- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李开荣主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:中国书籍出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7506809133
- 页数:556 页
一、人类文化Human Culture 1
(一)文化Culture 1
1.世界文化World Culture 1
(1)文化Culture 1
一、人类文化Human Culture 1
(一)文化Culture 1
(2)文化理论Theory of Culture 3
(1)语言类别Types of Language 10
2.语言Language 10
(2)世界语言World Languages 11
(3)话语Speech 14
(1)文字种类kinds of Writing 17
3.文字Writing 17
(4)字体Forms of Written or Printed Character 18
(3)字母、音标、数字Letters, Phonetic Symbols and Numerals 18
(2)字与词Characters and Words 18
(5)汉字Chinese Character 19
(6)标点及发音符号Punctuation and Diacritical Marks 21
(1)社会伦理Social Ethics 22
4.伦理与道德Ethics and Morality 22
(7)印刷符号Typographical Symbols 22
(2)个体道德Individual Morality 24
(1)美学用语Aesthetic Terms 26
5.美学与审美Aestheties and Aesthetic Appreciation 26
(2)审美对象Aesthetic Object 27
(1)民族学Ethnology 28
(2)民俗学Folklore 28
(3)审美意识Aesthetic Consciousness 28
6.民族学与民俗学Ethnology and Folklore 28
(二)民俗文化Folklore 31
1.生活方式Life Style 31
(1)生活类型Kinds of Life 31
(3)文化人类学Cultural Anthropology 31
(二)民俗文化Folklore 31
(2)生活条件与环境Living Conditions and Environment 34
(4)言行举止Manners,Behaviours and Attitudes 35
(3)风土人情Customs and Habits 35
(5)日常生活Daily Life 37
(6)节假日Festivals and Holidays 41
(7)中国民俗Chinese Folk Customs 43
2.恋爱与婚姻Love and Marriage 49
(1)恋爱Love 49
(2)结婚Marriage 52
(3)结婚用语Marriage Terms 53
(4)中式传统婚礼Traditional Chinese Marriage Ceremony 55
(5)西式婚礼Western Marriage Ceremony 56
(6)结婚纪念Wedding Anniversary 57
(7)婚变Separation and Divorce 58
3.出生与殡葬Birth,Funeral and Interment 59
(1)生育Childbearing 59
(2)养育Rearing 60
(3)十生肖Twelve Animal Signs of the Zodiac 62
(4)生日鲜花Birth Flowers 63
(5)诞生石Birth Stones 63
(6)殡葬Funeral and Interment 64
(7)祭祀Offering Sacrifices 66
4.礼俗Etiquette and Customs 67
(1)熟人与朋友Acquaintances and Friends 67
(2)宾客与招待Guests,Visitors and Entertainment 69
(3)礼节Courtesies 71
(4)握手、拥抱、接吻Handshaking,Embracing and Kissing 72
5.姓名与称谓Names and Titles 73
(1)姓名Surnames and Personal Names* 73
(2)称谓Appellation 73
6.服饰与打扮Dresses and Make-up 108
(1)服装Garments 108
(2)时装设计Fashion Design 109
(3)化妆品Cosmetics 112
(4)珠宝首饰Jewelry 113
(5)发式Hairstyle 114
(6)整形美容Face-lift 116
(三)饮食文化Food Culture 118
1.饮料Drink 118
(1)饮料种类Kinds of Drink 118
(2)中国茶China Tea 118
(三)饮食文化Food Culture 118
(4)清凉饮料Cooling Drinks 120
(3)咖啡、可可和牛奶Coffee,Cocoa and Milk 120
2.食物Food 121
(5)其他Others 121
(1)食物种类Kinds of Food 121
(2)调味品Condiments 122
(3)米面食品Cereal Foodstuffs 123
(4)菜肴Dishes 125
3.餐具Dinner Service 126
(1)餐桌用具Tableware 126
(2)中、西餐具Chinese and Foreign Dinner Service 127
4.饮食用语Catering Terms 128
(1)烹调用语Cooking Terms 128
(3)酒 、茶、咖啡具Wine Set,Tea Set and Coffee Set 128
(2)饮酒用语Drinking Terms 131
