语言学习和语言使用中的错误 错误分析探讨 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Carl James著;高远导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560024629
- 页数:313 页
1 Definition and Delimitation 1
Human error 1
Successive paradigms 2
Interlanguage and the veto on comparison 6
Preface by Halliday F 9
Learners and native speakers 9
王宗炎序 F 10
The heyday of Error Analysis 11
Preface by Chomsky F 13
Mounting criticism of Error Analysis 15
Data collection for Error Analysis 19
沈家煊序 F 20
导读 F 23
2 The Scope of Error Analysis 25
Good English for the English 26
Publisher s Acknowledgements F 37
Author s Preface F 38
Good English for the FL/SL learner 39
Abbreviations F 41
The native speaker and the power dimension 46
The Incompleteness hypothesis 53
Other reference points for Error Analysis 56
3 Defining Error 62
Ignorance 62
Measures of deviance 64
Other dimensions:errors and mistakes 76
Error!mistake and acquisition:learning-an equation? 85
Lapsology 86
4 The Description of Errors 90
Error detection 91
Locating errors 92
Describing errors 94
Error classification 97
Error taxonomies 102
Counting errors 114
Profiling and Error Analysis 117
Computerized corpora of errors 124
5 Levels of Error 129
Substance errors 130
Text errors 141
Lexical errors 142
Classifying lexical errors 144
Grammar errors 154
Discourse errors 161
6 Diagnosing Errors 173
Description and diagnosis 173
Ignorance and avoidance 175
Mother-tongue influence:iterlingual errors 179
Target language causes:intralingual errors 184
Communication strategy-based errors 187
Induced errors 189
Compound and ambiguous errors 200
Evaluation 204
7 Error Gravity and Error Evaluation 204
Criteria for error gravity(EG) 206
Viewpoint 226
8 Error Correction 235
What is correction? 235
Whether to correct:pros and cons 240
How to do error correction:some options and principles 248
Noticing error 256
Rules and the role of corrective explanation 263
9 A Case Study 267
Elicitation and registration 267
Error identification 268
Categorizing the errors 273
Status:error or mistake? 273
Diagnosis 275
References 278
Index 300
文库索引 305
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