自学英语 第2册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张道真编著
- 出 版 社:北京:社会科学文献出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7801496515
- 页数:375 页
Text A: The Millers 1
Lesson 1: 1
Questions and Answers 2
Text B: Nancy and Peter 3
Conversation: Talk about the weather 5
Exericses(More rules of reading, review of tenses, the Dawsons) 5
辅导材料 6
Lesson 2: 10
Text A: Christmas 10
Questions and Answers 11
Text B: Christmas Day 12
Conversation: Talk about Holidays 14
Exercises(More rules of reading,special questions, Americans) 14
辅导材料 16
Lesson 3: 19
Text A: A Ietter 19
Text B: Travel Arrangements 21
conversation: At the Airport 23
Grammar: The Simple Future Tense 23
Exercises(More rules of reading, tense forms, My Daily Activity) 24
辅导材料 25
Text A: An Announcement 28
Lesson 4: 28
Text B: The Visitor s Plan 30
Conversation: Going to a Concert 32
Grammar: Members of a Sentence 32
Exercises(Leam to and read words with the help of rules of reading, possessive pronouns, Lucy) 33
辅导材料 34
Lesson 5: 39
Text A: My Cousin 39
Text B: Captain Alison 41
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses 43
Conversation: Watching Television 43
Exercises(Learn to read words with the help of rules of reading; choice of tenses; the Scott Family) 44
辅导材料 45
Lesson 6: 49
Text A: The Flying Camera 49
Text B: Teh Four Seasons 51
Conversation: Weather Forecast 53
Grammar: Object Clauses 54
Exercises(Compound words, object clauses, My Family) 54
辅导材料 55
Text A: Working in the House 59
Lesson 7: 59
Texe B: Redecorating the Bedroom 61
Conversation: Yesterday s Activites 63
Grammar: The Simple Past Tense 64
Exercises (Phonetic transcriptions, tense forms, The Car Race) 64
辅导材料 66
Lesson 8: 70
Text A: A Picnic in the Country 70
Text B: A Trip to the Countryside 72
Grammar: Word-Building 74
Conversation: Hobbies 74
Exercises(More rules of reading, words ending in er-and -ist, Sunday) 75
辅导材料 76
Lesson 9: 80
Text A: Jane Brown 80
Text B: My Friend Jo Wilson 82
Conversation: Talk About Films 84
Grammar: The Gerund 85
Exercises (Leam to read words with the help of rules of reading, the gerund, Working in a Hospital) 85
辅导材料 87
Lesson 10: 91
Text A: Jack London 91
Text B: Elvis Presley 93
Conversation: Coming to Work in Britain 95
Grammar: Prepositional Phrese 95
Exercises (Give the transcriptions of words, prepositional phrases, Working in a Restaurant) 96
辅导材料 97
Lesson 11: 101
Text A: A New Flat 101
Text B: Our New Flat 103
Conversation: The Living Room 105
Grammar: The have-got Construction 106
Exercises (Review of vowel sounds, some, any, etc, Our New House) 106
辅导材料 107
Lesson 12: 111
Text A: Laura Dennison 111
Text B: Laura s Story 113
Conversation: News 115
Grammar: Pronouns Formed with some, any, no 115
Exercises (Review of vowel sounds, pronouns, Last Weekend) 116
辅导材料 117
Lesson 13: 121
Text A: Joe and Diana(Ⅰ) 121
Conversation: Differences Between Two Countries 125
Grammar: Comparison(Ⅰ) 125
Exercises (Review of consonants, comparison, Going to Work on Bicycles) 126
辅导材料 128
Lesson 14: 131
Text A: Teh Best and the Worst 131
Text B: Queen Victoria 133
Conversation: Talk About Three People 135
Grammar: Comparison(Ⅱ) 135
Exercises (Review of consonants, comparison, the Growing Population) 136
辅导材料 137
Text A: Men and Women 140
Lesson 15: 140
Text B: Women in the U.S. Army 142
Conversation: Shopping 144
Exercises (Consonant clusters, comparison, The Scott Family) 145
辅导材料 147
Lesson 16: 151
Text A: Madame Curie4 151
Text B: Ruth 153
Conversation: In a Restaurant 155
Grammar: The Infinitive 156
Exercises (Consonant clusters, the infinitive, Mr, Baker) 157
辅导材料 158
Lesson 17: 163
Text A: My Grandfather 163
Text B: the Story of David Irvin 165
Conversation: Travel to Different Countries 167
Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense 167
Exercises (Consonant clusters, regular verbs, Tim in Australia) 169
辅导材料 170
Lesson 18: 174
Text A: A Letter of Application 174
Text B: Getting Settled in New York 176
Conversation: Talk About a Movie 178
Grammar: Irregular Verbs 179
Exercises (Consonant clusters, irregular verbs, Eleven Hours in the Sea) 181
辅导材料 182
Lesson 19: 185
Text A; Ned Mannering 185
Text B: Harry Houdini 187
Conversation: Room hunting 189
Grammar: Types of Questions 190
Exercises (Rising tune, disjunctive questions, Percy Buttons) 191
辅导材料 192
Text A: Sydney 197
Lesson 20: 197
Text B: New Zealand 199
Conversation: Travel in New Zealand 202
Grammar: kinds of Verbs 202
Exercises (Incomplete plosive consonants, kinds of verbs, New Zealand) 204
辅导材料 205
Lesson 21: 210
Text A: Building a House 210
Text B: Quick Work 212
Grammar: The Passive Voice(Ⅰ) 214
Conversation: An Accident 214
Exercises (incomplete plosive consonants, the passive voice, In the Hospital) 215
辅导材料 217
Lesson 22: 221
Text A: the Rich and the Poor 221
Text B: Rich Countries and Poor Countries 223
Conversation: Talk About an Exhibition 225
Grammar: The Passive Voice(Ⅱ) 226
Exercises (Sense groups, the passive construction, Jane s Story) 226
辅导材料 228
Lesson 23: 233
Text A: The First Men on the Moon 233
Text B: Man and the Moon 235
Conversation: Use of the Cassette Recorder 237
Grammar: The Article 238
Exercises (Liaison, articles, Space Trucks) 240
辅导材料 241
Lesson 24: 245
Text A: North America 245
Text B: West Europe 247
Converstion: At the Airport 249
Grammar: Absence of the Article 250
Exercises (Sentence stress, articles, Learning English) 251
辅导材料 253
Lesson: 256
1. Revision Exercises (复习性练习) 256
2) Conversation (复述) 264
3) Retelling (复述) 271
2. Supplementary Reading (补充阅读) 280
1) Nursery Rhymes and Poems (儿歌与小诗) 280
2) Simplified Reading (简写读物) 284
a. Heidi (海迪) 284
b. Little Women (小妇人) 290
c. Jane Eyre (简爱自传) 319
Vocabulary(词汇表) 329
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