(3)吸烟用语Smoking Terms 132
(四)旅游文化Tourist Culture 133
1.文化旅游Cultural Tour 133
(国)旅游文化Tourist Culture 133
2.宗教、民俗旅游Religious ,Folk and Custom Tour 135
3.中国名胜古迹选Selected Places of Historical Interest and Scenic Beauty in China 136
(一)文学与文学形式Literature and Literary Forms 173
二、文学Literature 173
1.文学Literature 173
二、文学Lierature 173
(一)文学与文学形式Literature and Literary Forms 173
2.文学形式Literary Forms 174
(1)散文Prose 174
(2)诗歌Poetry 175
(3)小说Fiction 177
(4)故事、寓言等Story,Allegory,etc 178
(二)文学创作与文学理论Literary Creation and Theory 179
1.文学创作Literary Creation 179
(1)一般用语General Terms 179
(二)文学创作与文学理论Literary Creation and Theory 179
(2)诗歌创作Poetic Creation 181
2.文学理论Literary Theory 183
(1)文学批评Literary Criticism 183
(2)文学研究Literary Studies 185
(三)文学家与文学组织Literary Men and Organization 186
(三)文学家与文学组织Literary Men and Organization 186
1.文学家Literary Men 186
2.中国文学家Some Chinese Literati 188
3.外国文学家Some Non-Chinese Literati 189
4.文学组织Literary Organization 192
(四)文学作品与文学奖Literary Works and Prizes 193
1.文学作品Literary Works 193
(四)文学作品与文学奖Literary Works and Prizes 193
2.中国作品选Selected Chinese Works Of Literature and Art,etc 194
3.外国文学名著Famous Non-Chinese Literary Works 269
4.文学奖Literary Prizes 272
三、艺术Art 273
(一)现代艺术Modern Art 273
1.艺术形式Forms of Art 273
(二)现代艺术Modern Art 273
三、艺术Art 273
3.艺术工作者Atr Workers 274
2.艺术流派Schools of Art 274
4.艺术用语Artistic Terms 275
5.文艺Literature and Art 277
6.文艺美学Aesthetics of Literature and Art 278
7.文化艺术组织Cultural and Art Organization 279
(二)电影Film 280
(1)电影种类Kinds of Film 280
1.电影Film 280
(二)电影Film 280
(2)影片标题、字幕、角色、镜头等Film Titles,Captions,Roles,Shots,etc 282
2.电影放映Film Showing 283
(1)一般用语General Terms 283
(2)电影放映机具Film Projecting Machinges and Tools 285
3.电影院Cinema 286
(1)电影院Cinema 286
(2)电影院工作人员Cinema Employees 287
4.电影工作者Film Workers 287
5.影片制作Film Making 289
(1)一般用语General Terms 289
(2)电影拍摄Film Shooting 290
(3)电影布景Film Set 290
(4)电影录音Film Sound Recording 291
(5)灯光、化装等Lighting,Making-up,etc 291
(6)影片剪辑、加工与发行Film Cutting,Processing and Renting 292
6.电影节与电影奖Film Festival and Film Award 293
7.其他电影用语Other Terms on the Film 294
8.电影学Filmology 294
(三)戏剧Drama 295
1.剧种Kinds of Play 295
(三)戏剧Drama 295
2.中国剧种Types of Chinese Drama 297
3.戏剧工作者Theatrieal Workers 298
4`戏剧编导Play Writing and Directing 300
(1)剧本创作Playwriting 300
(2)剧本Playbook 300
(3)角色类型Types of Role 301
(4)京剧传统角色Traditional Roles in Peking Opera 301
5.戏剧演出Theatrical Performance 302
(1)舞台表演Scenic Interpretation 302
(2)看戏Theatre Going 305
(3)戏剧评论Dramatic Criticism 305
6.戏剧学Science of Theatre 306
7.服装、道具等Costume,Property,etc 306
(1)剧场种类与结构Theatre Kinds and Structure 308
8.剧场Playhouse 308
(2)舞台Stage 309
(3)剧场工作人员Theatre Workers 310
9.戏剧组织Theatrical Organization 311
