![朗文高级英语语法 参考及练习](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/4/s647e201.jpg)
![朗文高级英语语法 参考及练习](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/4/s647e201.jpg)
朗文高级英语语法 参考及练习PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)L.G.Alexander编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社;培生教育出版中国有限公司
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7560016472
- 页数:304 页
Conventions used in this book 7
Introduction 8
1 Watchingth chidren(BrE) 12
2 Pop Art absurdists(BrE) 16
3 The man Who discovered Britain(AmE) 20
4 Heroic failures(BrE) 24
5 Little queens sweep the board(BrE) 28
6 The cup that cheers(BrE) 32
7 Junket for robbers was police trap(BrE) 36
8 Roman regimental brewery(BrE) 40
9 Plane-load of 400 lobsters(8rE) 44
10 A-Levels or flm?(BrE) 48
11 Memories of a great actress(BrE) 52
12 La belle Monique(BrE) 56
13 Patagonia(BrE) 60
14 You’re Marlowe?(AmE) 64
15 You can’t teach managers(BrE) 68
16 An English lesson(BrE) 72
17 Minty(BrE) 76
18 ‘The criminal look’(BrE) 80
19 Alaska’s dirty dollars(BrE) 84
20 Fire message in plain English(BrE) 88
21 Another day begins(AmE) 92
22 Patients get the message(BrE) 96
23 Spot of mutiny on the high Cs(BrE) 100
24 Homeopathy(BrE) 104
25 Decision-thinking(BrE) 108
26 Pigeons’not so bird-brained’(BrE) 112
27 First impressions(AmE) 116
28 Sherlock Holmes(BrE) 120
29 Breaking the Portland Vase(BrE) 124
30 FaK-mad New Yorkers(BrE) 128
31 Japan’s underground frontier(AmE) 132
32 Schooldays(Canadian) 136
33 Our tribal past(BrE) 140
34 Village women (BrE) 144
35 Dreams and nightmares(AmE) 148
36 Armageddon larder(BrE) 152
37 Alzheimer’s telltale protein(AmE) 156
38 Drug-war overkill(AmE) 160
39 Garbage(AmE) 164
40 The Japanese sense of beauty(BrE) 168
41 Two topics of conversation(BrE) 172
42 Invasion of the data snatchers!(AmE) 176
43 The thoughts of Henry Wilt(BrE) 180
44 Dinosaurs on a tidal Wave?(BrE) 184
45 When mothers work(AmE) 188
46 Peter(BrE) 192
47 Life on a desert island(BrE) 196
48 The crowd(AmE) 200
49 All politics is local(AmE) 204
50 What is the soul?(BrE) 208
51 The ultimate quest(AmE) 212
52 Henry Ford(AmE) 216
53 The healer(BrE) 220
54 Tax(AmE) 224
55 The Marquess of Queensberry(AmE) 228
56 The center of our galaxy(AmE) 232
57 Mrs Radcliffe(BrE) 236
58 Spiders(Australian) 240
59 My mother(BrE) 244
60 Forbidding frut(BrE) 248
Text references 252
Grammar terms and concepts 266
structural index 292
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