语用学引论 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(丹)Jacob L.Mey著;徐盛桓导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560023797
- 页数:401 页
PART I:Basic Notions 1
1 Defining Pragmatics 3
1.1 Preliminaries 3
1.1.1 A look at history 3
1.1.2 The importance of being a user 4
1.2 Pragmatics:Definition and Delimitation 6
1.2.1 A definition 6
1.2.2 Component,perspective of function? 8 Component vs.perspective 8 Function 10
1.3.1 Theory and practice 11
1.3 What Use is Pragmatics? 11
1.3.2 Uses and aims 12 Why do we need pragmatics? 12
Preface by Halliday 12
王宗炎序 13 The aims of pragmatics 14
Preface by Chomsky 16
2.1 The Pragmatic Waste-basket 19
2 Some Issues in Pragmatics 19
2.2 Linguists Without Borders 21
沈家煊序 23
2.3Philosophers,Ordinary People and Ordinary Language 23
2.4 Of Cats and Ducks 25
导读 26
2.5 Linguistics and Reality:Presupposition 27
2.6 A World of Users 29
Preface 36
PART II:Micropragmatics 37
3.1 Context 39
3.1.1 The dynamic context 39
3 Context,Implicature and Reference 39
3.1.2 Context and convention 42
3.2 Implicature 45
3.2.1 What is an implicature? 45
3.2.2 Implications and implicatures 45
3.2.3 Conversational implicature 46
3.2.4 Conventional implicature 49
3.3 Reference and Anaphora 52
3.3.1 On referring 52
3.3.2 Reference,indexicals and deictics 53
3.3.3 From deixis to anaphora 56
4.1 Principles and Rules 67
4 Pragmatic Principles 67
4.2.1 The Communicative Principle 68
4.2 Some Principles Discussed 68
4.2.2 The Cooperative principle 71 Dostoyevski and the rubber ball 72 Cooperation and ‘face’ 73 Cooperation and ‘flouting’ 76
4.2.3 Politeness and other virtues 79
4.3 Rethinking Grice 82
4.3.1 Horn s two principles 83
4.3.2 Relevance and‘conspicuity’ 85
5.1.1 Why speech acts? 92
5 Speech Acts 92
5.1 History and Introduction 92
5.1.2 Language in use 93
5.1.3 How speech acts function 95
5.2 Promises 97
5.2.1 A speech act s physiognomy:promising 98 Introduction:the problem 98 Promises:conditions and rules 99 The pragmatics of rules 101
5.3.1 The number of speech acts 105
5.3 Speech Act Verbs 105
5.3.2 Speech acts,speech act verbs and performativity 106
5.3.3 Speech acts without SAVs 109
5.4 Indirect Speech Acts 111
5.4.1 Recognizing indirect speech acts 111
5.4.2 The ten steps of Searle 113
5.4.3 The pragmatic view 114
5.5 Classifying Speech Acts 117
5.5.1 The illocutionary verb fallacy 117
5.5.2 Searle s classification of speech acts 119 120 Representatives 120 Directives 120 Expressives 121 122
5.5.3 Austin and Searle 124
6 Conversation Analysis 134
6.1 Conversation and Context 134
6.2 From Speech Acts to Conversation 135
6.3 What Happens in Conversation? 136 The beginnings of CA 137
6.3.1 How is conversation organized? 137 Turns and turn-taking 139 Previewing TRPs 140
6.3.2 How does conversation mean? 143 Pre-sequences 144 Insertion sequences,‘smileys’and repairs 145 Preference 149
6.3.3 From form to content 153 Cohesion and coherence 153 Adjacency pairs and content 157 Types and coherence 159 Conversation and speech acts 162
PART III:Macropragmatics 171
7 Metapragmatics 173
7.1 Object Language and Metalanguage 173
7.2 Pragmatics and Metapragmatics 175
7.2.1 Three views of metapragmatics 176
7.2.2 I Metacheory 177 Rules 178 Principles and maxims:the case for economy 179 General constraints 182
7.2.3 II Constraining conditions 182 Presuppositions 184 Speech acts and discourse 189 Worlds and words 193
7.2.4 III Indexing 196 Reflexivity and Simple indexing 196 Invisible indexing and indexicality 198
8 Pragmatic Acts 206
8.1 What Are Pragmatic Acts All About? 206
8.2 Some Cases 208
8.3.1 Co-opting,denying and the CIA 210
8.3 Defining a Pragmatic Act 210
8.3.2 ‘Setting up’ 211
8.3.3 Pragmatic acts and speech acts 212
8.3.4 Pragmatic acts and action theory 214
8.4 Pragmatic Acts in Context 217
8.4.1 The common scene 217
8.4.2 Situated speech acts 219
8.4.3 Pragmatic acts and body moves 223
8.4.4 Pragmatic acts as social empowerment 227
9 Literary Pragmatics 236
9.1 Introduction:Author and Reader 236
9.2 Author and Narrator 238
9.3 Textual Mechanisms 239
9.3.1 Reference 240
9.3.2 Tense 241
9.3.3 Discourse 244
9.4 Voice and ‘Point of View’ 247
9.5 Reading as a Pragmatic Act 252
10 Pragmatics Across Cultures 262
10.1 Introduction:What Is the Problem? 262
10.2 Pragmatic Presuppositions in Culture 264
10.3 Ethnocentricity and its Discontents 266
10.4 Cases in Point 268
10.4.1 Politeness and conversation 268
10.4.2 Cooperation and conversation 269
10.4.3 Addressivity 271 Forms of address 272 Social deixis 273
10.4.4 Speech acts across cultures:the voice of silence 275
11 Social Aspects of Pragmatics 289
11.1 Linguistics and Society 289
11.1.1 Introduction 289 Who s(not)afraid of the Big Bad Test? 291
11.1.2 Language in education 291 A matter of privilege 293
11.1.3 The language of the media 297
11.1.4 Medical language 299
11.2 Wording the World 301
11.2.1 Metaphors and other dangerous objects 302
11.2.2 The pragmatics of metaphoring 305
11.3 Pragmatics and the Social Struggle 308
11.3.1 Language and manipulation 308
11.3.2 Emancipatory language 310
11.3.3 Language and gender 313
11.3.4 Critical pragmatics 315 What is‘critical’? 315 ‘Critical pragmatics’:the Lancaster school 316 Power and naturalization 317
11.4 Conclusion 320
Epilogue:Of Silence and Comets 329
Notes 333
References 348
Subject Index 363
Name Index 386
文库索引 393
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