(1)剧团与剧院Drama Troupes and Theatres 311
(2)戏剧协会、学会等Theatrical Institutes,etc 311
1.音乐种类Kinds of Music 312
(四)音乐Music 312
(四)音乐Music 312
2.歌曲Songs 313
3.音乐工作者Musicians 315
(2)演奏Instrumental Performance 318
(1)演唱Singing 318
4.演唱与演奏Singing and Instrumental Performance 318
5.音乐会、音乐节等Concert,Musical Festival,etc 320
6.音乐团体Music Organization 321
(1)乐团Music Ensembles 321
(2)音乐学会等Music Societies,etc 321
7.乐器Musical Instrument 322
(1)乐器类型Types of Musical Instrument 322
(2)中国乐器Chinese Musical Instruments 322
(3)西洋乐器Western Instruments 324
8.音乐创作Musical Creation 329
9.乐理Music Theory 330
(1)音名、音程、音阶Musical Alphabets,Intervals and Scales 330
(2)音调、音域Note and Register 330
(3)音型、音质、音量Figure, Quality and Volume 331
(4)和弦、和声、音符Chord,Harmony and Musical Numbers 332
(5)节拍、休止等Time,Rest,etc 332
(6)音乐符号Musical Marks 333
10.音乐学Musicology 333
1.舞蹈种类Kinds of Dance 334
(五)舞蹈Dance 334
(五)舞蹈Dance 334
2.中国民间舞蹈Chinese Folk Dances 335
3.外国舞蹈Non-Chinese Dances 335
4.舞蹈演员Dancers 336
5.舞会、舞厅等Dance,Dancery,etc 337
(六)美术Fine Arts 338
(六)美术Fine Arts 338
1.绘画Painting 338
6.舞曲与舞蹈服装Dance Music and Dancing Clothes 338
2.画派Schools of Painting 341
(1)国画派别Schools of Chinese Painting 341
(2)西方绘画流派Schools of Western Painting 342
3.绘画方法Painting Method 343
(1)国画画法Traditional Chianese Painting Technique 343
(2)西画画法Western Painting Method 343
4.颜色Colour 345
5.画具Painter s paraphernalia 347
(1)画笔Paint Brush 347
(2)颜料Artists Colours 348
(3)画纸、画布、墨等Drawing Paper,Canvas,Ink,etc 349
6.美术工作者Art Workers 350
7.美术展览会Aet Exhibition 351
(七)雕塑Sculpture 352
1.雕刻Carving 352
(七)雕塑Sculpture 352
2.雕塑Sculptures 353
3.雕塑品Sculptures 353
4.雕塑工具与材料Tools and Materiala Used in Sculpture 354
(1)雕塑工具Tools Used in Sculpture 354
(2)雕塑材料Materials Used in Sculpture 355
(八)摄影Photography 356
5.雕塑家及其组织Sculptors and Their Organizations 356
(八)摄影Photography 356
1.摄影种类Kinds of Photography 356
2.照片Photograph 357
3.照片拍摄Picture Taking 357
4.摄影器材Photographic Apparatus 358
(1)照相机Camera 358
(2)胶片Film 360
(3)相纸、洗印药品及器具Photographic Printing Papers, Chemicals and Appliance 361
5.摄影工作者及组织photographers and Their Organizations 361
(九)传统民间艺术Traditional Folk Arts 362
1曲艺Quyi Balladry 362
(1)曲艺种类Kinda of Quyi 362
(九)传统民间艺术Traditional Folk Arts 362
(2)唱本、曲艺演员、曲艺组织Scripts,Quyi Workers and Quyi Organizations 363
2.杂技Acrobatics 364
(1)杂技种类与杂技团体Kinds and Organizations of Acrobatics 364
(2)杂技表演Acrobatice Performance 364
(3)杂技演员与用具Acrobatis and Paraphenalia 365
3. 马戏、斗牛Circus and Bullfight 366
(1)马戏种类与表演Kinds of Circus Performance 366
(2)马戏场与用具Circus and Paraphernalia 366
(4)斗牛Bullifight 367
(3)马戏团Circus Troupes 367
4.木偶戏、皮影戏Puppet and Shadow Plays 368
5.书法Calligraphy 369
(1)书法风格Calligraphic Style 369
(2)书法用语Calligraphic Terms 369
