了(Exact Resemblance) 152
77.悭吝鬼(Miser) 154
78.裸像的愤怒(The Nude Statue in Fury) 156
79.我就不信挂不起(I Don t Believe It Won t Work) 158
80.我的帽子(My Hat) 160
81.看家狗(Watchdog) 162
82.推销(The Art of Selling) 164
83.祝酒(Toast) 166
84.幽默(Humour) 168
85.艺术的魅力(The Charm of Art) 170
86.怪癖(Fantastic Behaviors) 172
87.都是礼帽惹的祸(Top—Cap Makes the Trouble) 174
88.家长(The Family Head) 176
89.报迷(Newspaper Fans) 178
90.捷径(Shortcut) 180
91.1900年的文物(A Historical Relic of 1900) 182
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