认知语言学入门 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(德)F.Ungerer,(德)H.J.Schmid著;陈治安,文旭导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560023770
- 页数:315 页
1 Prototypes and categories 1
1.1 Colours,squares,birds and cups:early empirical research into lexical categories 1
1.2 The internal structure of categories:prototypes,attributes,family resemblances and gestalt 20
1.3 Context-dependence and cultural models 43
2 Levels of categorization 60
2.1 Basic level categories of organisms and concrete objects 60
2.2 Superordinate categories and experiential hierarchies 73
2.3 Subordinate categories,composite terms and word-formation 86
2.4 Basic level categories and basic experiences:actions,events,properties,states and locations 99
3 Conceptual metaphors and metonymies 114
3.1 Metaphors and metonymies:from figures of speech to conceptual systems 114
3.2 Metaphors,metonymies and the structure of emotion categories 130
3.3 Metaphors as a way of thinking:examples from science and politics 143
4 Figure and ground 156
4.1 Figure and ground,trajector and landmark:early research into prepositions 156
4.2 Figure,ground and two metaphors:a cognitive explanation of simple clause patterns 171
4.3 Other types of prominence and cognitive processing 187
5 The frame a nd attention approach 205
5.1 Frames and scripts 205
5.2 Event-frames and the windowing of attention 218
5.3 Language-specific framing and its use in narratives 233
6 Other issues in cognitive linguistics 250
6.1 Iconicity 250
6.2 Grammaticalization 255
6.3 Lexical change and prototypicality 260
6.4 Effects on foreign language teaching 267
Conclusion 278
References 281
I ndex of persons 294
Index of subjects 297
文库索引 307
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