(3)书法家与书法作品Calligrapher and Calligraphic Works 370
6.篆刻与剪纸Seal Cutting and Paper Cutting 371
(1)篆刻Seal Cutting 371
(2)剪纸Paper Cutting 372
7.工艺美术Arts and Crafts 372
(1)工艺及手工艺人Craft and Craftsman 372
(2)雕塑与雕塑品Carvings 373
(3)彩绘与镶嵌Painting and Mosaics 373
(4)绢制品与刺绣品Silkwork and Embroidery 374
(5)编制品Woven Articles 375
(6)其他工艺美术品Other Works of Art 375
四、古迹文化Relic Culture 377
1.古物与考古Autiquities and Archaeology 377
(一)文物Cultural Relics 377
四、古迹文化Relic Culture 377
(一)文物Cultural Relies 377
2.古墓Ancient Tomb 378
3.出土文物Unearthde Relics 378
(二)中国青铜器物选Selected Bronzes of China 381
(二)中国青铜器物选Selected Bronzes of China 381
1.商Shang 381
2.西周Western Zhou 382
3.春秋Spring and Autumn Period 382
4.战国Warring States Period 383
5.秦Qin 384
6.两汉Wistern Han and Eastern Han 384
7.历代铜境选Selected Bronze Mirrors from Different Dynasties 384
(三)中国陶瓷器物选Some Selected Pottery and Porcelain Wares of China 387
(三)中国陶瓷器物选Some Selected Pottery and Porcelain Wares of China 387
1.新石器时代Neolithic Age 387
2.商Shang 388
3.周(含春秋、战国时期)Zhou(including Spring and Autumn Period,Warring States Period) 389
4.秦Qin 389
5.西汉Western Han 389
8.西晋Western Jin 390
7.三国Three Kingdoms 390
6.东汉Eastdern Han 390
9.东晋Eastern Jin 391
10.南北朝Southern and Northern Dynasties 391
11.隋Sui Dynasty 391
12.唐Tang Dynasty 392
13.五代Five Dynasties 393
14.宋Song Dynasty 393
15.辽Liao Dynasty 395
16.金Kin Dynasty 395
17.元Yuan Dynasty 395
18.明Ming Dynasty 397
19.清Qing Dynasty 399
五、宗教文化Religious Culture 400
(一)宗教Religion 400
五、宗教文化Religious Culture 400
(一)宗教Religion 400
1.宗教种类Kinds of Religion 400
2.宗教信仰Religious Belief 401
3.宗教界Religious Circles 401
4.罗马教廷Roman Curia 402
5.宗教学校与人员等Religious Schools,Personnel,etc 403
6.宗教组织Religious Organizations 404
(二)佛教Buddhism 405
1.佛教宗派Schools of Buddhism 405
2.经、律、论Sutras,Disciplines and Treatises 405
(1)经Sutras 405
(二)佛教Buddhism 405
(2)律Disciplines 407
(3)论Treatises 407
3.佛教术语Buddhist Terms 407
4.佛事Buddhist Ceremonies 411
5.佛教神鬼等Buddhist Gods,Ghosts,etc 413
6.佛门弟子Followers of Buddhism 414
7.佛寺Buddhist Monastery 415
(1)寺庙结构与设备Structure and Equipment of the Buddhist Temple 415
(2)著名佛寺、佛山Famous Buddhist Temples and Muntains 415
(三)基督教Christianity 416
(三)基督教Christianity 416
1.基督教界Christendom 416
2.基督教教义Christian Doctrine 417
3.守护神Tutelary Saints 418
(1)一般用语General Terms 419
(2)旧约全书The Old Testament 419
4.圣经Bible 419
(3)新约全书The New Testament 420
(4)《圣经》中记载的人物、地点与事件Personages,Places and Events Recorded in the Bible 420
5.圣职Holy Orders 423
6.教徒、信仰者等Believers,Followers,etc 424
(八)迷信Superstition 425
7.服装服其他用品Costume and Other Articles 425
8.宗教仪式Religious Services 426
(1)布道、弥撒、祈祷等Preaching,Mass,Prayer,etc 426
(2)圣餐式、礼拜等Communion,Religious Service,etc. 426
(3)朝圣、洗礼等Pilgrimage,Baptism,etc 427
(4)基督教婚礼Christian Wedding 427
(5)基督教葬礼Christian Funeral 427
(6)基督教十字架Christian Crosses 428
9.宗教节日Feast Days 428
10.教堂Church 429
(1)教堂Churches 429
(2)教堂结构Church Structure 430
(3)教堂用具与圣器Utensils and Sacrificial Vessels 430
11.修道院Monastery 431
(1)修道院Monasteries 431
(2)修道院长、修女等Abbé,Nun,etc 431
(四)伊斯兰教Islamism 431
1.伊斯兰教教派Islamic Denominations 431
(四)伊斯兰教Islamism 431
2.伊斯兰教教义与经典Islamic Doctrines and Scriptures 432
(1)伊斯兰教教义Islamism 432
(2)伊教兰教经典Islamic Scriptures 432
3.伊斯兰教教徒与服装等Moslem,Costume,etc 432
4.伊斯兰教仪式Isamic Ritual 433
5.伊斯兰教历与节日Moslem Calendar and Holidays 433
(1)伊斯兰教教历Moslem Lunar Calendar 433
(2)伊斯兰教节日Moslem Holidays 433
6.伊斯兰教寺院Masjid 434
(五)道教Taoism 434
1.道教教义与教理等Taoist Doctrines,Principles,etc 434
(五)道教Taoism 434
2.道场与道观Taoist Rites and Temples 435
3.道教神仙等Taoist Gods,etc 435
(六)犹太教、喇嘛教Judaism and Lamaism 436
(六)犹太教、喇嘛教Judaism and Lamaism 436
1.犹太教Judaism 436
(1)一般用语Ggneral Terms 436
(2)犹太历与犹太教节日Jewish Calendar and Holidays 437
2.喇嘛教Lamaism 437
(七)神话与传说Mythology and Folklore 438
1.中国神话与传说Chinese Mythology and Folklore 438
(七)神话与传说Mythology and Folklore 438
(1)神话Mythology 438
(2)民间传说Folklore 438
2.希腊、罗马神话Greek and Roman Mythology 439
(八)迷信Superstition 452
1.一般用语General Terms 452
2.算命Fortune-telling 453
3.观相术Physiognomy 453
4.手相术Palmistry 454
5.占卦Divination 455
6.签卜Sortilege 456
7.占梦Divination by Interpreting Dream 457
8.巫术Diabolism 457
9.祭祀活动Offering Sacrifices 458
六、教育Education 459
(一)现代教育Modern Education 459
1.教育Education 459
2.教育种类Kinds of Education 459
六、教育Education 459
(一)现代教育Modern Education 459
3.教育组织Educational Organization 461
4.学前教育Preschool Education 462
5.成人教育Adult Education 463
(二)学校Educational Institution 470
(二)学校Educational Institution 470
1.学校种类Kinds of School 470
2.中、小学Primary and Middle Schools 471
3.专科学校Trainign School 472
4.高等学校Instiution of Higher Learning 474
5.系科与专业Department,Faculty and Speciality 476
6.学校机构School Institution 479
7.学校人员School Personnel 480
(1)教学人员Teaching Staff 480
(2)学校职员School Administrative Staff 481
(3)教辅及后勤人员School Aids and Welfare Officers 481
8.学生Students and Pupils 482
9.学生班、组Classes and Groups of Student 484
10.学校设施与用具School Installation and Furniture 485
(三)学校制度与管理School System and Administration 486
1.学样制度School System 486
(三)学样制度与管理School System and Administration 486
2.学生管理与其他Student Management and Others 487
3.学期、学年与假期School Terms,Years and Holidays 489
4.作息制度System of Work and Rest 489
5.教职员管理Staff Manangement 490
6.学样财务School Finance 491
7.招生Enrollment 492
(四)课程设置及专业Curriculum Provision 493
1.课程类Studies,Courses and Subjects 493
(四)课程设置及专业Curriculum Provision 493
3.文、史、哲、法类Language,Literature,History and Law 495
2.中、小学课程Middle and Primary School Subjects 495
4.数、理、化Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry 497
(1)数学Mathematics 497
(2)物理学Physics 497
(3)化学Chemistry 498
5.天文、地理类Astronomy,Geography,etc 498
(1)农学Agronomy 499
6.农、医类Agronomy,Medicine,etc 499
(2)生物学Biology 500
(3)医学Medical Science 500
7.机械、工程、管理类Mechanics,Engineering Administration,etc. 501
(五)教学Teaching and Learning 503
1.教学Teaching 503
(五)教学Teaching and Learning 503
2.教材Teaching Materials 504
3.课型Lesson Types 505
4.教学方法Teaching Methods 506
5.课堂教学Classroom Teaching 507
6.训练与练习Training and Exercise 509
(1)训练Training 509
(2)练习Exercise 509
7.阅读与理解Reading and Understanding 510
(1) 辅导与复习Coaching and Revision 511
8.复习、辅导与作业Revision,Coaching and Work 511
(2)作业Students Work 511
9.实验Experiment 512
(1)实验种类Kinds of Experiment 512
(2)实验室、标本室等Laboratory,Specimens Room,etc 513
(3)实验仪器Laboratory Apparatus 514
10.电化教学与语言实验室Teaching with Electric Audio-Visual Aids Language Lab 522
(1)教具Teaching Aids 523
11.教学器材Instruction Materials 523
(2)教室用具Classroom Furniture 523
12.学习Learning 524
13.考试制度Examination System 525
(1)考试和测验Examination and Test 525
(2)试卷与试题Examination Papers and Questions 526
(3)考务及评分Examination Affairs and Marking 526
14.课外活动Extracrricular Activities 528
(六)科研Scientific Research 529
1.学科门类Branches of Learning 529
(六)科研Scientific Research 529
2.学术、科研活动Academic and Scientific Research Activities 539
3.论文与学位Thesis and Degree 540
(1)论文Thesis 540
1.图书馆种类、部门与人员Kinds,Departments and Personnel of the Library 542
(七)图书馆Library 542
(七)图书馆Library 542
(2)学位Degrees 542
2.采编部Acquisition Department 543
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5.参考咨询部Reference Department 554
- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《培智学校义务教育实验教科书教师教学用书 生活适应 二年级 上》人民教育出版社,课程教材研究所,特殊教育课程教材研究中心编著 2019
- 《习近平总书记教育重要论述讲义》本书编写组 2020
- 《办好人民满意的教育 全国教育满意度调查报告》(中国)中国教育科学研究院 2019
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《教育学考研应试宝典》徐影主编 2019
- 《语文教育教学实践探索》陈德收 2018
- 《家庭音乐素养教育》刘畅 2018
- 《学前教育学》王换成主编 2019
- 《近代体育游戏教育史料汇编 第1辑 1》王强主编 2016
- 《高考快速作文指导》张吉武,鲍志伸主编 2002
- 《建筑施工企业统计》杨淑芝主编 2008
- 《钒产业技术及应用》高峰,彭清静,华骏主编 2019
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊二编 16》王强主编 2017
- 《汉语词汇知识与习得研究》邢红兵主编 2019
- 《黄遵宪集 4》陈铮主编 2019
- 《孙诒让集 1》丁进主编 2016
- 《联吡啶基钌光敏染料的结构与性能的理论研究》李明霞 2019
- 《近代世界史文献丛编 19》王强主编 2017
- 《激光加工实训技能指导理实一体化教程 下》王秀军,徐永红主编;刘波,刘克生副主编 2017
- 《中国当代乡土小说文库 本乡本土》(中国)刘玉堂 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《中国铁路人 第三届现实主义网络文学征文大赛一等奖》恒传录著 2019
- 《莼江曲谱 2 中国昆曲博物馆藏稀见昆剧手抄曲谱汇编之一》郭腊梅主编;孙伊婷副主编;孙文明,孙伊婷编委;中国昆曲博物馆编 2018
- 《中国制造业绿色供应链发展研究报告》中国电子信息产业发展研究院 2019
- 《中国陈设艺术史》赵囡囡著 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《《走近科学》精选丛书 中国UFO悬案调查》郭之文 2019
- 《清至民国中国西北戏剧经典唱段汇辑 第8卷》孔令纪 2018
- 《北京生态环境保护》《北京环境保护丛书》编委会编著 2018